Health 2024, October

Pressure 150 over 70: reasons, what to do at home?

Pressure 150 over 70: reasons, what to do at home?

The pressure of people depends on many factors, it can decrease and increase for various reasons. It is not so easy to establish the norm, since the indicators are different depending on age, gender, and the state of the body. The standard is considered to be 120 to 80. But often people have deviations. What are the causes of pressure 150 to 70, and what to do, is described in the article

How to quickly reduce blood pressure at home: four proven ways

How to quickly reduce blood pressure at home: four proven ways

How to quickly reduce blood pressure at home? This question worries not only adults, but also young people. After all, hypertension is increasingly occurring in people younger than 30 years old, who, it would seem, should not be affected by this pathology

If the pressure is 160 over 100, what should I do? How to reduce pressure with drugs and folk remedies

If the pressure is 160 over 100, what should I do? How to reduce pressure with drugs and folk remedies

Quite often, one of the causes of severe malaise is high blood pressure of 160 to 100. What to do if the pressure has increased to such levels? First of all, it should alert the person. In any case, the patient should consult a doctor who will conduct an examination and prescribe appropriate treatment

Mycosis of the esophagus: causes, symptoms, treatment

Mycosis of the esophagus: causes, symptoms, treatment

Mycosis of the esophagus: possible causes of the development of the disease, symptoms. What is Candida and where do they live? Therapeutic measures in the fight against mycosis, traditional conservative therapy, traditional methods of treatment, dietary nutrition. Possible complications if the disease is not treated. Preventive measures

Oral candidiasis: treatment and prevention

Oral candidiasis: treatment and prevention

What is oral candidiasis? In other words, it is oral thrush. The causative agents of this disease are already present in the microflora of the body, including in the mouth

Chronic tonsillitis: causes, treatment, complications

Chronic tonsillitis: causes, treatment, complications

Chronic tonsillitis is an infectious disease that regularly affects the palatine tonsils. Otherwise they are called tonsils. Located on the sides of the palatine curtain, in the cavity between the tongue and the soft palate, they are part of the lymphoid pharyngeal ring, which creates a protective barrier for harmful microorganisms that try to penetrate from the outside

How to treat diarrhea and abdominal cramps?

How to treat diarrhea and abdominal cramps?

Quite well-known symptoms - diarrhea and cramps in the abdomen - as a rule, signal the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. And the named combination can meet both in children and in adults as a result of food poisoning, an intestinal infection, or the presence of serious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. We will talk about how to get rid of these symptoms in some diseases later in the article

Hemorrhoids: symptoms, treatment, removal and consequences

Hemorrhoids: symptoms, treatment, removal and consequences

One of the most common diseases among the adult population is hemorrhoids. This is a pathology characterized by varicose veins located in the rectum and anus. In this case, the formation of hemorrhoids occurs (photo below), which can be both inside and outside. Treatment of the disease can be carried out by both conservative and surgical methods

Catarrhal phenomena: symptoms of catarrh

Catarrhal phenomena: symptoms of catarrh

Catarrhal phenomena are various symptomatic signs, occurring mainly in viral or catarrhal diseases. The main symptom of catarrh is swelling, inflammation and hyperemia of the mucous membranes. Most often, such processes occur with influenza, colds, acute respiratory diseases

ARI: incubation period, treatment methods, possible consequences

ARI: incubation period, treatment methods, possible consequences

The autumn-winter period is traditionally considered the period of colds and acute respiratory infections. Diseases are spreading rapidly in children's groups, some regions are forced to close schools and kindergartens in order to reduce the increase in the incidence. The incubation period of acute respiratory infections is not detected immediately, and this is a dangerous disease

Chickenpox rash: description, features, treatment. Chickenpox vaccination

Chickenpox rash: description, features, treatment. Chickenpox vaccination

Chickenpox, more commonly known as chicken pox, is an acute viral illness transmitted through the air. Fortunately, in almost all cases, the prognosis is favorable. However, the disease should be treated immediately, as its symptoms cause considerable discomfort. The article will focus on the rash that appears with chickenpox, as well as how and with what it can be eliminated

Dry runny nose (dry rhinitis): causes, symptoms and treatments

Dry runny nose (dry rhinitis): causes, symptoms and treatments

The common cold, otherwise known as rhinitis, can have various causes and symptoms. Most often it is accompanied by sneezing, itching and nasal congestion, secretion. Sometimes there is an atypical form of it - a dry runny nose. At the same time, instead of discharge from the nose, a person feels severe dryness, which is due to atrophy of the mucous membranes. Treatment will be different from that of ordinary infectious rhinitis, but it also requires a competent approach

Bladder lavage: features and description of the procedure

Bladder lavage: features and description of the procedure

Many bladder diseases are accompanied by congestion. How is bladder flushing performed using different instruments? Features of the procedure, indications and contraindications, possible complications

Bacterial cystitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Bacterial cystitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

According to statistics, approximately 25% of the fair sex at least once in their life is faced with such an unpleasant disease as bacterial cystitis. In other words, every fourth woman is exposed to this pathology once, and 10% of them suffer from a chronic form of the disease. But we are talking only about those ladies who sought medical help. Surely, taking into account unregistered data, this already impressive number will turn out to be even higher

Prolapse of the rectum: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Prolapse of the rectum: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Prolapse of the rectum is an extremely unpleasant pathology, which is accompanied by a displacement of the distal parts of the rectum and its exit beyond the anal sphincter. This problem is most often faced by people of young and mature age. The disease is not uncommon in pediatric practice

Psoriasis of the joints: causes, symptoms with photos, diagnosis and treatment

Psoriasis of the joints: causes, symptoms with photos, diagnosis and treatment

Psoriasis of the joints is an inflammatory process that occurs in a chronic form and affects the articular surfaces. According to statistics, from 8 to 10% of patients face such a problem as psoriatic arthritis. Joint psoriasis ranks second among diseases that affect bone tissue, after rheumatoid arthritis. It is worth noting the fact that the disease never affects all the joints of the body. Psoriasis can be inactive - a state of remission, and active - exacerbation

Gastric ulcer with bleeding: causes, symptoms of the disease, treatment and consequences of complications

Gastric ulcer with bleeding: causes, symptoms of the disease, treatment and consequences of complications

When gastric ulcer bleeding can occur for several reasons, which are mainly associated with injury to blood vessels. If the first signs of bleeding occur, you should immediately consult a doctor, and it is important to provide the patient with timely first aid

Inflammation: stages, types, signs, symptoms, treatment

Inflammation: stages, types, signs, symptoms, treatment

Few of us have never had a cold, runny nose, abrasions or scratches in our lives. All these, one might say, harmless he alth troubles, not to mention more serious ailments, such as pneumonia or gastritis, are associated with a pathological process in organs or tissues, the name of which is inflammation

Stenosis of vessels of various localization

Stenosis of vessels of various localization

Vascular stenosis is a common symptom of many diseases. In the case of this pathological phenomenon, a person has various clinical signs

Arterial hypertension: symptoms, treatment, degrees and consequences

Arterial hypertension: symptoms, treatment, degrees and consequences

Arterial hypertension is a disease accompanied by a significant and prolonged increase in pressure. Approximately 30% of the adult population of the country suffers from it. Hypertension is one of the most serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system

Buerger's disease: stages of the disease and methods of treatment

Buerger's disease: stages of the disease and methods of treatment

Buerger's disease is characterized by an inflammatory process in the vessels, which is caused by autoimmune disorders in the human body. This pathology occurs as a result of obliteration or vasoconstriction, up to their complete blockage, which increases the likelihood of blood clots

Charcot's syndrome. How to deal with Charcot's disease?

Charcot's syndrome. How to deal with Charcot's disease?

Charcot's syndrome - what is it and how does it manifest itself? It is to these questions that we will devote this article

Synovitis of the knee: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical supervision, treatment and prevention

Synovitis of the knee: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical supervision, treatment and prevention

Synovitis of the knee is an inflammatory process that occurs in the synovium. There are many reasons for the occurrence of such a problem, which are mainly associated with injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Timely treatment is important, as this is a guarantee of a faster and more successful recovery

Wobbling gait: causes, symptoms and treatment

Wobbling gait: causes, symptoms and treatment

Wobbling gait is a rather alarming symptom that may indicate the presence of a serious pathology of the brain, nervous system or musculoskeletal system. Young children also have some unsteadiness in walking when they are learning to walk, but this will improve with time. If such a symptom arose at an older age, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible to undergo an examination and identify the problem

Let's talk about the treatment of epilepsy. Modern methods and recommendations of leading experts

Let's talk about the treatment of epilepsy. Modern methods and recommendations of leading experts

In medicine, epilepsy is understood as a chronic neuropsychiatric disease. It is noteworthy that, according to available data, about 1% of the inhabitants of our planet suffer from this disease. In this article we will talk about the main symptoms and modern treatment of epilepsy

Typhus fever: diagnosis, pathogen, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Typhus fever: diagnosis, pathogen, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Typhus is a serious infectious disease caused by rickettsiae. It seems to many that this disease has remained in the distant past and does not occur in developed countries. In Russia, this infection has not been registered since 1998, but Brill's disease is periodically noted, and this is one of the forms of typhus

Wart on the head: types of warts, possible causes, treatment methods

Wart on the head: types of warts, possible causes, treatment methods

The appearance of warts in the hair or on the head can go unnoticed by a person, they are detected already when this neoplasm reaches a large size. Their growth may not be dangerous, however, during combing, dyeing and haircuts, papillomas are often damaged. That is why it is so important to identify the problem in a timely manner and turn to specialists for help

Unusual smell of feces: causes and treatment

Unusual smell of feces: causes and treatment

Smell of feces: sour, offensive, reminiscent of rancid butter. What the smell of feces can tell about, perhaps these are the consequences of eating the day before, and perhaps a pathological process has already begun in the body that requires immediate treatment. How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of feces, preventive measures

VSD by hypotonic type: symptoms and treatment

VSD by hypotonic type: symptoms and treatment

Hypotonic VSD is more often observed in women aged 30-40 who are engaged in mental work, as well as in professional athletes (the so-called training hypotension). Temporarily low pressure as a result of a sharp change in climatic conditions

Stomach obstruction: symptoms, causes and treatment features

Stomach obstruction: symptoms, causes and treatment features

Diseases of the digestive system are very common in the modern world. The reason for this is the wrong lifestyle along with non-compliance with the diet and so on. In this regard, it is very important to contact a specialist in a timely manner if any violation is detected in the body. Gastric obstruction can be acquired or congenital

Benign skin tumors: names, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Benign skin tumors: names, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Neoplasms on the human skin may have a different structure, but everyone will be united by the same mechanism of their development, that is, the uncontrolled reproduction of cells that have not reached maturity, as a result of which they are not able to fully perform direct functions. In this article, we will take a closer look at the various types of benign tumors on the skin

Bruised nose: what to do and how to treat?

Bruised nose: what to do and how to treat?

No one is safe from anything. That is why it is recommended to be very careful always and everywhere. But sometimes, no matter how careful you are, you can still get hurt. The front of the face is the area that suffers the most, especially the diagnosis of "bruised nose". This organ is very important for human life, it takes part in the processes of smell and breathing

Intrauterine growth retardation: causes, diagnosis, treatment, consequences

Intrauterine growth retardation: causes, diagnosis, treatment, consequences

Approximately every tenth woman in position, the doctor diagnoses "fetal growth restriction" (IUGR). The specialist determines the presence of deviations, characterized by a discrepancy between the size of the baby and the normative indicators for a particular week of development. How dangerous this pathology is in reality and how it threatens the child, it is important for every mother to know, because absolutely no one is immune from such a phenomenon

The main symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

The main symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

Characteristic symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are morning stiffness and soreness that improves during the daytime. The affected area swells and becomes warm. The joints quickly deform, increase in size, their full flexion or extension becomes impossible, swelling of the wrist leads to compression of the tendons, the muscles begin to atrophy

Prevention of VVD in adults and children: classification and methods of treatment

Prevention of VVD in adults and children: classification and methods of treatment

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a real scourge of our time. Not only the elderly, but also the mature suffer from its symptoms. In recent years, neuropathologists are increasingly diagnosing VVD even in children and adolescents. Treatment can take years. Prevention of VVD in adults and children is a simple recommendation that will help prevent the development of the disease and give patients excellent he alth, vitality and vigor

Arthritis of the fingers: causes, symptoms and treatment

Arthritis of the fingers: causes, symptoms and treatment

Arthritis of the fingers is a unifying name covering several dozen forms and etiological varieties of pathology. Regardless of the causes of the disease, all its types are subject to approximately the same development algorithm and, in the absence of proper treatment, lead to complete immobilization of the affected joints

Multiple organ failure as a stress response of the body

Multiple organ failure as a stress response of the body

Today, the term “multiple organ failure” refers to an extremely serious pathological condition that develops as a reaction to surgery, sepsis, and purulent diseases. In addition, the cause of the development of the disease can be eclampsia, diabetes, meningoencephalitis, poisoning

Blunt abdominal trauma. Injuries to the abdominal organs. Urgent care

Blunt abdominal trauma. Injuries to the abdominal organs. Urgent care

Closed (blunt) trauma of the abdomen - an injury that is not accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the abdominal wall. These injuries are also called "non-penetrating". However, the absence of visual pathologies is not evidence of the preservation of internal organs

Dizziness with VVD: symptoms, possible causes, diagnosis and treatment

Dizziness with VVD: symptoms, possible causes, diagnosis and treatment

Dystonia is a term that refers to a lack of balance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions. Similar conditions invariably adversely affect the functioning of the body as a whole. With VVD, a person's heart rate increases or decreases, urination, defecation, breathing and other life-supporting functions suffer

What symptoms characterize somatoform autonomic dysfunction of the nervous system?

What symptoms characterize somatoform autonomic dysfunction of the nervous system?

Somatoform autonomic dysfunction is a difficult disease in terms of diagnosis. It has many symptoms, both somatic and mental. Moreover, patients suffering from it feel the signs of the disease quite acutely, which violates their professional implementation. Therefore, everything related to the disease should be understood in detail