Urate kidney stones: causes, treatment and prevention

Urate kidney stones: causes, treatment and prevention
Urate kidney stones: causes, treatment and prevention

According to statistics, 5 to 15% of people suffer from the formation of uric acid kidney stones. Often, nephrolithiasis is asymptomatic until its most severe manifestation - renal colic. This is an emergency that requires urgent hospitalization, and in order to prevent it, it is important to know the causes of the formation of urate stones, as well as the features of the treatment and prevention of a dangerous pathology.

Kidney affected by stones
Kidney affected by stones

How urate stones are formed

Potassium urate and sodium urate are acid s alts of uric acid, which are formed as a result of metabolic processes, are part of urine and do not cause harm in small concentrations.

When the amount of urate increases, the filtering ability of the kidneys decreases, while uric acid s alts crystallize and precipitate. The formation of calculi begins - dense formations, which are called uric acid or urate stones. When deposits are found in the renal pelvis andcups, the patient is diagnosed with kidney stones (nephrolithiasis). If the pathological process has affected the entire urinary system, a diagnosis of urolithiasis (urolithiasis) is made.

Even once seeing what urate kidney stones look like (pictured), it is unlikely that a person will want to carry this dangerous ballast in the body.

Urate stones are small
Urate stones are small

These are rounded, smooth top deposits ranging in size from 1 - 2 mm to several cm, usually yellowish-brown in color. The structure of uric acid stones is quite loose, thanks to which they can be dissolved and removed from the body without surgical intervention.

Urate deposition: risk factors

The main reason for the formation of uric acid kidney stones is the acidic reaction of urine: if the pH is < 5.5, there is a possibility of a decrease in urine output and the deposition of s alt sediment.

The main factors contributing to the acidification of urine and provoking the development of kidney stones:

  • living in regions with a dry, hot climate, where there is a high risk of frequent dehydration;
  • presence in drinking water of a high concentration of hardness s alts (Ca, Mg);
  • lack of fluid intake;
  • hypodynamia (sedentary or sedentary lifestyle);
  • malnutrition, such as excessive consumption of animal protein or starvation;
  • violation of calcium metabolism.

The risk group includes people with a hereditary predisposition to the formation of urate kidney stones. They are advised periodicallycheck the reaction of urine using a special device - a pH meter or visual test strips "Uri-pH". Normally, there should be an alkaline reaction (6.0 - 7.0). If for a long time the indicator does not fall below 5.5 units, and the lifestyle remains the same, the person is actually insured against the formation of uric acid stones.

Urate stones yellow
Urate stones yellow

Options for the development of kidney stones

The danger of the disease lies in its asymptomatic course. In the best case, pathology is detected, for example, during a physical examination, this usually occurs at the initial stage of calculus formation. In the presence of urate kidney stones, their dissolution and diet completely eliminate the progression of the disease and possible serious consequences.

Another case: minor deposits can form, break down and wash out on their own if the acidity of the urine is compensated by drinking plenty of water (at least 1.5 liters per day) and a he althy diet.

When the processes of stone formation in the kidneys disrupt the production of urine, and large deposits prevent its outflow, the symptoms of the pathology appear suddenly and in the most severe way.

Renal colic and other symptoms of uric acid stones

Obturation, or, more simply, blockage of the urinary tract is impossible not to feel. See how large urate kidney stones look in the photo, and imagine that one of them blocks the left or right ureter.

Large urate stones
Large urate stones

Full or partialobstruction increases the pressure of urine and stretching of the walls of the hollow tubular organ, and then the kidney.

A person experiences sudden unbearable pain in the lower back, usually on the right or left, in rare cases of a shingles character. When trying to change the position of the body, stand up or lie down, no changes occur. Pain occurs from the back and radiates to the lower abdomen and groin - these are characteristic signs of renal colic. At the same time, it is impossible to stop the pain, conventional analgesics do not help.

Increasing pain may be accompanied by other symptoms:

  • bloating;
  • intense gas formation;
  • excessive sweating;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • chills and fever.

The last symptom may indicate the development of inflammation in the tissues of the kidney, but in any case, the overall clinical picture is clear: the patient needs emergency medical care.

If the size of the stone allows it to pass through the ureter without damaging the walls, the attack goes away on its own. However, similar symptoms are observed with an ectopic pregnancy, ovarian rupture or pancreatitis, so it is very important to contact a specialist in a timely manner who can make a differential diagnosis.

Risk of complications

Like any pathological process, the formation of urate stones progresses, and over time, the calculus grows throughout the renal pelvis with processes in each calyx. A more severe disease develops - staghorn nephrolithiasis, when the sparing method of dissolution no longer helps, and for treatmentpathology, nephrolithotripsy is required, and in especially severe cases, removal of the affected kidney.

coral stone
coral stone

Uric acid deposits often provoke inflammation of the renal tubules (pyelonephritis), as well as the development of acute or chronic renal failure.

Against the background of a high concentration of uric acid, s alts are deposited in the joints and a dangerous metabolic disease develops - gout.

You should not wait until the body acquires the whole bunch of complications, modern diagnostic methods allow you to detect uric acid deposits at the very beginning of their formation.

Diagnosis of urates

Sometimes, ultrasound is enough to detect uric acid stones, the results of which determine what urate kidney stones look like: their localization, shape and size. Ultrasound is always used in urgent cases when there is no time to conduct a comprehensive examination.

In neglected conditions, as well as in the presence of concomitant diseases of internal organs, additional diagnostic measures are required:

  • excretory urography:
  • a study using radiopaque agents to objectively assess the condition of the kidney and ureters;
  • MRI and CT of the kidneys: highly informative research methods that are usually prescribed for differential diagnosis;
  • extended urine and blood tests to confirm the nature of the stones.

Based on the results of the diagnosis, the nephrologist prescribes an adequate treatment for urate kidney stones:drug therapy aimed at dissolving stones, crushing with ultrasound or surgery.

Dissolution of uric acid stones: a conservative treatment for kidney stones

Due to the porous structure, urate stones lend themselves well to dissolution. However, the process of removing stones from the body is not always painless, and during the examination, the patient may be diagnosed with concomitant urinary tract infections.

Tablet preparations
Tablet preparations

Therefore, in most cases, the doctor prescribes complex therapy using several drugs:

  • stone dissolution: "Blemaren", "Urolesan", "Solimok", "Kanefron";
  • expansion of the urinary tract: "Spasmalgon", "No-shpa", "Papaverine";
  • elimination of infectious and inflammatory processes: Amoxiclav, Nitroxoline, Klaforan;
  • removal of pain syndrome: "Revalgin", "Ketorol", "Baralgin".

To prevent the formation of new deposits, it is important to convert the reaction of urine from acidic to alkaline. To do this, the patient is advised to drink more fluids, including alkaline mineral waters, such as Borjomi or Kislovodsk Narzan. And of course, a diet for urate kidney stones is an important condition for complete recovery and prevention of the deposition of uric acid s alts.

Vegetables, he althy food
Vegetables, he althy food

Healingnutrition for kidney stones

The right diet will not only cleanse the kidneys of pathological deposits, but also prevent their reappearance. The basis of nutrition should be the following products:

  • vegetables, preferably cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins, carrots, beets;
  • diuretic fruits - apples, mangoes, dried apricots (dried apricots);
  • berries - watermelon, cranberries, cranberries;
  • cereals - millet, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • milk, dairy products and drinks;
  • wholemeal pasta and baked goods.

Fish, fatty meat and any meat broth during treatment is better to exclude. Of course, you should refrain from smoked meats, pickles and alcohol, reduce the consumption of tea, coffee and chocolate.

If you have urate kidney stones, dissolving them with medication and diet gives excellent results, however, following the basic rules of prevention, you can avoid recurrence.

Prevention of uric acid stones

By following the drinking regimen, you will avoid problems associated with acidification of urine. For an adult, 1.5 liters of clean filtered water is enough per day, in the heat the norm increases to 2.5 liters. It is important to note that this applies to people who do not have serious cardiovascular disorders, a tendency to form edema and diagnosed kidney failure.

woman drinking water
woman drinking water

As a prophylaxis, they periodically drink a course of herbal infusions that preventstone formation, for example:

  • juniper;
  • lingonberry leaf;
  • licorice and wheatgrass root;
  • Highlander bird (knotweed);
  • horsetail.

Urate kidney stones are not a death sentence, so it is not necessary to follow a strict diet, but it is important not to abuse alcohol, s alty and fatty foods.

Please note: All of the above recommendations relate to the prevention and treatment of kidney stones and are equally effective for urate stones in the bladder (urolithiasis). However, self-medication is unacceptable. The appointment of drugs and herbal medicine should be handled by a qualified specialist - a nephrologist.