Health 2024, October

Bump under the chin. Reasons for the appearance

Bump under the chin. Reasons for the appearance

Sometimes it happens that a person has a lump under his chin. But this seal should not be immediately associated with some kind of tumor or other serious illness. Often the bump can disappear without medical attention

Middle and lateral neck cyst: treatment. Why is a cyst dangerous?

Middle and lateral neck cyst: treatment. Why is a cyst dangerous?

A neck cyst is a bag-shaped cavity with thin walls and liquid contents inside

Dryness and lump in the throat: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews

Dryness and lump in the throat: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews

Dry throat and a lump in the throat are not a pathology, but only a symptom and a separate disease, that is, such a condition is not an independent nosological unit at all. In fact, this is not even a medical term, this condition is a complaint with which patients often turn to specialists in general treatment, in otolaryngology, gastroenterology, neurology, and in addition, in pulmonology and so on

Appendicitis rupture: signs, symptoms, treatment features and consequences

Appendicitis rupture: signs, symptoms, treatment features and consequences

Appendicitis rupture: what happens in the body? Causes of rupture and symptoms. diagnostic activities. Features of symptoms and diagnosis in women and children. First aid, possible consequences and treatment. rehabilitation period

Intestinal anastomosis: preparation for surgery and possible complications

Intestinal anastomosis: preparation for surgery and possible complications

The article discusses a surgical operation called intestinal anastomosis. Information is given on the forms of this operation, methods of its implementation and preparation for it. It tells about possible complications and their elimination, as well as about the recovery process after surgery

Causes, symptoms and treatment of ulcerative colitis

Causes, symptoms and treatment of ulcerative colitis

Cases of non-specific ulcerative colitis (Crohn's disease) are not common in modern medicine. Nevertheless, inflammation followed by ulceration of the large intestine is a rather dangerous condition, since in the absence of qualified assistance it leads to a lot of complications

Tubo-ovarian abscess: classification, causes and treatment

Tubo-ovarian abscess: classification, causes and treatment

Tubo-ovarian abscess is a purulent infectious and inflammatory disease of the uterine appendages, occurring in an acute form, in which their melting with the presence of encysted formation is observed. This pathology is manifested by unilateral acute pain syndrome in the lower abdomen, vomiting, nausea, dysuric disorders, hyperthermia

What to do when the acidity of the stomach is increased?

What to do when the acidity of the stomach is increased?

The main active component of gastric juice is hydrochloric acid. In people with normal stomach function, the percentage of it in secret is approximately half a percent. However, various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (especially intestinal infections) often provoke changes in the composition of gastric juice and a shift in the level of acidity in one direction or another. When the acidity of the stomach is increased, over time this leads to the development of various pathologies

Indigestion in a child: possible causes and features of treatment

Indigestion in a child: possible causes and features of treatment

Children (like adults) can develop stomach problems. When this disease occurs, it is necessary to take timely measures so as not to worsen the condition. Indigestion in children is one of the most common ailments. The causes and methods of treatment are described in the article

Temperature in case of poisoning in adults and children

Temperature in case of poisoning in adults and children

Temperature in case of poisoning often rises. However, sometimes intoxication passes without this symptom. It depends on specific factors and not always elevated thermometer readings against the background of intoxication are a cause for alarm and require the use of antipyretic drugs. Body temperature is an indicator of the thermal state of the body

Subfebrile body temperature - what is it? Causes, analyzes

Subfebrile body temperature - what is it? Causes, analyzes

Given that the prefix sub from the Latin language means "about, under", and febris is translated as "fever", it is easy to guess what it is, subfebrile body temperature. We are talking about an overestimated indicator of the thermal state of the body. Further, in more detail about why the subfebrile temperature is kept, whether it is necessary to bring it down and what tests to be taken in order to find out the cause of the condition close to febrile

Convulsions in a child: types, causes, symptoms. What to do if a child has seizures?

Convulsions in a child: types, causes, symptoms. What to do if a child has seizures?

Cramps are involuntary muscle contractions. Of course, experts know what to do in this case. But when this happens to a child, parents and adults who are nearby can be confused. This spectacle is not for the faint of heart, so you need to know how you can help the baby. First aid will be discussed later

Cerebral angiography of cerebral vessels: indications and reviews

Cerebral angiography of cerebral vessels: indications and reviews

Cerebral angiography is one of the most effective methods with which you can see the features of the vessels of the brain: their shape, relative position, change in shape or the presence of obstacles to blood flow

Anemia 1 degree

Anemia 1 degree

Anemia of the 1st degree in most cases is hidden. And if there are any signs, they are weakly expressed

An interesting story on the topic "Margelon's Disease"

An interesting story on the topic "Margelon's Disease"

The history of the Margellon disease began in 2001. It was discovered by Mary Leitao, who has a bachelor's degree in biology and five years of experience in the laboratory of Boston Hospital

What is proctitis? Symptoms of the disease

What is proctitis? Symptoms of the disease

Proctitis is a disease of the rectal mucosa. It is divided into acute form and chronic

Main venereal diseases: symptoms, signs, tests

Main venereal diseases: symptoms, signs, tests

Venereal disease is a term applied to diseases that can be obtained through sexual contact with a carrier of the infection. The concept is general, includes several types of diseases provoked by pathological microbes, viruses. Protozoa and fungi can cause the disease

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis in adults. Cause of disease and treatment

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis in adults. Cause of disease and treatment

Everyone knows what a sore throat is. During the development of the pathology, the patient experiences unpleasant symptoms, some of which completely interfere with the usual way of life. Doctors often call diseases of the throat tonsillitis. It can occur in acute and chronic form

Tonsillectomy is a surgical operation to completely remove the palatine tonsils: indications, contraindications, consequences

Tonsillectomy is a surgical operation to completely remove the palatine tonsils: indications, contraindications, consequences

Frequent sore throats bring not only painful sensations when swallowing, but can also lead to severe complications of the heart and kidneys. Tonsillectomy is a surgical intervention that consists in the removal of the palatine tonsils or part of them. Currently, there are various options for carrying out this procedure

Hydradenitis treatment: there is a way out

Hydradenitis treatment: there is a way out

Doctors understand hidradenitis as purulent inflammation, which is relevant for the sebaceous glands located near the genitals, nipples, and also in the armpits

Follicular tonsillitis in a child: treatment and prevention

Follicular tonsillitis in a child: treatment and prevention

The article deals with such a disease as follicular tonsillitis in a child, the treatment of this problem and its prevention

Acute tonsillopharyngitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Acute tonsillopharyngitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Acute tonsillopharyngitis is a complex infectious disease that has signs of tonsillitis and pharyngitis. It develops due to the penetration of pathogens into the body and, if not properly treated, can provoke many complications

Glossitis: treatment, causes and symptoms

Glossitis: treatment, causes and symptoms

The tongue can tell about our he alth. According to the state of this body, you can learn about the problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Inflammatory processes occurring in the body provoke a disease of the tongue. One of them is glossy. Treatment depends on the cause of the pathology

Symptoms and treatment of humeroscapular periarthritis

Symptoms and treatment of humeroscapular periarthritis

Shoulder-shoulder periarthritis is called inflammatory processes around the shoulder joint. The joint itself remains he althy. This term is no longer found in the International Classification of Diseases, since it does not indicate either localization or the circumstances that led to changes in tissues

Exercise therapy for scoliosis: a set of exercises, description and features

Exercise therapy for scoliosis: a set of exercises, description and features

Whatever the degree and type of deformity in scoliosis, exercise therapy is an integral part of the entire treatment plan. Success can be considered achieved when the curvature has become impossible to determine visually, or at least the muscular corset has strengthened and the quality of life has improved

Pharyngitis. Symptom of the disease and its types

Pharyngitis. Symptom of the disease and its types

Pharyngitis is an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the pharynx. Moreover, the disease can occur both in chronic and in acute form. Accompanying pharyngitis is a symptom manifested by a sore throat. At the same time there is discomfort and perspiration

Etiology and symptoms of chronic pharyngitis

Etiology and symptoms of chronic pharyngitis

The article describes the causes of chronic pharyngitis, indicates the features of its clinical course, and also describes the main methods of treating this disease

Acute pharyngolaryngitis: symptoms and treatment of children and adults

Acute pharyngolaryngitis: symptoms and treatment of children and adults

Acute pharyngolaryngitis is a common cold that occurs in both adults and children. There is hardly a person who has never been ill with it. Therefore, it is so important to know the causes of this disease, its symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment. That is what this article will be about

How to treat a red throat? Doctor's advice

How to treat a red throat? Doctor's advice

The red throat, the photo of which is posted in this article, indicates the presence of an infection in the body. Moreover, the latter is capable of affecting human organs, including the lungs and bronchi at any stage of development. If such a violation brings discomfort to the patient, then it is necessary to consult a doctor so that the disease does not become purulent or become chronic. In the treatment, you can use all the following medical products with the permission of a doctor

Chronic pharyngitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Chronic pharyngitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Chronic pharyngitis can occur as an independent disease with frequently occurring acute forms or be a continuation of the latter if they are not treated. Unlike the latter, fever is rarely observed in the pathology under consideration

Treatment of pharyngitis with medicines and folk remedies

Treatment of pharyngitis with medicines and folk remedies

Interruption of the therapeutic course for a cold or flu often leads to various pathologies. One of these complications can be pharyngitis. Treatment of the inflammatory process of the posterior wall of the larynx is carried out both with medicines and folk methods. This article will discuss a number of recommendations to combat this disease

Tick-borne encephalitis symptoms in different forms

Tick-borne encephalitis symptoms in different forms

Ixodid ticks live in temperate areas in forest areas. Tick-borne encephalitis develops most often after the bite of a taiga tick, common in Asia, or a European forest tick

Pressing in the throat: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, possible diseases, medical advice and treatment

Pressing in the throat: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, possible diseases, medical advice and treatment

Each of us sometimes experienced discomfort in the throat. This may indicate a variety of pathologies. If trouble has been tormenting you for a relatively long time, and you feel discomfort, then you need to find out what is the cause of the pressure?

Treatment of borreliosis with antibiotics. Symptoms and treatment of tick-borne borreliosis, or Lyme disease

Treatment of borreliosis with antibiotics. Symptoms and treatment of tick-borne borreliosis, or Lyme disease

The article discusses the signs of borreliosis, its impact on body systems and the possible consequences of this disease

Encephalitis: symptoms that appear first and then. How to recognize the disease?

Encephalitis: symptoms that appear first and then. How to recognize the disease?

What are the signs to watch out for after a tick bite, a mosquito bite, or a transmissible viral illness such as chicken pox, measles, influenza, or rubella? How long after a vaccination or insect bite should I be on my guard? All this is described below

Rash in the mouth: photo, causes

Rash in the mouth: photo, causes

Rash in the mouth is a fairly common problem faced by many patients, regardless of gender and age. The rash can be an independent disease or manifest itself against the background of other pathologies

Pain in the legs with diabetes: treatment, causes, medical advice, reviews

Pain in the legs with diabetes: treatment, causes, medical advice, reviews

Pain in the legs with diabetes: treatment, traditional and non-traditional methods. Causes of complications, what is diabetic foot syndrome. The most characteristic signs of the development of complications from diabetes mellitus. How is the diagnosis carried out? Conservative treatment and stabilization of blood sugar levels. Treatment of trophic ulcers and wounds when surgery is required

Cruciate ligament of the knee joint: injuries, treatment, rehabilitation

Cruciate ligament of the knee joint: injuries, treatment, rehabilitation

The knee joint is the largest in the human body. And it is clear that the mechanics of his movements and anatomy will match

What is somatic pathology?

What is somatic pathology?

Somatic pathology is the most common term in modern medicine. In order to provide full he alth care, you need to know the definition of this term and the classification

Chronic demyelinating polyneuropathy: description, types, causes, symptoms and treatment

Chronic demyelinating polyneuropathy: description, types, causes, symptoms and treatment

Demyelinating polyneuropathy is a serious disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the nerve roots with the gradual destruction of the myelin sheath. With proper and timely treatment, you can get rid of the disease, avoiding serious consequences