Health 2024, October

Fracture of the neck of the shoulder: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Fracture of the neck of the shoulder: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

The humerus allows a person to make many movements, the amplitude of which can vary. Any damage in this area negatively affects the activity of the shoulder, significantly complicating the usual rhythm of life. They can affect various parts of such a fragile structure. Most often, doctors diagnose a fracture of the neck of the shoulder. The features and main methods of treating such injuries will be discussed in today's article

Purulent bronchitis: description, possible causes, types and reviews

Purulent bronchitis: description, possible causes, types and reviews

Purulent bronchitis is an inflammatory disease. Its course is accompanied by the secretion of mucus, which significantly complicates breathing

What to do with vomiting before the doctor arrives?

What to do with vomiting before the doctor arrives?

In most cases, vomiting will go away after some time with a certain diet. But if it happens more often than every hour, lasts more than a day, or children suffer from this, then a doctor must be called. And since most often his visit may be delayed, it is necessary to provide first aid to the patient. Especially parents of young children should know what to do with vomiting before the doctor arrives. After all, it is very important that the child does not suffer

Thrombosed hemorrhoids: types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, recovery from illness and preventive measures

Thrombosed hemorrhoids: types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, recovery from illness and preventive measures

Hemorrhoids are a serious disease that can progress and turn into complex forms. If one of the signs of the disease appears, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. The hemorrhoid, which is located in the anus, is able to increase in size. With an advanced form of hemorrhoids, the problem is eliminated surgically

Temperature in otitis media in children: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Temperature in otitis media in children: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Hyperthermia is one of the main clinical symptoms of otitis media in children. Changes in the thermoregulation of the body indicate the presence of inflammation processes provoked by the growth of the pathogenic flora. Although lethargy and malaise are noted with the appearance of this symptom, it is forbidden to use antipyretics at subfebrile temperature

Chest pain when swallowing: causes, what to do, which doctor to contact?

Chest pain when swallowing: causes, what to do, which doctor to contact?

Chest pain when swallowing is a common gastroenterological symptom, as it indicates in all cases the development of a certain pathological process that affects such an organ of the gastrointestinal tract as the esophagus. The most common cause of this symptom is spasm of the esophagus, but specialists from the gastroenterological field identify many more provoking factors that are of a pathological origin

Pulled neck: what to do, diagnosis, treatment options, medication overview

Pulled neck: what to do, diagnosis, treatment options, medication overview

Stretching of the neck muscles in a person is always accompanied by unpleasant sensations and severe pain. Because of this, the head cannot turn and move normally. All movements are limited and constrained. Stretching is not to be taken lightly. It is a pretty serious problem. Everyone should be aware of the signs and symptoms

Thyroid disease: symptoms and treatment, causes

Thyroid disease: symptoms and treatment, causes

He alth and normal functioning of the whole organism largely depends on the synthesis of hormones and trace elements, for which the thyroid gland is responsible. Diseases, symptoms, treatment of the thyroid gland - a problem that is very common today

How to restore speech after a stroke: exercises and recommendations

How to restore speech after a stroke: exercises and recommendations

For some period of time after a stroke, the patient has difficulty speaking. But for the completeness of perception of the surrounding world, as well as the he alth of the psyche, the return of speech communication skills is the leading problem. The ability to speak should be restored as soon as possible

Burn in a child: first aid and treatment

Burn in a child: first aid and treatment

All young children actively explore the world around them. And even parental prohibitions can not always protect curious children from rather dangerous research

Prevention of gout with medicines and folk remedies. Causes of gout

Prevention of gout with medicines and folk remedies. Causes of gout

Gout prevention avoids acute inflammatory processes. And in what cases it should be carried out, what causes her gout and how to prevent its occurrence, we told in our article

Chronic pancreatitis: diet during exacerbation and after

Chronic pancreatitis: diet during exacerbation and after

The article lists foods that must be excluded during an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis and after attacks. Also listed are some recipes that you can treat yourself to those who suffer from this ailment

Signs of ascites in cirrhosis

Signs of ascites in cirrhosis

One of the main external signs of ascites is an increase in the size of the abdomen. In a patient in a standing position, it can hang down in the form of an apron, in a supine position it forms the so-called frog belly. Possible skin stretch marks and protrusion of the navel

Antiparasitic cleansing of the body. Parasites in the body: symptoms, treatment

Antiparasitic cleansing of the body. Parasites in the body: symptoms, treatment

The human body often becomes a haven for parasites. These pests can be very small or, conversely, grow and measure in meters. Such "guests" can stay in the body for years and show no special signs of their presence. That is why every six months, every person needs an antiparasitic cleansing of the body

Cholestasis of pregnancy: symptoms, treatment, diet

Cholestasis of pregnancy: symptoms, treatment, diet

It's no secret that during pregnancy a woman's body experiences very heavy loads. Moreover, a sharp change in the hormonal background often leads to certain complications. In modern obstetric practice, a disease called cholestasis of pregnancy is sometimes found. In the absence of timely therapy, such a condition can be dangerous for both the growing child and the mother's body

Alcoholic Liver Damage: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnostic Testing, and Treatment

Alcoholic Liver Damage: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnostic Testing, and Treatment

Alcoholic liver disease is a social and medical problem in all countries of the world. When drinking 40–80 grams of alcohol per day, the risk of developing cirrhosis of the organ increases significantly, especially women suffer from this. In addition to alcoholic liver damage, other systems and organs are also damaged, primarily: the digestive and nervous systems, heart, pancreas

Psychosomatics of neck pain: main causes

Psychosomatics of neck pain: main causes

Pain in the neck is most often associated with being in a draft or osteochondrosis. However, discomfort is not always caused by bodily ailments. It happens that even doctors cannot always determine the exact cause of the pain syndrome. This is where psychosomatics comes to the rescue. Neck pain, according to this science, can be caused by psychological causes. After all, our mental and physical state are closely interconnected

Non-ulcerative colitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Non-ulcerative colitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Non-ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the large intestine, which is accompanied by dystrophic, and in extremely severe cases, atrophic changes in the mucosa, which in turn leads to dysfunction of the digestive organ. With this disease, people are affected by the large intestine (then they talk about total colitis) or individual sections (in this case, left-sided and right-sided colitis is meant along with transversitis and proctosigmoiditis)

Persistent thrush: causes and treatments. Preparations and course of treatment of chronic thrush

Persistent thrush: causes and treatments. Preparations and course of treatment of chronic thrush

Thrush is a vaginal candidiasis caused by fungi of the genus Candida, which is present in the normal microflora of the vagina. But under certain circumstances, there is an increased growth of the fungus, leading to the appearance of the disease. In some women, after undergoing treatment, thrush disappears for a long time. But there are situations in which the acute form of the disease becomes recurrent

Urate kidney stones: causes, treatment and prevention

Urate kidney stones: causes, treatment and prevention

Obturation, or, more simply, blockage of the urinary tract is impossible not to feel. See how large urate kidney stones look in the photo, and imagine that one of them blocks the left or right ureter. Complete or partial obstruction increases urine pressure and stretching of the walls of the hollow tubular organ, and then the kidney

Heel pad for heel spurs: recommendations for choosing. Heel spur: what is it and how to treat

Heel pad for heel spurs: recommendations for choosing. Heel spur: what is it and how to treat

Heel spur refers to one of the common diseases that causes people severe pain when walking, thereby worsening the quality of life. The use of insoles and heel pads during complex treatment can reduce pain and relieve inflammation in the heel area. Recommendations on the choice of such devices will help patients choose a heel pad for shoes and return to a normal life without pain

Therapeutic gymnastics and exercises for heel spurs. Ways to treat heel spurs

Therapeutic gymnastics and exercises for heel spurs. Ways to treat heel spurs

The occurrence of a heel spur is not uncommon, but very unpleasant. If the disease develops, the person cannot walk normally and feels constant pain in the legs. What exercises will help you enjoy comfort again? Let's talk in this article

Polycystic ovary syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Polycystic ovary syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common problem faced by many women. The formation and growth of multiple cysts is usually associated with hormonal disorders. If untreated, the disease leads to infertility. That is why it is worth learning more about this pathology

Broncho-obstructive syndrome: diagnosis, treatment, first aid, clinical recommendations

Broncho-obstructive syndrome: diagnosis, treatment, first aid, clinical recommendations

Of the dangerous conditions that affect the respiratory system, broncho-obstructive syndrome deserves special attention. The pathology of biofeedback, as statistics show, has recently been found with a greater frequency than before. The phenomenon is complex, includes a number of special manifestations due to a decrease in bronchial lumens. The etiology of such processes can vary significantly from case to case

What to do after gallbladder removal

What to do after gallbladder removal

If sparing methods of treatment of gallstone disease did not produce results, and according to the doctor's indications, it was necessary to resort to removal of the gallbladder, some recommendations will help to avoid complications after surgery

Anorexia nervosa: causes, symptoms and treatments

Anorexia nervosa: causes, symptoms and treatments

Anorexia nervosa is a disease in which a person deliberately refuses food for the sake of an illusory "beauty standard". As a result, he can lose up to half of his body weight. What are the causes, risk factors, main symptoms and consequences of this disorder - read about all this in the article

Resection of the stomach: stages, description and reviews

Resection of the stomach: stages, description and reviews

In most cases, in the treatment of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, conservative therapy is used. When it is ineffective or time is lost, doctors recommend surgery. The article discusses what gastric resection is, how it is performed and what to do in the postoperative period

Shingles: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Shingles: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Shingles is an ailment that is not yet fully understood today. The disease affects both adults and children of all ages. But as practice shows, the peak incidence occurs in people who are already 50 years old

Bitterness: possible causes, symptoms, diagnosis, medical advice and treatment

Bitterness: possible causes, symptoms, diagnosis, medical advice and treatment

All people periodically experience such a phenomenon as belching. It is the exit of air through the esophagus. This phenomenon can be associated both with the peculiarity of the food eaten, and with medical problems. Why is there belching, bitterness in the mouth and nausea? How to treat diseases that cause unpleasant belching?

High heart rate at normal pressure: what to do and how to bring down

High heart rate at normal pressure: what to do and how to bring down

The article talks about how you can lower your heart rate. The reasons for the fact that the pulse rises at normal pressure are considered

Headache: what can you drink during pregnancy? Permitted remedies for headaches during pregnancy

Headache: what can you drink during pregnancy? Permitted remedies for headaches during pregnancy

Women in position are gentle creatures. The restructuring of the body causes serious he alth problems. Expectant mothers may experience unpleasant symptoms

Hypovitaminosis - what is it? Hypovitaminosis: causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment

Hypovitaminosis - what is it? Hypovitaminosis: causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment

"Night blindness", "take-take", "scurvy" - in the modern world, it seems that these diseases have long been defeated. Or have they just acquired a different name? In the spring, they often talk about a lack of vitamins. How are all these things related to each other?

Paroxysmal hemicrania: causes, symptoms and treatment

Paroxysmal hemicrania: causes, symptoms and treatment

Often people suffer from severe headaches of a throbbing nature. Paroxysmal hemicrania is a common disease that interferes with leading a full-fledged lifestyle. To prevent the disease from turning into a more complex form, you should be examined by a doctor in a timely manner

Hernia sac. Hernia gate. How to treat a hernia?

Hernia sac. Hernia gate. How to treat a hernia?

A hernial sac is a part of the parietal or visceral peritoneum that has fallen out through the hernial orifice under the skin of the abdomen or groin. In turn, a hernial orifice is a hole in the peritoneum of various shapes, sizes and origins

Flickering scotoma: causes and treatment

Flickering scotoma: causes and treatment

Atrial scotoma is an ophthalmic disease that is accompanied by visual impairment. It may be preceded by various pathologies of the main vessels of the visual centers. The clinical picture is in many ways similar to a simple migraine

Broken femoral neck: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Broken femoral neck: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Fracture of the neck of the femur most often affects the elderly and is the result of falls. It is associated with a high risk of complications resulting from trauma and prolonged immobilization. As a result of fractures of the proximal femur, deformity of the hip, gait disturbance, or inability to move independently can occur. If the femoral neck is broken in an elderly person, the healing process takes a very long time and does not always end in a complete recovery

Rash on the feet of a child: diagnosis, treatment, prevention

Rash on the feet of a child: diagnosis, treatment, prevention

Currently, there are many reasons why a rash appears on the feet of a child. They can serve as symptoms of various diseases. Therefore, they cannot be cauterized on their own, it is necessary to consult a doctor so that he can correctly diagnose. Only an experienced doctor can diagnose the disease by the nature of the rash

Symptoms of a meniscus injury from a fall

Symptoms of a meniscus injury from a fall

Injuries to the knee joints, in particular the meniscus, are the most common injury, because it is this joint that undergoes enormous daily stress in everyday life. But injuries are especially common in athletes and people involved in dancing

Fetoplacental insufficiency: signs and treatment

Fetoplacental insufficiency: signs and treatment

Fetoplacental insufficiency is a serious disorder that affects the fetus during pregnancy. With such a pathology, various complications can occur, up to a miscarriage or death of the child. That is why it is necessary to carry out timely treatment and prevention

Treatment of papillomavirus is troublesome

Treatment of papillomavirus is troublesome

Recently, papillomavirus has become widespread. Perhaps he began to mutate, like many viruses that attack humans. They evolve, adapt to antiviral drugs. Before you start treating papillomavirus, you need to find out what it is