Symptoms of vulvitis: complications, treatment

Symptoms of vulvitis: complications, treatment
Symptoms of vulvitis: complications, treatment

Vulvitis is an inflammation of the female genital organs (clitoris, labia majora and minor), which in children is quite often complicated by inflammation of the vagina (the so-called vulvovaginitis develops). Vulvitis in girls has quite characteristic symptoms: soreness (especially when walking or urinating), itching, burning, redness and swelling of the genital organs. In addition, the child becomes capricious, lethargic and extremely irritable, sometimes the body temperature may rise.

symptoms of vulvitis
symptoms of vulvitis

The main reason that a girl develops symptoms of vulvitis is poor hygiene: improper washing after defecation, neglect of underwear (especially on the beach), the presence of concomitant helminthiasis. And the constant use of diapers is generally detrimental to the he alth of the child. The development of infection can also be associated with a natural interest in one's body: growing up, the child learns the world and himself. It should be emphasized that girls, unlike adult women, are more prone to inflammation of the genital organs due to a number of age-related anatomical and physiological features.


Life's problemis that parents often confuse the symptoms of vulvitis with the usual irritation and diaper rash from diapers and diapers. The powders and baby creams used in this case are useless, moreover, they contribute to the infection. There are also pseudo-psychological problems: unfortunately, many parents consider genital inflammation to be something

vulvitis in girls symptoms
vulvitis in girls symptoms

"indecent", either completely ignoring the baby's problems, or embarrassed to go to the doctor. Self-treatment of vulvitis is a path to infectious complications and infertility in the future. With the development of complications, erosions and ulcers appear on the skin and mucous membranes, and the appearance of transparent or purulent discharge with an extremely unpleasant odor indicates the addition of an infection (not necessarily bacterial, possibly fungal or chlamydial). The extreme forms of complications are the spread of infection to the vagina and the fusion of the labia (the so-called synechia).

Immediate treatment

See your doctor! If symptoms confirming vulvitis are identified, treatment will depend on an accurate diagnosis made by a pediatric gynecologist. Most often they are limited to local use of antiseptics in the form of ointments or powders, compresses (lotions) with a solution of furacilin, sitz baths with solutions of medicinal plants (eucalyptus, chamomile or calendula) are very effective. Of course, only a combination of treatment and careful hygiene can eliminate the symptoms of vulvitis. When an infection is attached, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

vulvitis symptoms treatment
vulvitis symptoms treatment

How to avoid vulvitis

The best treatment is prevention, and vulvitis is no exception. The main task of parents in this aspect is the strictest observance of personal hygiene, daily washing of the front and back of the child's crotch with warm boiled water, the minimum use of diapers (or better, abandoning them altogether). The normal rule would be to visit a pediatric gynecologist periodically.

Remember that no matter how severe the symptoms of vulvitis are, you cannot use antibiotics on your own! At the slightest suspicion of the presence of this disease, you should seek medical help. Delay in treatment, traditional medicine and self-medication in childhood will ensure infertility in adulthood.
