Osteochondropathy of the patella is a cartilage disease that affects the back of the kneecap (patella). If the knee joints are affected by chondropathy, the articular cartilage will usually show degenerative disorders.
Mostly young women and girls suffer from chondropathy. If patella chondropathy is present in boys, it is usually diagnosed during puberty. In most cases, the disease affects both knees of the patient.
Symptoms of chondropathy include pain in the affected joint, which can be felt, for example, when the sufferer stands up after sitting for a long time or goes down stairs.

Typical pain occurs when, in addition to changes in cartilage, the knee is subjected to overload, such as sudden stopping motions of the knee during running.
In addition to congestion, there are other factors that can cause patella chondropathy, such asligament dysfunction in the knee joint, improper position of the patella, or damaged thigh muscles. Injuries or accidents involving one or both knees can also lead to patellar chondropathy.

Typical symptoms and signs
In most cases, osteochondropathy is characterized by a positive course, and, therefore, it does not cause serious damage or complications. Treatment is not necessary as in many cases the disease will heal on its own.
Chondropathy patients suffer from severe knee pain. Especially under stress, the pain can be very severe and therefore lead to movement restrictions. In some cases, patients may need assistance with walking.
Even at night, it can cause pain, which negatively affects the quality of sleep, and therefore can lead to irritability or other mental he alth problems, or depression. However, life expectancy remains unchanged for patients. In children, chondropathy can lead to limited or delayed growth and development.

To diagnose chondropathy of the patella, the attending physician usually first talks with the patient to get information about the symptoms and their course.
Diagnosis can be made, for example, by procedures such as x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging or, less commonly, joint mirror imaging. In most cases, the course of chondropathypatella is favorable: after a few weeks, the symptoms cease to bother the patient.
Complications do not occur with chondropathy of the patella. As a rule, the disease passes quickly and no medical intervention is required.
The main symptoms appear mainly when walking, but can also be disturbing in a calm state. Everyday life is limited by pain. The patient is unable to lead an active lifestyle. Pain can occur at night, so the disease is accompanied by sleep disturbance and increased irritability. There are usually no more complaints.
With a long course of the disease, patients develop mental disorders and depression. Treatment occurs with the help of physiotherapy. Various exercises are performed with the patient, which relieve discomfort and protect the joints.
When osteochondropathy in children should avoid strenuous exercise or sports. Severe pain is relieved with painkillers. Only in very serious cases, surgery is performed. Even after treatment, the person is limited in their daily life and must avoid strenuous physical activity. There are no further complications.

When should I go to the doctor?
Patients with knee pain and other typical symptoms of patella chondropathy are advised to seek medical attention. If cartilage disease is left untreated, then further complaints may appear, such as night pain at rest - at the latest, then a doctor should be consulted. When badmuscle tension is best to contact a chiropractor or orthopedist. Patients who have ever had chondropathy should contact their physician if symptoms reappear.
Recurrent symptoms can lead to long term osteoarthritis of the patella and therefore need to be clarified. First of all, people who regularly perform knee exercises or otherwise overload the tendons of the patella are at risk. Even with existing disorders of the muscles and ligaments in the knee joint and with the wrong location of the patella, there is an increased risk of developing cartilage disease. Patients who suffer from pain after an accident should at best speak to their doctor immediately.

Osteochondropathy in children can only be prevented conditionally. However, the risk of developing patellar chondropathy can be reduced. To do this, it is recommended to avoid excessive stress on the knee joints. As a possible precaution against patella chondropathy, active athletes who already have minor joint problems are advised to stabilize the affected joint, protect it, and avoid sports with a high risk of falls.

In most cases, osteochondropathy in children of the calcaneus and knee can be adequately treated using conservative (non-surgical) methods. The main focus of treatmentchondropathic patella are physiotherapeutic measures. They, among other things, are aimed at strengthening the anterior muscles of the thigh.
In addition, doctors recommend protecting the affected knee joint with patellas. This can be achieved, for example, by applying stabilizing bandages and avoiding movements that put too much strain on the knees (squats, etc.).
If osteochondropathy in children is successfully treated, experts say it may be beneficial not to overload the affected knee for a longer period of time. For example, sports enthusiasts can take up compensatory sports such as cycling or swimming that protect the knees. Women with chondropathy may benefit from temporarily avoiding high heels.

Convalescent care
The process of recovery from osteochondropathy of the knee joint in children is positively affected by constant care. However, conservative therapy is expected to have a regeneration phase of up to six months. As part of the follow-up treatment, the doctor recommends targeted physiotherapy. After detailed instruction from a professional, patients can perform the exercises at home. During the recovery phase, knee overload should be avoided.
This means that intense sports and climbing stairs for a certain period of time with osteochondropathy of the tibia in children are prohibited. Depending on the severitycondition, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs. Based on their group, they can be drunk as a course or one tablet in order to relieve pain. Patients may also wear knee bandages to avoid stress.
Children with osteochondropathy of the foot or knee should not feel insecure. The main thing is to stick to the program to the end. In general, the recovery process does not bring discomfort. This also applies to the time after surgery. It is important for patients to reduce their activity. It starts with careful walking, slow swimming and cycling. From the very beginning, too strong squats when playing sports should be avoided. They will negatively affect the condition of the diseased joint. The main thing in therapy is to follow the recommendations of the attending physician.