How to lower blood sugar: recommendations

How to lower blood sugar: recommendations
How to lower blood sugar: recommendations

High blood sugar is considered the main symptom of type 2 diabetes. This disease can occur for a number of reasons. First, it is a hereditary predisposition. If any of your relatives suffer from diabetes, you need to know how to lower blood sugar, as it is very likely that you will also develop this disease. In addition, overweight people with hormonal disorders and diseases of the pancreas are susceptible to the disease. Those who are exposed to severe stress are also at risk.

how to lower blood sugar
how to lower blood sugar

Symptoms of Diabetes

Before talking about how to lower blood sugar, it is necessary to list the symptoms that indicate high sugar levels. The first warning sign is constant thirst. A person can drink up to five liters of fluid per day, but his mouth will be constantly dry. Accordingly, thirst is accompanied by profuse urination. Many patients complain of constant weakness, fatigue. The skin also becomes dry and thin, the skin may itch and peel off. Small wounds and cuts heal very slowly, calves constantly cramp. The temperature is usually lower. Significant weight loss is often noted.

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how to lower sugar


So, how to lower blood sugar? You will have to exclude a number of foods from your diet: all fast carbohydrates (sweets and pastries), fatty and fried foods, semolina, white bread, rolls, loaves, cakes, milk, yogurts, sour cream, mayonnaise, condensed milk, butter. Under the ban are also duck and goose meat, cheese, sausage, bacon, ice cream and chocolate. And recommended for consumption are foods such as bread with bran (generally bran), vegetables, legumes (peas, lentils, beans), potatoes, fish and vegetable soups, cottage cheese (but not fatty), veal, chicken, rabbit meat. Want to know how to lower blood sugar? Doctors advise to lean on vegetables and greens: onions, garlic, zucchini, beets, radishes, carrots, cabbage, eggplant, spinach and peppers should be the basis of your diet. Sour berries are very useful: cherries, currants, cranberries, cranberries, cloudberries, viburnum, sea buckthorn.

how to donate blood for sugar
how to donate blood for sugar


When asked about how to lower blood sugar, doctors usually answer that you should increase physical activity, spend more time in the fresh air, arrange fasting from time to time, take contrast showers daily, move more.


Many patients speak of herbal medicine with praise (it must be emphasized that this method cannot form the basis of treatment - it acts only as an addition). SomePlants are great for diabetes. In this regard, beans, stevia (by the way, it replaces sugar), Jerusalem artichoke, Veronica officinalis (it should be brewed like regular tea and drunk in a tablespoon three times a day) should be mentioned.

Bird cherry

How to donate blood for sugar, you will be explained in detail at the clinic. If you suddenly find minor problems, you can try to solve them yourself for the first time, for example, prepare a decoction of bird cherry. To do this, take a tablespoon of fruit, boil and insist for several hours. Drink half a glass for a month, then retake the tests. You will see that the sugar level has dropped significantly.
