How to get rid of dry eye syndrome?

How to get rid of dry eye syndrome?
How to get rid of dry eye syndrome?

Dry eye syndrome implies a fairly common complex disease in which there is a decrease in the quantity and deterioration in the quality of the so-called lacrimal fluid. It, in turn, forms the thinnest film on the very surface of the eye, which performs optical, protective and nourishing functions. In this article, we will consider this ailment in as much detail as possible, and also tell you how to deal with it.

Why does the disease appear?

At the moment, experts identify several causes of dry eye syndrome, including:

  • dry eye syndrome
    dry eye syndrome

    long-term use of those drugs that directly disrupt the process of tear formation itself;

  • using (regular) contact lenses;
  • excessive opening of the palpebral fissure;
  • deformations on the surface of the cornea;
  • negative impact of existing air conditioning and heating systems on the mucous membrane;
  • long work at the computer;
  • negative effects of cigarette smoke or chemicals.

Dry eye symptoms

how to treat dry eye syndrome
how to treat dry eye syndrome

BFirst of all, according to experts, with this disease, patients complain about the imaginary presence of a foreign body or sand in the eye, which is always accompanied by very profuse tearing. This is followed by an uncomfortable feeling of dryness. Moreover, in strong winds or in air-conditioned rooms, patients suffer from a burning sensation and pain in the eyes. Serious fluctuations in visual acuity are also observed (by the evening it decreases somewhat, even photophobia appears).

How to diagnose a disease?

As a rule, the diagnosis of dry eye syndrome is carried out exclusively by a qualified ophthalmologist. It implies a questioning of the patient, a visual examination, and biomicroscopy of the cornea and the edges of the eyelid is also carried out. When confirming the diagnosis, a number of tests and procedures may be required (examination of tear production, sampling, biomicroscopy of the immediately anterior area in the eyeball, etc.).

How to treat dry eye syndrome? Tips & Tricks

dry eye syndrome photo
dry eye syndrome photo

Therapy in any case is selected individually depending on the stage of the disease. So, in the initial forms, it is enough to prescribe special drops that have in their composition the so-called artificial tear ("Oftagel", "Korneregel", etc.). It is possible to get rid of dry eye syndrome in later stages (when conservative treatment no longer helps) through surgical intervention. It implies an increase in the inflow of the necessarythe amount of tear fluid, limiting the outflow of tears from the so-called conjunctival cavity.


In this article, we tried to consider in as much detail as possible what constitutes dry eye syndrome, a photo of which you can see here, as well as what are the main methods offered by doctors to combat this disease. Stay he althy!
