Paroxysmal hemicrania: causes, symptoms and treatment

Paroxysmal hemicrania: causes, symptoms and treatment
Paroxysmal hemicrania: causes, symptoms and treatment

Paroxysmal hemicrania is a severe throbbing headache. Localized on the right or left side of the brain. The duration of pain is a couple of days. In rare cases, unpleasant sensations do not disappear within a week, while they cause severe discomfort, interfere with an active and fulfilling lifestyle. No need to compare this type of headache with migraines, they are completely different diseases.

Features of the disease

Qualified specialists
Qualified specialists

After numerous studies, doctors concluded that hemicrania occurs due to the appearance of disorders associated with intracranial pressure. Drugs and drinks that contain serotonin in their composition have a bad effect on the concentration of plasma in the blood. The substance enters the urine, due to which vasoconstriction occurs. As a result, a strong and sharp headache. As medical practice shows, this disease most often worries people whose activities are directly related to mental activity. Thosepersons who lead an active lifestyle, discomfort appears much less frequently.

Causes of hemicrania

Sometimes it is difficult to determine the cause of pain in paroxysmal hemicrania, reviews of real people can not always answer the question. Many factors can cause severe headaches. Among the most common:

  • strong emotion or stress;
  • hard physical labor;
  • overheating of the body;
  • cold;
  • pregnancy;
  • poisoning;
  • heredity;
  • abrupt change in weather conditions;
  • ovulation and periods;
  • antibiotics.

If a person has a systematic headache, then the patient can already approximately determine what factors cause discomfort. But it is not always possible to limit their influence. It's important to listen to your body. Since close attention to oneself is not the main method of diagnosis, a full medical examination should be mandatory.

Signs of disease

Symptoms of the disease
Symptoms of the disease

Before the onset of severe headaches, a person feels weak and very hungry. There are drastic mood swings. Bags or folds appear under the eyes, vision deteriorates. Unpleasant sensations with hemicrania are localized on one side, most often in the forehead. Signs of illness include nausea and vomiting. Pain of a throbbing nature subsides slightly after vomiting. Experts do not recommend enduring discomfort, becauseprolonged soreness will lead to a significant increase in intracranial pressure.

Varieties of Hemicrania

Strong pain
Strong pain

There are several types of chronic hemicrania, depending on the symptoms and how the patient feels. Namely:

  • The simple look is characterized by pain in the forehead or eyes. Localized on one side only. At the temples, the arteries expand, and the patient feels a pulsation. The skin turns pale, and bags form under the eyes. Often there is dizziness, impaired speech, pain in the abdomen and nausea. If the pain is too strong, then vomiting appears, after which relief comes. The seizure lasts approximately 2 hours.
  • During an ocular migraine, vision is disturbed, flies and lines appear before the eyes. The patient may become temporarily blind as the disorder affects the eyes. In this case, the visual analyzer is not able to fully function.
  • The least soreness is localized in the back of the head and temples. Such pain seems unbearable for the patient. Often accompanied by weakness and profuse vomiting.

Only a doctor can correctly analyze the clinical picture and prescribe treatment. Symptoms of paroxysmal hemicrania often indicate the presence of other diseases, so do not self-medicate.

Ways to relieve pain

Folk methods
Folk methods

People who suffer from this disease often take painkillers to relieve headaches. By such actions, a person onlymasks discomfort, so such treatment gives a temporary effect. Medications do not always stop attacks of paroxysmal hemicrania. To alleviate the general condition of the patient, it is necessary:

  1. Before an attack approaches, reduce physical and mental activity.
  2. Lie down on the sofa in a comfortable position.
  3. Use cold compresses as this improves circulation.
  4. Ventilate the room.
  5. Turn off TV and lights.

It is advisable to get some sleep. After sleep, a person feels much better. You need to put aside urgent matters and just relax. Nervous tension and stress will only make the patient feel worse.

Doctors recommend


To get rid of severe pain, doctors recommend massaging the back of the head and forehead. With a massage of the collar zone, pain is reduced. It is important to know that Analgin is a dangerous drug used by ambulance staff in emergency cases. These pills can cause a lot of side effects. Therefore, if there are serious diseases of other organs, it is better not to take it. Unfortunately, not everyone knows about it. To improve your overall he alth, you need to eat right, exercise, and visit your doctor regularly. As practice shows, such people are the least likely to have headaches.

Treatment process


"Indomethacin" is one of the most popular drugs in our time,which eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of chronic paroxysmal hemicrania during the day. The medicine is produced in the form of suppositories and tablets. Due to the elements that are part of the tablets, cyclooxygenase activity is reduced. There is an inhibition of arachidonic substance, which turns into prostaglandin. It is these elements that become the main cause of the inflammatory process and headaches.

Course duration varies. It all depends on the complexity of the course of paroxysmal hemicrania. Treatment can be complex. Side effects are manifested in the form of nausea or dizziness. In the process of treatment, it is important to exclude driving a car and work that requires special attention. Contraindications include:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • allergy to one of the components of the drug;
  • serious diseases of other organs;
  • heart disease;
  • tumor and cancer.

The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician, based on the individual characteristics of the patient. The doctor takes into account age and weight, the presence of other diseases. Based on the experience of treating paroxysmal hemicrania of many people, it can be concluded that after the drug is discontinued, the pain returns.


Paroxysmal hemicrania prevents every person from leading a normal life. It causes severe pain and discomfort that cannot be tolerated. Only on the basis of the results of laboratory tests, the specialist prescribes treatment. Folk methodstreatments can only temporarily mask the pain. Before taking any drug or infusion, you should consult a specialist. According to doctors, the best pain reliever is No-shpa. Tablets eliminate severe pain and spasms, while they have practically no side effects. The tablet should be taken no more than twice a day. To get rid of the disease for a long time, you need to take a responsible approach to the treatment process.