Temperature in otitis media in children: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Temperature in otitis media in children: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention
Temperature in otitis media in children: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

In the article, we will consider whether there is a temperature in otitis media in children and how long it lasts.

Hyperthermia is one of the main clinical symptoms of otitis media in children. Changes in the thermoregulation of the body indicate the presence of inflammation processes provoked by the growth of the pathogenic flora. Although lethargy and malaise are noted when this symptom appears, antipyretics should not be used at subfebrile temperature.

temperature in children with otitis media
temperature in children with otitis media

Many parents are wondering how long the temperature during otitis in a child keeps.

What is this?

Body temperature is a basic parameter that determines the rate of metabolic processes in the human body. Their acceleration, due to the inflammatory process of the mucous membranes in the ear, leads to hyperthermia. Experts argue that such a reaction is protective, because the reproductive ability of pathogenic agents during hyperthermiadecreases and the person recovers.

Mechanism and causes of hyperthermia

Fever with otitis in children always indicates the presence of inflammation in the ear. Pathological tissue changes change the chemical composition of the blood. The content of neutrophils rushing to the lesion to eliminate pathogens increases. The analysis of changes that occur in the blood is made by a small part of the brain called the hypothalamus. After processing the information received, it sends a signal to the relevant brain departments about the need for changes in thermoregulation through transmitters.

Pituitary and thyroid function

The pituitary and thyroid glands are activated, synthesizing special enzymes that provoke the appearance of hyperthermia. When the temperature in otitis in children rises, this is a defense reaction that performs a number of important tasks: it disrupts the reproductive activity of pathogenic fungi and bacteria, due to which the number of pathogens in inflammatory foci decreases, stimulates the production of interferon, which inhibits the synthesis of DNA of the virus. In other words, hyperthermia enhances the immune system's response to inflammatory responses or infectious disease.

Temperature as one of the signs of otitis media and other symptoms

Temperature in otitis in children is one of the main symptoms. The disease can be chronic or acute.

how long does the temperature last with otitis media in children
how long does the temperature last with otitis media in children

In the acute form, which lasts two to three days, patients feel intermittent orconstant pain.

Otitis media can occur in a child with a temperature of 38 degrees or more.

In addition, other less pronounced symptoms are noted with the disease, namely:

  • dizziness and severe headache;
  • hearing loss;
  • nausea;
  • feeling of pressure and congestion in the ear shell;
  • deteriorating he alth in general;
  • purulent discharge from the ear shell.

Despite the manifestation of symptoms of the disease, only a qualified otolaryngologist can finally make a diagnosis and correctly prescribe treatment.

Chronic form and its symptoms

With untimely or incorrect treatment, there is a possibility of the disease developing into a chronic form, which is quite dangerous.

Symptoms in this case will not be so pronounced, the disease itself disappears with a slight increase in temperature or without it at all.

In children, the temperature does not always rise with otitis, but if there are other symptoms, you need to check the ears and determine if there is a pathology. To do this, you should immediately contact a specialist who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe a therapeutic course.

How long does the temperature last with otitis in children, we will tell below.

Specificity of the external form of the disease

With this form of manifestation of pathology, fever does not occur in all cases. Correction of the situation is carried out through medication. Otherwise, the likelihood of a sharp deterioration in the child's condition increases.

how many days the temperature for otitis media in a child
how many days the temperature for otitis media in a child

The specificity of the manifestation of disease-causing symptoms becomes much worse when a boil appears. Body temperature in this case can rise to 38 degrees. The reaction is much stronger in young children.

When the external form of the disease is diffuse, body temperature may be within normal limits. But there is a clear deterioration in the he alth of the child. It manifests itself in the form of weakness.

Does otitis always occur in a child with a high fever?

Features of otitis media

Temperature is most often manifested in the presence of purulent inflammation in the middle ear. In the process of diagnosis, the specification and nature of the manifestation of the intoxication syndrome are taken into account. The situation worsens due to an increase in body temperature and severe pain.

Fever is an unpleasant symptom that needs to be disposed of in a timely manner. Parents always ask the question: "How many days does the temperature last with otitis media?" The duration of manifestation is determined directly by the perforation of the eardrum. Further treatment is prescribed based on the study of this area. To answer the question of how long the temperature lasts with otitis media above the normal level in a child, there are general cases in medical practice. They note that the child's fever usually lasts from a few hours to a day.

If the child is older, then pathology can harm his body less, and vice versa. With otitis in children, the temperature is 39 degrees and above,of course it happens. This situation is noted with the accumulation of pus. In this case, it is advisable to use antipyretic drugs as prescribed by a specialist.

otitis media temperature 38 in a child
otitis media temperature 38 in a child

Features of treatment

Every parent should know the main ways to treat otitis media in children. Therapy is antibacterial in nature and may differ in systemic or local effects. To choose tactics, you need to look at the general condition of the child and the anamnesis.

This type of therapy, like topical, is used only to eliminate external manifestations. Fever should be treated as soon as possible, as the situation can be further aggravated by general weakness and severe headache. The child in this case becomes cold, his skin becomes pale. The symptom is especially pronounced on the palms and feet.

To eliminate purulent otitis, you must also give the patient antibiotics, which are available in the form of injections and tablets. Through these drugs, it is possible to reduce body temperature over a short period of time.

It is important to note that low-grade fever cannot be treated with medication.

Antipyretics can effectively and quickly reduce body temperature. Ibuprofen and Paracetamol are very popular in this group. For ease of use, you can purchase not only tablets. It is much easier for a child to take syrup or give an injection. Parents themselves will be able to choose an acceptable treatment option.

otitis in a child high fever
otitis in a child high fever

OutDepending on the temperature during otitis in a child, it is recommended to additionally follow the following pediatrician's recommendations:

  • Child must be provided with enough water to drink. Mineral water, compote and tea can be used as such.
  • Additionally, bed rest is required.

"Ibuprofen" and "Paracetamol" have analgesic properties. It is desirable to use them to eliminate general weakness and get rid of pain. A positive impact can be achieved only after a certain time. Only a specialist can choose the right drug, based on the results of the examination. The general state of he alth of the patient is also analyzed.

When to call an ambulance?

Ambulance should be called when a child has a headache, drowsiness and severe lethargy. The general condition worsens due to nausea and vomiting. A marbled effect may be found on the skin cover.

The effect of antibiotic therapy will not be immediate. There is a direct relationship between the speed of obtaining a positive effect and the specifics of the functioning of the chosen means. The first changes for the better, as a rule, are detected after two days. If there is no effect, it is advisable to change the drug. Temperature suppresses inflammation and infection. This will take several days.

When can antipyretics be used? Antipyretics are not prescribed for low-grade fever. The exception is patients suffering fromneurological pathologies. In cases where the mercury column on the thermometer exceeds 38˚, only those antipyretics recommended by the doctor are used to treat a small patient.

how long is the temperature for otitis media in children
how long is the temperature for otitis media in children

How long does a fever last with otitis in children?

To begin with, it should be noted that body temperature does not always reach a critical level. In some situations, it remains within low-grade values (37, 2-37, 5˚) until the baby fully recovers from the disease.

However, in most cases, the baby's body temperature rises significantly from the first days of the development of such a pathology. At the same time, its values will be high during the time that the inflammatory process develops actively in a small organism.

If a child has otitis media characterized by fever up to 38-39 degrees, then he will be prescribed antipyretics, as well as antibiotics, which are allowed at the appropriate age for children.

So, how many days can a child have a temperature with otitis media?

With the right antibiotic therapy, the clinical picture changes quite quickly, and the child's temperature drops within 2-3 days.

If there are no changes during this time, it means that the prescribed antibiotic cannot cope with the process of inflammation in the hearing organs. Under such circumstances, you should immediately consult a doctor regarding the selection of another drug, since the prescribed treatment did not bringdesired effect.

It is worth noting that after the elimination of fever, subfebrile temperature can persist for up to two weeks, and such a symptom is not a reason for intervention in treatment tactics and an unscheduled visit to a specialist.

otitis in children temperature 39
otitis in children temperature 39

Prevention of otitis media

The development of otitis in a child can be prevented through simple preventive measures. First of all, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system and avoid colds: drink vitamin complexes, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, temper the baby. If the child is still ill with ARVI or a cold, treatment should be timely and under medical supervision. In no case should you clean the sulfur from the ears with objects that are not intended for such purposes - invisible hairpins, matches, pins. Patients under the age of three need constant adult supervision - children often put foreign objects in their ears, resulting in purulent otitis media.


Otitis in childhood is a common problem and many parents experience it. Such a disease is dangerous for the he alth of the child and needs timely diagnosis and proper treatment.

We looked at how long the temperature in otitis in children lasts and how to deal with it.
