Rheumatoid diseases are among the most common. They were known in antiquity, however, it was previously believed that these ailments develop as a result of improper circulation of fluid in the body.
There are many diseases that have similar symptoms, which is why if you experience the symptoms that will be described below, you should definitely contact a rheumatologist for diagnosis and treatment.
Features of rheumatic diseases
Systemic connective tissue disorders are called rheumatoid diseases. They are characterized by extensive damage to the connective tissue and blood vessels, which is associated with a violation of the immune system.
Loss of connective tissue manifests itself in the form of systemic degenerative processes. All rheumatoid diseases have certain clinical and morphological features, which depend on localization in certain organs andtissues. The course of ailments is chronic and undulating.

The degenerative process affects bones, cartilage, joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles. Rheumatoid diseases are characterized by painful sensations, a decrease in the motor activity of the limbs, and a limitation in the functioning of one or more affected areas. In particular, there are signs of swelling, inflammation, a feeling of heat, redness.
Main rheumatoid diseases
There are many different rheumatoid joint diseases, among which are the following:
- ankylosing spondylitis;
- gout;
- fibromyalgia;
- arthritis;
- lupus;
- osteoarthritis;
- polymyalgia;
- scleroderma.
Ankylosing spondylitis is characterized by damage to the spine. This disease occurs in young people and occupies the tendons of the shoulders, hips, knees, causing intense pain and limited mobility.
Many people suffer from gout. This disease is characterized by the formation of urea microcrystals in the joints. The lesion mainly affects the big toes, provoking severe bouts of pain and swelling. Gout is most common in women.
Some forms of arthritis are caused by bacterial and viral infections. The disease develops when an infected tick bites, which subsequently provokes inflammation, joint stiffness and pain. Idiopathic juvenile arthritis occurs mainly in childhood, causing swelling, pain, and limited joint mobility. May be accompanied by rash and fever in some cases.
Psoriatic arthritis develops in people suffering from various skin conditions. It affects the joints and can also show up on the nails. Rheumatoid arthritis is a joint disease that is characterized by the destruction of synovial tissues, causing pain, swelling and other disorders. Unlike all other types of rheumatoid diseases, arthritis develops symmetrically. It is most common in women.

Among the rheumatoid autoimmune diseases, lupus should be distinguished. Pathological cells destroy tendons. Mostly this disease occurs in women.
Polymyalgia rheumatica mainly affects the arteries, causing headaches, inflammation, rapid weight loss, and fever. A person suffers from stiffness in the joints, pain in the lower back, neck, hips, and aches. Unpleasant symptoms appear as a result of damage to muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments.
Rheumatoid diseases of the joints are somewhat different in their symptoms, however, there are general rules. As soon as the disease has been diagnosed, treatment must begin immediately to avoid the development of dangerous complications.
Among the systemrheumatoid diseases need to highlight rheumatism. It is characterized by significant damage to the joints, cartilage or organs. Basically, the disease occurs in childhood or adolescence, although many are not aware of its existence. The main reason for the formation of rheumatism is predominantly streptococcal infection of the respiratory system, which leads to the development of acute tonsillitis, pharyngitis. In the absence of timely comprehensive treatment, the disease flows into the chronic stage.
The main signs of the disease occur after a certain time after a previous respiratory disease. Inflammation increases gradually, while in some joints the pain disappears, while in others it appears almost immediately. The inflammatory process may be intermittent. It lasts for 10-14 days, then calms down a bit and resumes again.
The greatest danger of this systemic rheumatoid disease lies in the fact that, in addition to the joints, the heart is additionally affected. The main goal of treatment is to eliminate streptococcal infection, which provokes the onset of the disease and the appearance of complications. For prevention, it is imperative to carry out he alth-improving general strengthening activities.
Rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis refers to diseases of the joints, which are characterized by progressive damage to the joints, which leads to their deformity and loss of mobility. The knee joints are most commonly affected, leading to disability.
Rheumatoid arthritis isan autoimmune disease that often affects middle-aged and elderly people. When it occurs in the human body, certain antibodies are formed, the work of which is directed against their own joints. The occurrence of the disease is due to genetic predisposition, infections and many other reasons. In the process of inflammation, a fairly dense granulation connective tissue is formed, which begins to grow and leads to the gradual destruction of cartilage tissue. As a result, the usual mobility of the joints decreases. In more advanced stages, the disease can lead to complete loss of mobility.

Rheumatoid arthritis refers to diseases that are accompanied by deformation of the limbs, which leads to partial or complete loss of existing musculoskeletal function. Patients lose their ability to work and become disabled. Doctors distinguish several stages of rheumatoid arthritis, which have their own characteristics. Timely diagnosis and treatment is very important to prevent dangerous complications.
The first stage of the pathology is characterized by synovitis, that is, effusion into the joint cavity, which can occur in various forms. At the second stage, there are characteristic changes in the joints, thickening of the synovial membrane, as well as proliferation of connective tissue.
During the course of the third stage, the fusion of the articular parts with each other is observed, which makes it impossible to move in the affected area. The onset of the disease is characterizedthe occurrence of swelling of the fingers, which is combined with inflammation and swelling. Together with swelling of the joints, the foot is damaged, which manifests itself in the form of pain under the balls of the toes. As the pathology develops, it gradually affects an increasing number of tissues, swelling and pain in the elbows, ankles, and shoulders occur.
When rheumatoid arthritis occurs, the symptoms of the disease do not appear immediately: at the initial stage, the patient does not even suspect the presence of the disease. Then gradually symptoms such as:
- stiffness of movement in the morning;
- periodic pain;
- fever;
- Rheumatoid nodules.
In addition, the lesion can affect almost all organs - coverage depends on the degree of activity of the pathology. However, this is very rare. Rheumatoid arthritis is quite severe and causes many unpleasant symptoms. Treatment of the disease must be comprehensive. It includes:
- anti-inflammatory drugs;
- glucocorticoids;
- biological agents;
- basic strengthening products.
Anti-inflammatory drugs help to stop an acute attack very quickly and achieve a stable remission. In the acute course of the disease, the course of therapy is supplemented with high dosages of glucocorticoids. Biological agents help prevent necrosis, which can cause damage to the body's own tissues. Atthe course of rheumatoid arthritis, the prognosis of the disease largely depends on the severity of the pathological process, as well as the characteristics of the treatment. In severe and advanced cases, the disease can lead to disability.
Rheumatoid arthritis
The disease rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammation of one or more joints. There are certain types of this pathological process. The disease refers to a severe systemic disorder of the connective tissue, which can lead to partial loss of the patient's ability to work or even disability.
Basically, the disease develops in people aged 30-35 years, and women often suffer from this pathology. It is a rheumatoid autoimmune disease that mainly destroys small joints.
The main cause of its occurrence is considered to be a violation of the immune system. As a result, the immune system begins to perceive the cartilage of the joint and its structures as foreign. For this reason, inflammation begins. Often, pathology can be triggered by a hereditary factor. Violation of immunity contribute to external and internal causes. These include such as:
- hypercooling of the body;
- exposure to pathogenic agents;
- stress;
- allergens and toxins;
- injury.
Polyarthritis is a very serious disease that is difficult to treat. Among its main features, it is necessary to highlight such as:
- stiffness in the joint in the morning;
- pain when touched;
- inflammation of more than three joints.
In the later stages, there is numbness of the limbs, fever, burning in the affected area, changes in the shape of the joints. The pathological process can also affect other organs, in particular, the heart, lungs, kidneys. If you experience such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
Therapy should be complex and long. It is aimed at reducing pain in the patient. To eliminate inflammation, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Base preparations are of great importance. Despite the fact that their action is slow, medicines have a beneficial effect on the mechanism of the onset of the disease and slow down the process of joint destruction.
Sokolsky's disease
Among rare rheumatoid diseases, Sokolsky's disease should be distinguished. It is characterized by the fact that it mainly affects the cardiovascular system, in particular, causes myocarditis and endocarditis. In some cases, patients have changes in the area of the joints, which manifest themselves in the form of fever, swelling, severe pain, swelling in the area of the affected joints. Due to severe pain, a person tries to put the limbs in a flexion position.

After the attack is eliminated, the functions of the joint are almost completely restored. The ankle, elbow, and knee joints are most commonly affected. The disease is mainlygrowing, paroxysmal character, while the pathology affects a variety of areas.
The treatment of this disease is mostly conservative and involves the use of medications and a course of physiotherapy. In especially severe cases, patients are prescribed surgery. When carrying out treatment at the initial stages, the prognosis is favorable.
Ankylosing spondylitis
This disease affects mainly people at a young age. It develops as a result of a primary chronic lesion of the synovial membrane of the costovertebral, intervertebral, and sacroiliac joints. As a result, fibroid deposits are formed, and sometimes there is necrosis of the articular cartilage and the gradual rejection of pathological particles into the joint lumen.
Degenerative changes begin to develop in the discs, ossification of the joint capsule, synchondrosis and ankylosis of the joints are observed. Ligaments begin to deform and ossify. Hereditary factors play a very important role in the development of this pathological process.
Symptomatology is characterized by the fact that the restriction of movements in the region of the spinal column gradually increases with their complete loss. Pathology gradually affects various joints, their elasticity is inevitably lost. Among the main signs of this disease are the following:
- irritability;
- drastic weight loss;
- strong weakness;
- drowsy.
The disease proceeds very slowly, and also progresses tofor several years. As a result of this, pain in the bones appears, especially with increased physical activity. At the same time, the temperature remains within the normal range, the gait is constrained, and an increase in ESR is observed. Patients become disabled. After a certain time, pathology can affect a variety of tissues and organs. Joint damage is characterized by significant narrowing of the joint spaces, ankylosis, and many other disorders.
Treatment is quite complex and is usually limited to conservative therapy, which includes the use of medications, physical therapy and exercise therapy. The prognosis of the course of the disease is unfavorable.
Heel Spurs
The disease is characterized by the formation of a spike-like or hook-shaped growth on the calcaneus at the site of attachment of the plantar ligament. In some cases, its course is almost asymptomatic. It is noted that in 20% of patients the "spurs" are bilateral.
Some doctors consider this formation as the formation of the skeleton, while others consider it to be a pathological growth formed in the presence of chronic trauma, rheumatism, flat feet and other inflammatory processes.

Among the main symptoms are burning pain, which resembles the feeling of having a nail in the heel. When standing, the pain is greatly aggravated. Pain occurs with the formation of periostitis and inflammation of the underlying mucous bag. In some cases, a heel spur is associated withhyperkeratosis. An x-ray can detect elements of the calcaneus.
Treatment is conservative. In particular, the patient is shown thermal procedures, injections of Novocaine. In the presence of persistent pain and the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy, surgical removal of the neoplasm is indicated.
Shoulo-scapular periarthritis
Shoulo-scapular periarthritis is characterized by the fact that the inflammatory process occurs in the soft tissues that surround the shoulder joint. The basis of the development of the disease is trauma, colds, rheumatic infection. In pathogenesis, a neurotrophic lesion occupies a very important place.
Among the main signs of the course of violations, one can single out pain in the shoulder joint, impaired sensitivity, muscle atrophy. Basically, the disease has a chronic course. At the very beginning of its development, practically no changes in the area of the joints are found. After a while, osteoporosis begins to develop. In older people, arthrotic changes in the shoulder joint are very often found.
In the acute period, complete rest is shown, which is why immobilization of the limb is required. For treatment, novocaine blockades, X-ray therapy are necessary. In the chronic course of the disease, thermal procedures, physiotherapy exercises, massage, UHF therapy are prescribed. In especially advanced cases, surgical treatment and removal of existing lime deposits are required. The forecast is quite favorable.
Epicondylitis and Styloiditis
These diseases occur inas a result of hypothermia or injury. Among the main signs of the course of the disease, it is necessary to highlight the presence of pain in the humerus, limited mobility, and swelling.
When X-rays are performed, no special changes are observed, in addition to signs of osteoporosis. Treatment is predominantly conservative, as with other types of rheumatoid diseases. The prognosis for proper treatment is favorable.
Still's disease
Still's disease mainly occurs in children. The precipitating factor has not yet been fully established. There is a version that the disease develops as a result of the penetration of pathogenic microbes into the body, and also due to the presence of a genetic predisposition.
The pathological process is mainly observed in the first years of a child's life and is characterized by changes in tissues with subsequent deformation of the articular surfaces, limited mobility, swelling, enlarged lymph nodes, especially in the armpits and elbow joints. This disease can occur with the addition of anemia, and pigmentation of the skin is also observed.
During the diagnostics, X-rays show deformity of the joints, some blurring of the contours, and sometimes bone growths. At the initial stages of the course of the disease, treatment is carried out in a conservative way. Recently, however, doctors have been favoring early synovectomy. At a later stage, stabilizing operations and arthroplasty are prescribed. Prognosis of the course of the diseasenot always favorable.
Causes of occurrence
It is very important to know in which diseases the rheumatoid factor plays a key role, and also for what reasons such disorders occur. The etiology of these diseases is still not well understood. The greatest importance is attached to viruses and infections, the genetic factor, as well as the influence of a number of physical aspects, in particular, such as hypothermia and injury. Also, in some cases, diseases develop with intolerance to certain medications.

Among the main factors that increase the risk of developing rheumatoid diseases, it is necessary to highlight the following:
- tobacco smoking;
- overweight;
- aging;
- some professions related to joint overload.
Rheumatic diseases can occur at any age, regardless of gender, however, women often suffer from such diseases.
Main symptoms
The symptoms of rheumatoid diseases, regardless of the provoking factor, are practically the same. Among the main signs, one can distinguish such as:
- constant joint pain;
- pain in the joint area on palpation;
- temperature increase;
- pronounced swelling and inflammation in the affected area;
- stiffness and redness of the skin;
- lack of energy, fatigue, weakness, feeling unwell;
- traffic limit orjoint flexibility.
If all these signs occur, you should definitely consult a doctor for a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment.
Diagnosis of rheumatoid diseases is based on history taking, examination, as well as the results of instrumental studies and laboratory tests. Often, a correct diagnosis can be made far from immediately, so a comprehensive examination is required. Some patients may need several visits to the doctor to be able to accurately diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Providing treatment
Treatment of rheumatoid diseases is selected purely individually in each case, it all depends on the characteristics of the pathology. There is no specific remedy or method of therapy that would be optimal for all patients.
In the course of therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs are often used, which have a more pronounced effect than drugs that reduce the main symptoms. New modern biological drugs are considered the most effective.

Medication is a traditional treatment for rheumatoid diseases. However, there are also many other methods, in particular, the introduction of drugs into the joint cavity or soft tissues, chiropractic, acupuncture, alternative medicine. In some, especially severe cases, an operation is prescribed.
Treatment must bebe comprehensive and timely, as rheumatoid diseases can reduce life expectancy and lead to disability. Regular monitoring for comorbidities is recommended.