Quite often in adults and children there is such an unpleasant phenomenon as nausea and vomiting. Babies are especially affected by this - any change in diet, stress or injury can cause regurgitation of everything eaten. In most cases, vomiting goes away after a while with a certain diet. But if it happens more often than every hour, lasts more than a day, or children suffer from this, then the doctor must be called. And since most often his visit may be delayed, you need to provide first aid to the patient. Especially parents of young children should know what to do with vomiting before the doctor arrives. After all, it is very important that the child does not suffer, and there are no complications.

Why does vomiting occur
The condition when there is a sharp emptying of the stomach through the mouth can occur for various reasons. Vomiting is complicatedphysiological process associated with the work of the stomach, liver, vestibular apparatus and brain. Therefore, various violations in the work of these organs can cause it:
- the most common cause of vomiting is poisoning from poor-quality food, unusual foods or medicines;
- infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract almost always cause gastric emptying through the mouth;
- SARS, otitis, pneumonia and even a simple cough can also cause vomiting;
- gastric emptying through the mouth can occur with gastritis, ulcers, or abnormalities in the liver or intestines;
- injuries and concussions are also often accompanied by vomiting;
- Some especially sensitive people and children react to severe stress in this way.

How dangerous is vomiting
It is not always necessary to try to stop this condition. In most cases, vomiting is associated with the entry of toxins, poisons or infections into the gastrointestinal tract. In this way, the body tries to get rid of them. If vomiting is stopped artificially with the help of any drugs, general intoxication may develop. But you need to help the patient, since such a condition can cause severe dehydration of a person. With vomit, the patient loses a lot of fluid, which is especially dangerous for children. Therefore, it is important to know what to do with vomiting in order to alleviate the patient's condition and prevent dehydration. Such emptying of the stomach can also be dangerous in young children and unconscious patients, sohow they can choke.
Vomiting without fever and diarrhea
What to do if indigestion is not accompanied by fever and dyspepsia? The most likely explanation for this condition is poisoning with poor-quality food, chemicals, overeating, or a reaction to medications. Most often in this case, vomiting occurs without fever and diarrhea. What to do if this happens?

The main thing is to remove toxins and prevent dehydration. To do this, you need to rinse your stomach as soon as possible by drinking at least two liters of water. It should be boiled and slightly warm. To prevent dehydration, you need to drink as much water as possible. This is especially important for children. To restore the water and mineral balance of the body, you need to drink a solution of "Rehydron".
And what to do with vomiting, when it is repeated often, causes noticeable inconvenience, but is not caused by poisoning? This can be understood by the absence of abdominal pain and symptoms of intoxication. Before the doctor arrives, you should take a tablet of Cerucal, which suppresses the gag reflex.
What to do when vomiting
If the emptying of the stomach occurs more frequently than every hour, it is advisable to call a doctor. Before his arrival, you need to provide first aid to the patient. The easiest case is when vomiting is observed without fever. What to do about it?
- put the patient to bed, preferably on his side;
- drink small portions of water, tea or unsweetened compote as often as possible;
- to alleviate the conditionthe patient will be helped by powders containing s alts of potassium and magnesium "Regidron" or "Oralin"; if it is not possible to purchase them, then you need to dilute a teaspoon of s alt and sugar in a liter of boiled water;

- it is recommended to drink activated charcoal - 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight;
- you can put ice on your stomach;
- with nausea, if there is no strong urge to vomit, it is recommended to sniff mint essential oil or ammonia.
Intestinal infections cause diarrhea, vomiting and fever. What to do in this case? Before the doctor arrives, you can drink an enterosorbent - activated carbon or Polysorb. It is permissible to start taking antiseptics that do not irritate the gastrointestinal tract, for example, Enterol or Ercefuril.
What not to do
If vomiting is frequent, accompanied by pain, diarrhea or fever, and if there is a suspicion of an infectious disease or head injury, then you should definitely call a doctor. Until he arrives, you can't:
- is;
- take antibiotics and other chemotherapy drugs;
- drink painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs;
- put a heating pad on the stomach.
Baby Vomiting
If this happened once and is not accompanied by other symptoms, there is nothing to worry about. This can happen if the child is teething, he tried unfamiliar food, tried to swallow a large piece, was very frightened of something or gottrauma. But most often such emptying of the stomach occurs with acute intestinal infections and other diseases. In this case, the child develops vomiting and diarrhea. What to do if this happens?
- Immediately need to call a doctor;
- baby should be put to bed, but when he vomits, sit him down or turn him over on his side;

- don't leave the baby alone;
- after vomiting, wipe lips and face, it is advisable to rinse your mouth;
- it is very important for a child to drink a lot: give 2-3 sips every 10 minutes;
- if the baby is breastfeeding, then as often as possible you need to apply it to the chest;
- It is better to give your child a glucose-s alt solution to drink, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or made on your own.
Some surgical conditions, such as appendicitis, cause a child to vomit and have a fever. What to do in this case? You need to call an ambulance immediately. Before she arrives, you should put the child to bed, give him a little to drink, and you can put a heating pad with ice on his stomach.
Vomiting Diet
Whatever the reasons for this condition, on the first day it is advisable to refuse to eat. This is especially important in case of poisoning. You only need to drink a lot: water, tea, rosehip broth, dried fruit compote or rice water. To restore the loss of minerals, prepare a glucose-s alt solution.

What do you need for this?
- boil 100 grams of raisins in a liter of water for at least half an hour, rub through a sieve and strain;
- add a teaspoon of s alt, half a spoon of soda and 3-4 tablespoons of sugar to the broth;
- boil the mixture for 2-3 minutes and cool.
When vomiting becomes less frequent, you can gradually start eating. It is best to refresh yourself with mashed potatoes, dried bread, oatmeal or rice porridge in water, or boiled lean meat. You can eat bananas and applesauce. Meals should be fractional, that is, in small portions, but frequent. It is undesirable to eat if you do not want to.
What drugs can be given
- The most important thing is to prevent dehydration and loss of minerals. To do this, you need to drink water-s alt solutions: Regidron, Citroglucosolan or Oralin.
- To make it easier for the body to cope with possibly ingested toxins, enterosorbents are needed. For these purposes, activated carbon, Polysorb, Polyphepan, Filtrum Ste, Smekta or Lignosorb are used.

- In case of intestinal infections there is frequent diarrhea and vomiting. What to do in this case? Before testing, you can start taking intestinal antiseptics or antimicrobial biologics. They are active against most bacteria and do not suppress the immune system. It is best to use Ercefuril, Biosporin, Bactisubtil or Enterol.
- With infections and poisoning from vomiting, they help wellprobiotics. It is best to use Linex, Hilak Forte, Primadophilus or Bifidumbacterin.
- In case of indomitable vomiting due to stress, motion sickness or allergies, you can drink drugs that inhibit the gag reflex - Cerucal or Motilium. But they are contraindicated in intestinal infections and poisoning.