Sharp pain in the joints, redness of the skin on the fingers and toes, swelling - the first signs of gout. This disease occurs as a result of metabolic disorders and an increase in the amount of uric acid in the blood. Increased plasma acidity contributes to the formation of sharp sodium s alt crystals (urates) in the joints. They cause severe pain and reduced motor activity.
Gout prevention avoids acute inflammatory processes. And in what cases it should be carried out, what causes gout and how to prevent its occurrence, we told in our article.
How does disease occur?
Uric acid is excreted from the body through the kidneys and intestines. Most of it is excreted in the urine. With the proper functioning of the body, the level of uric acid in the plasma does not exceed the permissible limits - 6.8 ml / dl. However, failures occur, as a result of which the liver produces too much uric acid, or the body removes it insufficiently.
If the content of this element exceeds 7 ml / dl, then acutes alt crystals that cause severe pain and inflammation.

If the disease is not detected in time, s alt formations begin to grow. In such cases, doctors diagnose gout. Prevention of this disease is aimed at maintaining a he althy lifestyle and proper nutrition.
You can suspect a disease by the following signs:
- joint pain that doesn't subside even when at rest;
- swelling and fever in the inflamed area;
- severe pain when lightly touching the affected area.
In most cases, the disease manifests itself in the joints of the toes. The pain occurs at night, by morning a person can hardly move freely. In such a situation, an urgent consultation with a therapist is required, who will prescribe treatment and explain what causes gout on the legs.
What causes disease?
Deposition of s alts in the joints is a fairly common pathology. In most cases, it occurs in people who have prerequisites for this disease. If you belong to risk groups, make time for preventive measures.

So, the main causes of gout are as follows:
- hereditary predisposition;
- overweight or sedentary;
- presence of kidney diseases that contribute to impaired excretion of s alts from the body;
- alcohol abuse;
- frequenthypothermia or overheating of the joints;
- taking diuretics;
- presence of tumor diseases.
Provokes pathology eating a large amount of food with a high content of uric acid. These include: strong teas, products with cocoa beans, red meats, legumes, fatty foods, and some types of fish.
Probability of developing the disease depending on age and gender
The main signs and treatment of gout in men do not differ from the manifestations and treatment of the disease in women, but the stronger sex is more susceptible to the onset of the disease.
This is due to the fact that during puberty in men, the level of uric acid in the body rises sharply. Studies by American experts have shown that during this period, in 8% of the male population, the amount of acid in the blood exceeds the permissible mark of 6.8 ml / dl.
The first signs of gout most men notice at the age of 40 years. Experts attribute this to frequent alcohol consumption, overweight and high blood pressure.

In old age, the disease develops as a result of a malfunction of the kidneys. Gout is extremely rare in women under 50 years of age. Doctors attribute this to the hormone estrogen, which helps flush uric acid from the body.
During menopause, the activity of this hormone fades, which causes gout in women. At the age of 70-80 years among the weaker sex, the frequency of the disease exceedsindicators of men.
Possible complications of gout
If you do not start treatment when symptoms of the disease are detected, the patient's condition will gradually worsen. Running processes can give serious complications and cause more complex diseases. For example:
- appearance of kidney stones;
- atherosclerosis;
- joint destruction;
- fading of motor function.
When the first signs of gout appear, treatment in men and women begins with dietary restrictions. Patients are advised to lead a he althy lifestyle and follow a specific diet.

If you do not start treatment, the intervals between exacerbations will become shorter, and the duration of the attacks will be longer. The stones formed in the kidneys disrupt the functioning of the filtering organ, which causes intoxication of the body. Especially running processes can be fatal.
What is prevention?
If for some reason you are at high risk of developing gout, pay attention to your lifestyle. Focus on nutrition first. Stick to the following rules:
- Eat at the same time. Avoid fasting and overeating. Eat small meals 4-5 times a day.
- Watch your weight. Extra pounds increase the load on the joints, cause hypertension. However, the weight should be dropped gradually.
- No alcohol. Prevention of gout in men involves a complete rejection of alcohol. Last resortkeep it to a minimum.
- Stay hydrated. If there are no malfunctions in the kidneys, drink 2-2.5 liters of water per day. Give preference to mineral water, as alkali perfectly removes acid and s alts from the body.
- Each week arrange fasting days for yourself. During this period, eat only vegetables and fruits.
The above recommendations allow not only to prevent the appearance of gout, but also to eliminate the disease at the first sign of its manifestation. Pay special attention to products. Eliminate foods high in purines from your diet.
What foods cause gout?
In the event of an attack (and for prevention), give up all animal products. They are rich in proteins that promote the formation of uric acid. The allowable amount is 1 gram of protein per 1 kilogram of human weight.

Restrictions also apply to s alt. If you are at risk, try to stop using it.
During the prevention of gout and when its first symptoms occur, the following foods are excluded from the diet:
- meat;
- sausages;
- offal;
- canned food;
- smoked meats;
- legumes;
- mushrooms;
- fatty cheeses;
- spices;
- grapes;
- lingonberries;
- chocolate;
- strong tea and coffee.
After the first attack of pain, completely refuse fatty foods, rich broths, soups withspinach and sorrel. Dishes with pickles and sauerkraut are also not recommended.
Decoctions of oats, freshly squeezed lemon juice, green tea and alkaline water will be useful. From solid foods, liquid cereals, weak broths, baked vegetables and fruits are recommended.
Can medicines prevent disease progression?
Prevention of gout with medications is aimed at treating and eliminating the causes of crystals in the joints. If the problem is in the kidneys, the doctor prescribes appropriate therapy. Medicines are not used to prevent a hereditary disease.

However, when the first symptoms of the disease occur, drug treatment is relevant. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed first:
- "Diclofenac".
- "Naproxen".
- "Indomethacin".
- "Nimesulide".
- "Butadion.
In order to reduce the concentration of uric acid in plasma, the following are prescribed:
- "Hepatocathosal".
- Orotic acid.
- "Allopurinol".
Drug treatment can be supplemented with folk remedies, which are also well suited for disease prevention.
Prevention and treatment of folk remedies
Since medicines can also have a negative effect on the body, prevention is best done using traditional medicine. For example, with the help of cherries. Their daily use contributesthe removal of s alts from the body and reduces the burden on the kidneys.
Gout prevention folk remedies can be carried out with the help of apples. This fruit can be consumed in any form: fresh, baked, in the form of an infusion.

In the summer, you can drink a decoction. To prepare it, boil the right amount of water, throw chopped and peeled apples into it. After 10 minutes, remove the decoction from the heat, cover and let it brew. Drink an apple drink instead of tea throughout the day.
Daily baths with chamomile infusion are an excellent remedy for the prevention of gout on the legs. Preparing them is very simple: add 100 grams of dried flowers to 10 liters of hot water. To enhance the effect, you can pour 200 grams of table s alt into the water.

It is possible to effectively deal with the deposition of s alts with the help of a string. It should be brewed and drunk warm instead of tea. The number of doses is not limited, so this recipe is used both for the treatment of the initial stage of the disease, and for prevention.
At the first signs of gout, traditional healers recommend taking tea from lingonberry leaves. It is prepared from a glass of boiling water and two tablespoons of the crushed plant. The decoction is infused for half an hour and taken three times a day.
Sport is an excellent prevention of s alt deposits on the joints
Exercise helps maintain joint mobility and shape. Regular exercise is considered the best prevention.gout. When uric acid levels increase, experts recommend the following sports:
- swimming;
- race walking;
- athletics;
- cycling.
During exercise, you should remember that the joints are highly susceptible to injury, so the intensity of the exercises increases gradually. Drink plenty of water during exercise, as dehydration is bad for the functioning of the kidneys and increases the level of uric acid. Mineral waters "Borjomi" and "Luzhanskaya" are considered especially useful.

Pay special attention to what shoes to wear for gout and for its prevention. During classes and in the process of everyday activities, wear only comfortable and soft options. Avoid tight shoes made of hard leather completely. It squeezes the blood vessels, disrupts blood circulation and contributes to the retention of s alts on the joints of the fingers.
At home, wear soft slippers or go barefoot. If during the day you had to stand on your feet a lot, take a relaxing bath of chamomile decoction before going to bed. It will help relieve fatigue and restore blood circulation.
Exercises for disease prevention
To prevent the deposition of s alts on the joints of the toes, perform a set of simple exercises daily. Make them like this:
- Sit on a chair and begin to alternately stretch your leg forward. Pull the heel first, then the toe. Do the exercise slowlytry to achieve maximum ankle tension.
- Stand straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Start simultaneously turning your feet around your axis. First, take your socks in different directions, then move them towards each other.
- Stand up straight with your feet parallel. On the count of "one" slowly rise on your toes, on the count of "two" slowly lower yourself on your heels. In the first lesson, do 10 lifts. Every day, increase the total number by 2.
Supplement your exercise with a regular foot massage. It will improve blood circulation and prevent the accumulation of s alts in the joints.

The frequency of exercise and its frequency depends on your lifestyle and he alth status. If you feel well, do preventive movements every day.
Stress is the optimal state for the development of the disease
Modern medicine associates the development of gout with the emotional state of a person. It has been scientifically proven that with the slightest anxiety, uric acid begins to be intensively produced in the body. Moreover, stress can arise not only from nervous shocks, but also from banal hunger.

Antibiotics can also trigger gout. These drugs kill gut bacteria that help flush acid out of the body. This is also a kind of stress leading to the development of gout.
From all that has been said, it should be concluded that gout -a disease of people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not watch their diet. Reducing the likelihood of developing this pathology is quite simple. You need to watch your diet and do sports or gymnastics.
If the increase in the level of uric acid is associated with malfunctions in the body, timely treatment will be an excellent prevention of the onset of gout. The main thing is to remember that it is much easier to prevent and cure an ailment at the initial stage than to fight a progressive disease.