Every parent is horrified to discover an empty pack of medicines or an open dishwashing liquid. Children are very inquisitive, and it is not uncommon when, when they see a bright liquid, they mistake it for a sweet dessert. Sometimes parents themselves unconsciously bring the baby to a state of intoxication. This is usually due to improper self-medication or non-compliance with the dosage of medications.

Each parent should be prepared for such situations and know what medicine to give the child in case of poisoning. Some of them are stronger, while others are suitable for minor ailments.
Varieties of drugs
The main goal of medicine for children with poisoning and diarrhea is to alleviate the syndrome of intoxication and restore the lost functions of the body, returning it to normal. The drugs should quickly eliminate vomiting and diarrhea, as well as remove toxic foods and harmful bacteria from the baby's digestive system. At the same time, it is important that the microflora of the intestines and stomach does notsuffered.
If the child is poisoned, you should immediately consult a doctor. After the examination, the specialist will decide which drug is suitable for this type of poisoning. To date, there are several pharmacological groups of drugs for children from poisoning. You can get rid of unpleasant symptoms with:
- Registers. These compounds help to restore the balance of water and s alts in the baby's body.
- Sorbents. This group of medicines is prescribed by a doctor if the child has been poisoned by strong toxic drugs. Sorbents contribute to the fastest cleansing of not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also the blood flow.
- Antiemetics. Such medicines help to get rid of nausea and vomiting.
- Antidiarrheal drugs. These medicines are prescribed if the baby suffers from diarrhea for a long time.
- Antibiotics. These medicines for children from poisoning destroy harmful bacteria or significantly reduce their vital activity.
- Painkillers. They are used only if, in addition to the standard symptoms of poisoning, the child has severe pain in the abdomen.
- Antipyretics. Drugs in this category help bring down the fever if the poisoning is accompanied by fever.
- Enzyme preparations. They help with digestion.
- Probiotics and prebiotics. Such medicines help restore the intestinal microflora and improve the digestion process.

Due to severe diarrhea or vomiting, the baby's body is dehydrated. Therefore, when deciding which medicine to give to their beloved child when a child is poisoned, parents are advised to pay attention to several drugs that restore the water-s alt balance.
With the help of "Rehydron" you can stop vomiting and diarrhea. It is recommended to take the remedy until the body functions are fully restored.
"Glucosolan" contains only s alt mixture and glucose. This remedy is great for dehydration.
For intestinal infection
If the baby suffers from severe diarrhea, the doctor may prescribe an antibacterial drug. In some situations, even antimicrobial therapy is required. However, adults are more likely to face such problems than children.
Against the background of diarrhea, gastrointestinal pathologies can develop, so do not treat diarrhea too negligently. In this situation, experts recommend taking Budesonide or Prednisolone. These drugs are glucocorticoids.
In the process of intoxication, the baby's body suffers from toxins that begin to gradually be absorbed into the blood, which can provoke numerous intraorganic deviations. To prevent this, it is recommended to purchase a medicine for children from sorbent poisoning. These funds include:
Enterosgel. This is an oral paste that gently acts on the mucous surfaces of the intestines. In addition, this composition envelops the walls of the youngstomach, which significantly reduces pain

- "Polifepan". This is another natural remedy. It is made from wood. This medicine for children for poisoning is very effective. It removes toxins well, and also protects the baby's body from strong chemical irritants.
- "Smekta". This adsorbent is completely natural. If given to a baby, then polyvalent compounds are formed in his body, including mucus, due to which the removal of toxins will be carried out much faster.
If we are talking about medicines for poisoning for children from a year old, then drugs of this type are considered the best. They can be given to babies earlier if the dosage recommendations are strictly followed. For example, if we are talking about a baby, then one bag of Smecta per day is enough for him.
With such poisoning, the food that the baby has consumed begins to be rejected. Therefore, with such attacks, it is important to reduce peristalsis and stop the production of a large volume of gastric juice. The best medicines for poisoning and vomiting for children include:
- "Cerucal". This drug helps to quickly get rid of intoxication. If the child has severe poisoning, then in order for the remedy to work faster, it is recommended to administer it subcutaneously. In this case, the effect will be in 10-15 minutes.
- Motilak. To stop vomiting, you need to empty your stomach faster. This tool is great for thistask. After a while, the child feels noticeable relief.

Very often during intoxication, the baby suffers from severe diarrhea. However, do not immediately try to get rid of diarrhea. The fact is that this is a natural way of removing toxins from the human body. Forcibly stopping diarrhea can lead to stagnation of harmful components.
However, when the diarrhea does not stop and parents begin to fear that the baby is dehydrated, you should not hesitate. What medications should children take for this type of poisoning? There are several effective drugs that are recommended by experts:
"Loperamide". This remedy slows down the excretion of feces from the gastrointestinal tract. However, please note that this drug should not be given to children under the age of six

"Trimebutin". This antispasmodic helps stop severe diarrhea. It is noteworthy that this tool has a double effect. This means that "Trimebutin" can not only inhibit peristalsis, but, conversely, encourage it
These funds are assigned only as a last resort. If we are talking about drugs for poisoning a child at 3 years old or younger, then taking such drugs is not always justified. As a rule, experts prescribe them only if the baby suffers from mixed toxic infection. This means that not only toxins have formed in the body of the victim, butvarious pathogens have also been introduced. In this case, the intestinal microflora suffers greatly. In addition, there is a risk that the baby will develop additional pathologies. Therefore, sometimes it is better to give a child antibiotics than to wait for more serious complications.
The most popular drugs of this type are:
- "Enterofuril". This tool has a fairly wide spectrum of action. However, it is most often prescribed for intoxication against the background of taking poor-quality or spoiled food products. This medicine for food poisoning for children is sold in the form of a suspension. It is much easier for babies to drink than large capsules.
- Furazolidone. This drug belongs to the nitrofuran series. As a rule, it is prescribed if the patient suffers from gram-negative bacteria. Also, the tool helps to get rid of some varieties of fungi. However, this medicine is available only in tablets, so taking it can be complicated.

"Nifuroxazide". This tool is distinguished by its antibacterial and antibacterial properties. The doctor selects the dosage of the drug on an individual basis in order to try to minimize its negative impact on the children's body. This medicine is capable of destroying most types of bacteria. The drug is sold in the form of tablets and suspensions for children
Painkillers and antipyretics
It often happens that in case of poisoning, the baby has a fever and a pain syndrome appears. If we talk about what medicines to give the childwith poisoning of this type, then from discomfort in the abdomen, the baby can be given "No-Shpu", "Drotaverine" or "Papaverine".
If a child has a fever, you can lower the fever with Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Nurofen or aspirin.
Enzyme products
In some situations, signs of intoxication indicate that the child's stomach cannot properly digest food. This happens due to a violation of the intestinal microflora or in a situation where the necessary enzymes are poorly produced in the baby's body. In this case, it is necessary to restore the functions of the body. It is better if such funds are prescribed by the attending physician.
Among the funds of this group, the most popular are:
"Mezim". This tool is considered quite effective. The drug helps to speed up the breakdown of food that enters the digestive tract. At the same time, Mezim reliably protects the cavities of internal organs from the negative effects of hydrochloric acid

- "Festal". This tool includes a fairly wide range of enzymes needed by the body. As a rule, only one dose of the drug is enough to get the internal systems working. If you take the drug too often, it can adversely affect the functioning of the pancreas. You should be especially careful when it comes to children.
- "Pancreatin". Accelerates the process of digestion of the main components of food and helps reduce the load on the pancreas. Has a positive effect on workgastrointestinal tract.
Probiotics and prebiotics
Means of this category have a milder effect. They are also necessary to restore the intestinal microflora. As a rule, they are prescribed if, against the background of poisoning or frequent diarrhea, the patient develops dysbacteriosis. Such drugs help restore the normal functioning of the body's systems.
The most effective prebiotics are Hilak forte, Lysozyme and Laktofiltrum. Probiotics include "Probifor", "Linex" and other means. Also, similar useful components can be found in some foods.
In closing
Before giving a child this or that medicine, it is recommended to consult a specialist. Some drugs can cause individual intolerance and will only aggravate the situation. So it's not worth the risk.