Prolonged absence of stool, which is often accompanied by flatulence, can develop in a person unexpectedly and absolutely at any time, so the natural question that arises in such a situation is how to cope with bloating and constipation, what diseases can cause them and what diet should I follow?
Today, medicine knows a lot of pathological factors that can provoke this symptomatology. Therefore, if constipation and bloating cause significant discomfort, you should consider visiting a doctor who will help you find out the cause of this process and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Basic concepts
This condition in medical practice is called flatulence. This is an excess amount of liquid, gases and solid substances in the intestinal lumen. This symptom can accompany a number of diseases and pathological conditions, as well as occur in somatically he althy people. The gas composition of the internalThe intestinal environment is very diverse: by volume, the main ones are nitrogen, carbon dioxide and hydrogen. In addition, the presence of oxygen, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, etc. is noted.
Where do gases come from?
According to various sources, from 20 to 70% of the volume of gas is swallowed in the process of eating, part diffuses from the blood, the rest is formed due to the enzymatic activity of microbes in the intestinal lumen. It is generally accepted that the volume of gases, which are the product of the activity of normal microflora, in the small and stomach does not exceed 20%, while in the large intestine these gases are of endogenous origin in almost 75–100% of cases.
What is constipation?
Constipation is the absence of bowel movements lasting several days. Or a condition in which defecation is difficult. As a rule, such problems arise as a result of various disorders of the digestive system.
Causes of this pathological condition
If a person is in good he alth, then bloating and constipation are not considered a pathology, and they are not dangerous. The fact is that certain foods can cause excessive gas formation. These are, for example, kvass, beer, black bread, yeast. In addition, the cause of this condition can be lactose deficiency, indigestion and overeating, excessive consumption of soda or products that are poorly compatible with each other. The reason for the development of flatulence and constipation can be a quick meal, when, along with insufficiently chewed food particles, a person swallows air. Constipation and bloating are common with colitis.

If the situation continues for some time - a consequence of an unbalanced diet, then the condition is normalized through careful adjustment of the menu and the use of fermented milk products. However, if the intestines do not function properly, when constipation becomes regular and is accompanied by swelling, severe pain, this may indicate the development of quite serious pathologies.
Let's look at the common causes of constipation and bloating.
Common provoking factors of this disease
When constipated, feces become hard and accumulate in large quantities in the lumen of the colon. They prevent the removal of gases from the intestines. Often constipation and flatulence share common causes and include:
- Insufficient fluid intake.
- Wrong diet.
- Not enough dietary fiber.
- Eating easily digestible foods that help reduce muscle tone.
- Taking certain medications.
- Frequent stressful situations and excessive psychological stress.
- Sedentary lifestyle.
- Bad habits.
What diseases can cause bloating and constipation?
Diseases that cause constipation and flatulence are as follows:
- dysbacteriosis;
- helminthiasis;
- intestinal infections;
- gastritis;
- colitis;
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- chronic pancreatitis.
In addition, such a pathological phenomenon can be the main manifestation of such a life-threatening condition as intestinal obstruction. It should be noted that with this pathology, the process of removing gases is significantly hampered.
Persistent bloating, which is accompanied by constipation, is also observed with inflammation of the pancreas, which develops due to a violation of the functions of the production of digestive juices and the process of digesting food.
Allergic reactions
In addition to the above factors, excessive gas formation can also provoke allergic reactions, in which there are rashes and redness on the skin, runny nose. In this situation, the elimination of contact with allergens is considered paramount in the treatment of flatulence. Abdominal pain, bloating and constipation can be very annoying.

Symptoms of a pathological condition
Whatever the provoking factor for the occurrence of bloating and constipation, their presence is a reason to see a doctor. The symptoms that are characteristic of this condition are as follows:
- heaviness in the stomach;
- burping, hiccups;
- feeling full;
- rumbling, heartburn, intestinal colic;
- lack of appetite;
- sleep disorder;
- cramping pains;
- soreness and discomfort in the abdomen;
- pain in the heart, tachycardia.
Manifestation of illness in children
It is believedthat constipation and bloating in children in the first months of life are the main cause of crying, restless behavior and refusal to eat (in 70% of cases). A similar condition in a child has a physiological explanation: enzyme systems at the time of birth function in order to ensure lactotrophic nutrition. They are inferior in relation to other products, due to which the baby's digestion reacts sharply to errors in the mother's diet. In children, the muscular layers of the digestive tube are not sufficiently formed, which leads to imperfect peristalsis. The cardial section and fundus of the stomach are less developed than the pyloric section. Children also have functional dysbacteriosis, low acidity of the stomach, different degrees of maturity of the large intestine, excessive permeability of the intestinal epithelium, etc. The following signs indicate flatulence and constipation in an infant:
- no bowel movements for more than a day;
- episodes of anxiety that occur after feeding, causeless and stop spontaneously or after heat is applied to the abdomen;
- periods of crying occur systematically, sometimes at the same time or at regular intervals after feeding;
- belly swollen, hard to the touch;
- when anxious, the child pulls his legs up to his stomach.
Prevention of constipation and flatulence in newborns lies in the correct feeding technique. What is the danger of constipation, accompanied by flatulence?
Prolonged constipation with bloating can lead to the development of such pathologies:
- anal fissures;
- swelling of hemorrhoids, accompanied by bleeding from the rectum;
- colon diverticulosis;
- formation of inflammatory processes in the rectum and sigmoid colon (proctosigmoiditis, secondary colitis);
- hepatitis and biliary tract diseases;
- paraproctitis.
If feces stagnate in the caecum, this can cause reflux enteritis, in which feces enter the small intestine and enteritis develops simultaneously.
Lengthening and expansion of the bowel
Often, flatulence and constipation are a prerequisite for lengthening and expanding the rectum, which significantly complicates the clinical picture of the disease itself and its treatment. However, the most dangerous for a person is the formation of malignant tumors in the intestines, the presence of which is indicated by bloody impurities in the feces, rapid weight loss and prolonged poor he alth.
So, what to do with constipation and bloating?

Diagnosis and treatment
Diagnosis and therapy of this pathology should be carried out by a doctor who will conduct studies to exclude the presence of such diseases:
- liver pathology;
- dysbacteriosis;
- neuroses;
- worm infestation;
- hemorrhoids.
The treatment of constipation that occurs in combination with flatulence implies:
- correction of the diet;
- increased physical activity;
- use of laxatives and other medications;
- using alternative medicine;
- special gymnastics.
An important point in the elimination of this pathological condition is the restoration of the intestinal microflora and the process of excessive gas formation itself. The treatment of bloating and constipation is usually carried out in a complex manner.

Medicines to eliminate pathology
The main categories of medicines for flatulence and constipation are:
- laxatives;
- adsorbents;
- enzyme products;
- antifoam;
- local antispasmodics;
- prokinetics.
- pro- and prebiotics.
What pills for constipation and bloating are prescribed? The most famous laxative medicines include: Bisacodyl, Senadexin, Glycelax, Guttalax, castor oil.
As adsorbents, doctors prescribe medications Enterosgel, Laktofiltrum, Smecta, activated carbon, Polysorb, Filtrum-STI.
The category of enzyme products includes Enzistal, Mezim, Pacreatin, Panzinorm, Festal, Creon, Micrasim.
Defoamers or carminatives are prescribed to remove excess gases from the intestines, and the most popular medicines from this group are: Simethicone, Espumizan, Pepsan-R Simicol.
Prokinetics are pills that increase intestinal motility and help with constipation,bloating and gas. Among them are such drugs: "Motilac", "Motilium", "Passage", "Trimedat", "Gastricumel", "Ganaton", "Aviollant".
Pro- and prebiotics stimulate the growth of normal flora in the large intestine. Among such funds should be noted: "Duphalac", "Lactusan", "Normaze", "Maxilak", "Bifilong", "Bifinorm", "Acipol", "Acilact", "Bifidin", "Lineks", "Bifiform".

It should be noted that drugs with a laxative effect are more often prescribed for chronic constipation. But do not forget that saline laxatives are contraindicated in acute constipation. In this case, it is better to give preference to medicines with herbal ingredients.
Diet for constipation and bloating
Compliance with the correct diet in pathology is extremely important. First of all, you must follow the rules for combining products. The consumption of cocoa, coffee and chocolate is reduced to a minimum.
The basic rules of nutrition for the pathology under consideration also imply:
- Eating food and drinks at room temperature. Tea can be drunk one hour after eating.
- Inclusion in the diet of fermented milk products, vegetables, fruits (the fiber contained in them activates peristalsis).
- Drink at least 2 liters of non-carbonated water per day. Fruit drinks, unsweetened compotes, juices diluted with water, green tea are also allowed.
- Exclusion of episodes of overeating, thorough chewing of food. Last appointment - no later than 3 hours before going to bed.
What else does a diet for constipation and bloating suggest? Normalize bowel function such products: sauerkraut, celery, chicory. A decoction of flaxseed is very useful. The frequency of flatulence is reduced if you include herbs in the diet: thyme, dill, sage, mint, fennel. The amount of sugar and s alt should be strictly limited.
Recommended to boil or steam food. Fried and crispy baked foods are excluded from the diet.
Doctors recommend patients to give up bad eating habits: snacking on the go, fasting, talking while eating. You should also follow a diet that will set the digestive tract to work at a certain time, which will help stabilize the amount of enzymes and digestive juices released during this.

For constipation and flatulence, it is important to exclude mashed foods and minced meat from the diet - this way the intestines will always be in good shape and clear of toxins faster.
In the morning it is recommended to drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice. For breakfast, it is best to eat a fruit or vegetable salad, boiled porridge or sour-milk products.
We looked at the causes and treatment of constipation and bloating. These are very unpleasant symptoms that should be eliminated as soon as possible. Self-medication, however, is not worth doing - seek help from professionals.