Pulled neck: what to do, diagnosis, treatment options, medication overview

Pulled neck: what to do, diagnosis, treatment options, medication overview
Pulled neck: what to do, diagnosis, treatment options, medication overview

Pulled neck, what to do? This is a common question. Let's deal with it in this article.

Stretching of the neck muscles in a person is always accompanied by unpleasant sensations and severe pain. Because of this, the head cannot turn and move normally. All movements are limited and constrained. Stretching is not to be taken lightly. It is a pretty serious problem. Everyone should be aware of the signs and symptoms. When they appear, you should immediately contact a specialist who will prescribe the right treatment. Thanks to him, the likelihood of developing negative consequences is minimized, and the healing process is accelerated. That is why it is so important to know everything about the prerequisites, causes and symptoms of this pathology.

pulled his neck what to do
pulled his neck what to do

So, what to do if you pulled the ligaments in your neck?

Main causes of neck strain

The cervical region includes seven vertebrae that protect the spinal cord from possible damage. EvenA minor neck injury can cause paralysis. Every sudden movement or seemingly harmless fall can cause sprains in both adults and children.

What is dangerous:

  • sports outdoor games (you can carelessly stretch your muscles while moving);
  • strong physical activity;
  • uncomfortable sleeping position;
  • accident (these include accidents, bad falls).

Possible symptoms

The very first sign that you have stretched your neck is the occurrence of aching or sharp pain. It is almost impossible to turn your head at the same time - each attempt is accompanied by painful unpleasant sensations.

This, as a rule, often happens during weight lifting or in training (in everyday life there are quite often situations when a load is placed on the body that exceeds several times the permissible norm). First of all, muscles and ligaments suffer in this case, but damage to the spine is not excluded.

pulling the neck what to do
pulling the neck what to do

When a person after an unsuccessful movement or physical activity felt that he pulled his neck and pain, or saw swelling, then you can be sure that the neck muscle was damaged or sprained. In this case, it is better to immediately consult a doctor who will examine the patient and prescribe appropriate therapy.

So, the main signs of stretching are as follows:

  • loss of sensation (or decrease) in the lower and upper limbs;
  • pain in the neck;
  • spasmsupper limbs;
  • constant headache;
  • loss of mobility of the neck.

When you pulled your neck, everyone should know what to do.

If a child is hurt

Not always small children can clearly explain what exactly worries or hurts them. For this reason, parents (or any adult caring for the child) should determine whether a sprain or muscle is present.

Signs of stretching:

  • swelling in the neck;
  • sluggishness;
  • loss of mobility;
  • loss of consciousness (most often immediately after injury);
  • unnatural (strange) head position.

If the baby can talk, he will be able to complain of disturbing pain. First of all, you need to go to the doctor (for a preliminary reduction in pain, the child can be given Ibuprofen or Paracetamol in accordance with the age dosage). After consultation with the doctor, a warm bath for muscle relaxation and bed rest are allowed.

If pulling the neck, what to do first?

pulled the neck painfully
pulled the neck painfully

Diagnostic methods

The specialist, before making a diagnosis, should examine the inflamed area well and palpate. This is done to establish a specific area of damage. After the initial interview and examination of the patient, the specialist prescribes the following research methods:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging, which helps the doctor determine exactly wheresprain happened and what are its causes;
  • Ultrasound examination, which allows a specialist to eliminate cardiac pathologies when making a diagnosis, since sometimes pain radiates to the chest area during muscle strain;
  • X-ray - with its help, the doctor examines both the neck and the spine. Thanks to this method, the presence of additional deformation in these areas is established.
  • Computed tomography.

Only a qualified specialist is able to make the correct diagnosis and give the correct treatment course, based on such diagnostic methods. Therapy, if you stretch your neck and turn painfully, will contribute to the fastest possible recovery of the victim.

First Aid

When a person has pulled the ligaments or muscles of the neck, you need to immediately give him first aid. The actions in this case are as follows:

  • First of all, you need to ensure complete rest of the affected area. It will be ideal to take a horizontal position, put a tight roller in the neck area (you can twist it from any towel). The load on the spine in this way will be evenly distributed, the injury of the neck will no longer affect the well-being so clearly.
  • The symptoms of sprains (swelling and pain) can also be relieved with a cold compress (wet or dry). At the same time, it is forbidden to apply ice to the skin, you need to wrap it in a napkin or towel.
  • The next step is the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, which can be freely purchased at any pharmacy. Thanks to them, you can deal withpain (pain relief ointments are also allowed).
  • pulled his neck
    pulled his neck

In case of an injury that occurred as a result of an accident (fall, accident), you should immediately call an ambulance.

When you pulled your neck, the doctor will tell you what to do.

Treatment options

Sprained ligaments and muscles must be returned to their normal state (if this issue is not addressed, scars may form on the muscle surface that interfere with the normal functioning of the organ).

Conservative treatments are:

  • use of a collar splint that helps reduce the strain on the spinal cervical region during treatment if a person has pulled muscles;
  • prescribing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • special exercise therapy (all exercises are generally recommended after the collar splint has been removed);
  • reflexology;
  • rejection of strong physical activity;
  • physiotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • massage.

Neck sprain requires a comprehensive approach to therapy, so all medical recommendations must be followed.

the child pulled his neck what to do Komarovsky
the child pulled his neck what to do Komarovsky

Overview of medicines

A specialist will prescribe special gels, creams and ointments to reduce inflammation and eliminate pain. However, parents need to remember that it is impossible to use adult drugs on their own to treat muscle strain in a child. Behindappointment, it is better to consult a doctor.

The most effective and popular drugs are the following gels and ointments: "Apizartron"; "Fastum"; "Traumel"; "Dolobene"; Ibuprofen.

In case of severe pain, it is allowed to take painkillers ("Ketorol", "Nise", "Spasmalgon"). In the most severe cases, if necessary, the doctor can even prescribe special injections. They are made in addition to the main drugs that are taken orally.

Usually, after the main treatment course, you will need to undergo special rehabilitation programs, especially if a person has severely pulled his neck.

pulled his neck hard
pulled his neck hard

Folk methods

Traditional medicines can only be used as adjunctive therapy. They can be used to treat a sprained neck in children. The two most effective recipes are:

  • Cabbage and raw potatoes. On a fine grater, you need to grate the potatoes, mix with sauerkraut in a ratio of one to one. Best applied before bed on the injured area.
  • Decoction of lingonberry leaves. Dried chopped ingredients should be poured with one glass of boiling water. The resulting solution rubs the injured area.

If there is concern that a folk remedy may cause an allergic reaction in a patient, before use, you can test the composition on your wrist to see if there will be a reaction. In its absence, you can apply the product without fear.

Prohibited actions during treatment

Most often, if a person has pulled his neck, he tries to "work out" it on his own - he starts to move actively and stubbornly does not notice the sensations of pain. This approach can only make you feel worse and cause complications.

The next wrong move is applying a warm compress. Muscles relax due to heat, it is true, but if there is inflammation along with stretching, the effect of heat only worsens the situation.

It is also not uncommon for a young mother to stretch her neck, but if it is impossible to leave the baby, she does not go to the doctor, hoping for an improvement in her condition. This approach is fundamentally wrong, because the lack of proper treatment can cause complete loss of mobility.

Cervical sprain can cause a lot of inconvenience to the victim. If a person has pulled a muscle, he simply goes out of action for a few days and refuses almost everything.

stretched her neck painfully to turn
stretched her neck painfully to turn

Do not forget about special physical exercises during rehabilitation. They are best done under the supervision of an experienced specialist and on his own recommendation. If the doctor does not advise such exercises, then extra independence can be fatal for the patient.

To avoid cervical strain, you need to warm up both the muscles of the back and the neck before exercise. This will completely save a person from various injuries and sprains.

If a child pulled his neck, what to do? Komarovsky offers parents some valuable advice.

Komarovsky's advice

E. O. Komarovskysays that there should always be a "cooling pack" in the freezer. You can pour pieces of ice from the freezer into a plastic bag, wrap it with a thick cloth and give first aid if the child has pulled his neck. It is advisable to smear the sore spot with any vegetable oil, because babies have delicate skin. There should also be an elastic bandage at home. It is necessary to limit the movement of the damaged part of the body as much as possible for 5-6 days. Diagnosis should only be made by a doctor. You can't heal on your own. Any sprain should improve within 2-3 days, if not improved, see a doctor.
