In the article, we will consider which suppositories from adhesions are used in gynecology.
Therapy and prevention of adhesions is a hot topic. Adhesions in the fallopian tubes can develop against the background of surgical interventions, abortions, endometriosis, various pathological changes in the internal organs of the reproductive system.

Modern gynecologists, in order to prevent the occurrence of obstruction in the fallopian tubes due to the development of the adhesive process, recommend the use of special suppositories from adhesions, which are based on hyaluronidase. Quite often, women wonder about the difference between drugs such as Lidaza and Longidaza. In order to get an answer to this question, you should study the instructions for using these medications. It is important to remember that when choosing medicines, you should rely on the recommendations of a specialist.
Drug preparation "Lidase"
"Lidase" is one of the most popular and well-known medicines,intended for the treatment of adhesions in the field of gynecology. The composition of these suppositories from adhesions contains the enzyme hyaluronidase, which promotes the resorption of scar tissue in the fallopian tubes, making their tissue more elastic. The active component of the drug acts in such a way that hyaluronic acid, which is in excess in scar tissue, begins to break down.

When the patency of the fallopian tubes is restored, the chances of pregnancy increase dramatically. It is important to note that the drug, in addition to resorption of scar tissues, is able to increase the permeability of small vessels.
In what cases are these candles from adhesions in pipes shown?
Indications for the use of the drug "Lidase"
Due to its pharmacological characteristics, Lidaza is successfully used not only in the field of gynecology. It is also used in ophthalmology, surgery, orthopedics. The appointment of "Lidase" is appropriate if the patient has the following pathologies or abnormalities:
- Pathology of the eyes (retinopathy, keratitis and other diseases).
- Disturbance of joint mobility resulting from excessive growth of connective tissues.
- Ankylosing spondylitis.
- Scarring after surgery.
- Scars of burn origin.
- Pathologies of the internal organs of the reproductive system.
- The process of soldering the fallopian tubes.

Contraindications to the use of medicinal suppositories "Lidase"
Baccording to the official annotation to the drug, "Lidaza" should not be used if the patient has the following contraindications:
- Tuberculosis.
- Bleeding in the lungs.
- Serious disorders of the liver, kidneys.
- The presence of acute inflammatory processes in the body.
- Oncological diseases, in particular, malignant tumors.
- Increased susceptibility to any component that is part of the product.
It is important to note that pregnancy and lactation are also direct contraindications to the use of Lidaza.
Adverse effects of the medication
Clinical practice shows that the negative effects of suppositories from adhesions are very rare. In some cases, patients develop allergic reactions.
Experts advise to test for susceptibility to the active ingredient before starting the use of the drug. To do this, it is necessary to make a subcutaneous injection using the minimum dose of the drug. In the absence of negative symptoms, you can continue to use the Lidaza solution or suppositories.

Special instructions for the use of the medicinal product
Most often, in the treatment of adhesions, Lidaza is used, which has the form of candles. However, an injection solution is also often used. Often, a patient is prescribed a physiotherapeutic procedure such as electrophoresis with the use of a drug. Years of experienceapplication showed a high level of efficiency of this method. The average duration of the therapeutic course in this case will be 10 sessions.
Experts do not recommend the use of suppositories from adhesions in parallel with estrogens.
Medication "Longidaza"
"Longidaza" is a more modern analogue of "Lidaza". Its distinctive feature is a longer activity. In addition, "Longidase" has not only a proteolytic effect, but also anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antioxidant.
Clinical studies show that Longidaza does not adversely affect he althy connective tissue, but destroys only pathologically altered tissues.
Generally very well tolerated.
Indications for the use of "Longidase"
Taking into account the pharmacological characteristics of "Longidase", it is widely used in pulmonology, dermatology, urology, surgery, gynecology. The main indications for the use of the drug, related to the therapy and prevention of the soldering process in the pelvic organs, are:

- Chronic form of endometriosis.
- Obstruction in the fallopian tubes.
- Pathological changes in the internal organs of the reproductive system, which are inflammatory and chronic (salpingitis, adnexitis).
- Adhesion in the uterus.
- Abortion.
- Manipulations and surgical interventions of a gynecological nature.
Is it always possible to usecandles from adhesions "Longidase" in gynecology?
Contraindications to the use of medicinal suppositories
"Longida", like "Lidaza", can not be used in the treatment of all categories of patients. It is important to remember that the appropriateness of the use of all drugs should be determined by the doctor. "Longidaza" is contraindicated in the following cases:
- Under 12 years of age.
- Pregnancy.
- Tumor formations in the body.
- Increased susceptibility to substances in the medicinal product.
Care should be taken to prescribe "Longidase" to patients with serious disorders in the renal, hepatic activity.
Negative effects of the drug "Longidaza"
According to reviews of Longidaza suppositories for adhesions in gynecology, they rarely cause adverse reactions. However, it is impossible to completely exclude such situations. Some patients may develop an allergic reaction (if they are hypersensitive to the substances in the medicine).
If allergic manifestations develop, you should immediately stop using the drug and consult a specialist for symptomatic therapy.

Special instructions for the use of Longidaza
If the therapeutic dosages of suppositories against adhesions in the Longidaza pipes are observed, the patient's condition will not worsen after the operation. In addition, it should be noted that the drug also does not interfere with the restoration of bone tissue. The drug can be used as an element of complex therapy for diseases accompanied by pathological growth of connective tissues. If the patient has a failure of renal, hepatic activity, the drug should be used once every 7 days.
Pregnancy is a contraindication to the use of "Longidaza", as experts do not have enough data on the clinical safety of the drug in the treatment of pregnant patients. However, it is known that the drug does not cause fetal abnormalities. When combined with estrogens, hydrocortisone, salicylates, a decrease in the activity of the active component of Longidase is observed. In pharmacies, the drug can be purchased freely, a prescription from a doctor is not required for this. It should be remembered that the use of the drug must be agreed with the gynecologist.
When choosing a medication, you need to pay attention to criteria such as availability, safety, effectiveness.

What to choose - "Longidaza" or "Lidaza"?
When choosing a drug, it is important to understand that the mechanisms of action of "Lidase" and "Longidase" are identical. Nevertheless, a certain feature exists. "Lidaza" is considered to be a budget medication intended for the treatment of adhesive process in gynecology. At the same time, Longidaza is a modern analogue of Lidaza, which has a longer exposure time and some additional properties (anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory,antioxidant).
The effectiveness of the drugs is about the same - they both effectively eliminate scars in the fallopian tubes. The negative effects of drugs develop equally rarely and are manifested only by allergic reactions. The usage methods are also similar. The only significant difference is the cost. Thus, a package of Lidaza will cost an average of 550 rubles, and a package of Longidaza will cost 1,600 rubles.
In this regard, many experts recommend Lidaza in a standard situation and the need for prophylactic use of the drug. With advanced pathological processes accompanied by inflammation, preference is given to "Longidase".
Reviews on candles with Longidaza and Lidaza spikes
Women who used Lidaza and Longidaza suppositories in the prevention and treatment of adhesions claim that both drugs are equally effective. Negative effects from their use are very rare. Since the essential difference between drugs from each other lies mainly in their cost, the opinions of users can be divided into two groups. Some women believe that it does not make sense to overpay for a drug with similar efficacy and safety. Others are of the opinion that it is better to give preference to the more modern Longidase, despite its cost.
We reviewed in the article how suppositories that dissolve adhesions are used.