Among the numerous forms of bronchitis, the most dangerous is purulent. The disease occurs suddenly. If you do not start treatment in a timely manner, serious complications cannot be ruled out.
Mechanism of development of pathology
Purulent bronchitis is an inflammatory disease. Its course is accompanied by the secretion of mucus, which significantly complicates breathing.

Bacteria are responsible for the dangerous pathology. Most often, infection occurs with pneumococci, Haemophilus influenzae and streptococci. They can enter the body through airborne droplets or through the lymphatic system. When infected, the inner lining of the bronchi becomes covered with a mucopurulent coating. As a result, the airway is blocked.
Weakened after suffering the flu or SARS, the body is not able to provide proper resistance to the pathogenic flora. Rapidly multiplying bacteria provoke swelling of the bronchi, shortness of breath and thick sputum. Passive smoking, air pollution and allergic reactions only increase the severity of the disease. At the same time, the bronchi become even more vulnerable to bacteria.
During the pathological processit is customary to distinguish 2 phases:
- Primary, in which the alveoli and bronchi are damaged.
- Secondary. The inflammatory process spreads to other organs of the respiratory system.
The development of purulent bronchitis takes a long time. If you recognize it in a timely manner and immediately begin therapy, you can hope for a favorable prognosis. Otherwise, the pathological process will become chronic.
Main reasons
The appearance of purulent discharge is usually preceded by improper treatment of acute bronchitis. The prescribed antibacterial agents could not clear the focus of pathogenic microorganisms due to the low sensitivity of the latter to medicines.
In addition, doctors identify a group of factors whose effects on the body provoke purulent inflammation:
- abrupt temperature change;
- compromised immunity;
- chronic sinus disease;
- frequent colds.
Doctors often detect bronchitis in people who smoke. Over time and in the absence of therapy, the disease can transform into a purulent form.

Varieties of pathology
Pulmonary complication of the disease is divided into 3 types by pulmonologists:
- Catarrhal. Pathology is manifested by a painful cough and profuse expectoration. During diagnosis, leukocytes are sometimes found in the analysis of mucus.
- Obstructive. In the sputum, purulent or bloodystreaks.
- Chronic. This is a sluggish form of pathology, which is characterized by periods of remission and relapses.
The greatest danger is obstructive purulent bronchitis. It develops against the background of exacerbation of infectious diseases caused by the activity of pathogenic microflora. In this case, the patient's temperature rises, there are pains in the joints and muscles. Any delay and lack of treatment can lead to irreversible changes in the pulmonary system, death.

Clinical picture
The disease usually manifests itself in winter. Its primary symptoms may resemble an acute respiratory disease or a common cold. First, a sore throat appears, which is taken for a sore throat or tonsillitis. After a while, a strong dry cough joins him. Each attack may be accompanied by chest pain. Sometimes patients find it difficult to breathe due to the large accumulation of mucus in the bronchi. A little later, the cough becomes wet, and the sputum becomes yellowish when expectorated.
Among other symptoms of acute bronchitis, doctors identify:
- excessive sweating;
- great weakness;
- slight increase in temperature to subfebrile levels;
- shortness of breath.
The disease can worsen up to 2-3 times a year. Hypothermia or a prolonged cold usually lead to a relapse. In this case, the clinical picture becomes more pronounced: the cough intensifies, and the volume of secreted mucus increases dramatically.

How to recognize the chronic form of the disease in a timely manner?
In chronic purulent bronchitis with cough, up to 250 ml of sputum is secreted per day. Its color varies from pale yellow to green. Blood streaks may be visible in the pus.
The disease is characterized by a protracted course with a mandatory increase in bronchial obstruction. Its most dangerous complication is acute respiratory failure. If the patient's breathing lengthens and becomes tense, while dry whistling sounds appear, it's time to sound the alarm. Such symptoms indicate a sharp deterioration in well-being.
Diagnostic Methods
If you experience severe coughing or shortness of breath, you should seek the advice of a therapist. It is this specialist who will be able to correctly diagnose, and then prescribe the necessary treatment.
Standard examination of a patient with suspected purulent bronchitis includes the following activities:
- Sputum analysis.
- X-ray. It makes it possible to assess the degree of damage to the bronchi, to identify pathological foci.
- Bronchoscopy. Allows you to distinguish the purulent form of the disease from the secondary, caused by tuberculosis or pneumonia.
- Blood test. Required to assess the general he alth of the patient.
Without fail, the doctor must examine the patient, study his history and features of the clinical picture. Direct attention is paid to the accompanying purulent bronchitis symptoms.
Treatment of the disease is alwayscarried out comprehensively. First you need to remove the exudate from the bronchi. For this purpose, expectorants and mucolytics are prescribed. In advanced cases, bronchoscopy may be required. More details about each method of therapeutic influence will be described below.

Use of antibacterial drugs
The acute period of purulent bronchitis always requires bed rest, smoking cessation and limiting the negative impact on the respiratory system. Hospitalization of the patient is indicated only in emergency cases, when the underlying disease is supplemented by severe intoxication or heart failure.
The main method of therapeutic action is the use of antibiotics. The following groups of medicines are commonly used:
- Macrolides ("Sumamed", "Azitrox"). They have a destructive effect on the process of protein synthesis in cells of pathogenic flora, which reduces their ability to further division.
- Aminopenicillins ("Amoxiclav"). Such drugs have a detrimental effect only on bacterial tissues, without harming the human body. However, their use is often accompanied by allergic reactions.
- Cephalosporins ("Ceftriaxone", "Cefazolin"). Antibiotics from this group provoke inhibition of the synthesis of substances that are the basis of the bacterial cell membrane.
- Fluoroquinolones ("Ofloxacin", "Ciprofloxacin"). They have a destructive effect on the DNA of bacteria, which contributes to their death. Long-term use oftenis the cause of severe dysbacteriosis.
Antibiotics for purulent bronchitis should be prescribed after sputum analysis for the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms. Otherwise, their application will be ineffective.

Complex treatment
In addition to antibiotics, mucolytic agents are always prescribed to eliminate the pathological process. They help speed up the flow of mucus. Antihistamines can be used to relieve tissue swelling and eliminate allergic manifestations.
Complex treatment also includes various physiotherapy procedures, resort and sanatorium rest. Positively affect the patient's condition:
- inhalations with "Muk altin" and "Hydrocortisone";
- potassium iodide electrophoresis;
- deep warming procedures.
After the condition improves, it is useful to attend sessions of wellness massage, breathing exercises.
Performing bronchoscopy
Bronchoscopy is an endoscopic procedure used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. With its help, the doctor clears the airways from accumulated sputum. With purulent bronchitis, 2-4 procedures are prescribed, and between them there may be a gap of 3 days to a week.
The course of bronchoscopy is always completed with endobronchial debridement. Through a special syringe and a flexible catheter, the doctor injects the medicine. It can be "Furacilin", "Dimexide" or "Rivanol". The whole procedure is carried out underlocal anesthesia.

Possible consequences
Acute purulent bronchitis, according to doctors and patients, requires competent and timely treatment. Otherwise, the disease can transform into a chronic form or pneumonia.
During the development of the pathological process, pus forms on the walls of the bronchi. The mucous layer begins to swell. As the inflammation progresses, it deepens more and more into the tissues of the walls. The disease takes a severe form, which is characterized by disruption of the bronchi, drainage function, atrophy of the walls of the mucous membranes.
Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis is dangerous because it is often accompanied by the following disorders:
- bronchiectasis and asthmatic syndromes;
- hemoptysis;
- emphysema;
- diffuse pneumosclerosis;
- right ventricular failure of the heart.
However, following all the doctor's recommendations allows you to avoid the listed consequences.
Patient testimonials
The purulent form of bronchitis is a serious and at the same time widespread disease. According to patients' reviews, its development can be avoided if all colds are treated in a timely manner and he alth status is monitored.
When it was not possible to prevent the onset of the disease, you must strictly follow the doctor's recommendations for treatment. According to patients, the standard complex of therapy involves the use of antibiotics and mucolytic drugs. In rare cases, it is necessary tobronchoscopy.