Viral load in HIV and hepatitis C: indicators

Viral load in HIV and hepatitis C: indicators
Viral load in HIV and hepatitis C: indicators

One of the terrible diseases of our time is the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Unfortunately, every year the number of infected people increases. It was previously thought that HIV was common among drug addicts and homosexuals. Currently, the disease occurs in people from various segments of the population. Including among newborns. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is considered the final stage of pathology. In order not to bring the disease to a severe degree, it is necessary to constantly monitor patients and adjust the treatment. For this purpose, an analysis such as viral load is carried out. It allows you to assess the stage of the disease. In addition, this test is performed in order to determine further treatment tactics.

viral load
viral load

What is the viral load for?

As you know, viruses are made up of DNA or RNA molecules. Nucleic acids make up the genetic material. Viral load is a test that is carried out to determine the amount of RNA of the pathogen in the blood. This study can be performed in various pathological conditions. Among them are HIVhepatitis B and C, herpetic, cytomegalovirus infection, etc. Thanks to this analysis, not only the amount of genetic material in the blood is determined, but also the stage of the disease. That is, viral load is a measure of the severity of pathology. The calculation is carried out by calculating the copies of RNA in 1 ml of blood plasma. It is possible to determine the viral load only in special laboratories. There are several methods for doing this research. The most common is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Thanks to the analysis, it is possible to reveal how quickly the pathological process progresses. With the help of it, the dosage of medicines is selected, and the prognosis of the disease is also determined.

HIV viral load
HIV viral load

Determining the immune status in HIV

HIV viral load helps to investigate the patient's immune status. In patients, this figure is reduced. Thanks to the determination of the immune status, one can judge the state of the body's defenses. This indicator includes a combination of quantitative and qualitative characteristics. To determine the immune status of a person, several successive stages are carried out. Among them:

  1. Collecting complaints and anamnesis. The incidence rate of infectious pathologies (ARVI, herpes, fungal infections), reaction to vaccinations, medicinal substances is being determined.
  2. Determination of the number of immune cells in the blood. These include white blood cells, lymphocytes, monocytes, and granulocytes.
  3. Performing special laboratory tests. Among them is a viral load test.

Next, the immunological stage is carried out. It includes the determination of the content of T- and B-lymphocytes, immunoglobulins, immune cell receptors. With HIV, CD4 concentrations in the blood are of particular importance. These are the receptors of protective cells - T-helpers. It is they who are affected by the immunodeficiency virus. After all stages, the analysis of information is carried out. Thus, the doctor makes a conclusion about the immune status.

viral load in hepatitis C
viral load in hepatitis C

HIV viral load: indicators. Norm and pathology

With HIV infection, pronounced changes are observed in the immune status. Viral load testing helps determine if a person is infected or not. Normally, the genetic material of the pathogen (RNA) in the body should not be. That is, in a he althy person, the number of viral particles is zero. In some cases, this figure may be slightly increased. For example, if a person has congenital immune pathologies, severe diseases of the kidneys or endocrine glands. However, viral load in HIV differs from those seen in other diseases. In the case of immunodeficiency syndrome, it will be much higher. How to determine the stage of the disease using this study? What is the viral load in HIV indicators? The norm is less than 20 thousand copies in 1 ml of blood. If the value obtained is higher, this means that it is necessary to change the treatment regimen. A viral load of more than 500 thousand copies of HIV in 1 ml of blood serum indicates an advanced stage of the disease (AIDS).

Thanks to this methodresearch, the doctor judges how the pathology develops. With the introduction of the viral load test, scientists have proven that such a disease as HIV infection does not stand still. The appointment of antiretroviral (ART) therapy can reduce the replication of pathogen RNA. Studies such as immune status and viral load are crucial not only for treatment but also for the prognosis of the disease. If the number of copies of HIV in 1 ml of blood exceeds 100 thousand, then this indicates the terminal stage of the pathology. The introduction of this assay made it possible to control the human immunodeficiency virus. It is carried out not only for patients, but also for children born from infected mothers, as well as for he althy people with suspected possible infection.

viral load for hiv indicators normal
viral load for hiv indicators normal

Viral load: normal for hepatitis C

Another common and dangerous pathology is hepatitis C. This disease is called a "slow killer", as it affects the body for many years. For a long time, hepatitis C does not manifest itself in any way. Therefore, often a person does not even suspect that he is infected with this terrible virus. The pathogen enters the body through the parenteral route, that is, through the blood. In most cases, this occurs during medical procedures (dental, gynecological, cosmetic procedures). Also, pathology occurs in people who inject drugs.

Viral load in hepatitis C is indicated for all patients. As in the case of infectionHIV, it helps to determine the amount of genetic material of the pathogen in the blood. Normally, copies of the virus should be absent. Conducting a test in sick people allows you to identify how dangerous a person is to others, as well as evaluate the results of treatment. If the pathology is detected at an early stage, recovery is possible. To verify the effectiveness of therapy, a viral load study is performed. A similar study is carried out when antigens to HCV are detected.

viral load normal
viral load normal

Deciphering viral load analysis for hepatitis C

Hepatitis C viral load is measured in IU/mL. The low content of the pathogen in the body indicates the adequacy of treatment and a good prognosis. In this case, the indicator will be in the range from 600 to 3104 units in 1 ml of blood serum. If it exceeds this value, then the treatment regimen should be changed. With an increase in RNA copies to 8104 IU/ml, the result is estimated as an average viremia. In the case when this indicator is higher, a diagnosis of severe hepatitis C is made. In this case, there is a lesion of internal organs, which manifests itself clinically. This stage of the disease is terminal.

immune status and viral load
immune status and viral load

How often should a viral load test be done?

A viral load test is performed when antibodies to the hepatitis C virus or HIV are detected. In addition, the analysis is performed for all patients registered with dispensaries with these pathologies. The timing of the viralloads depend on the condition of the patient. The analysis is performed 1 time per year with stabilization of well-being. If the patient is taking antiviral drugs, then the evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment should be carried out every 3 months. Also, the analysis is performed when the general condition of the patient worsens.

Viral Load Testing Methods

Viral load is carried out in 3 ways. The most commonly performed method is PCR. It allows you to detect antibodies to the virus. The branched DNA method is also performed. This test is less sensitive. It is carried out as a screening, as well as to confirm the diagnosis (but not to correct treatment). Another accurate and affordable way to detect pathogen RNA is the transcriptional amplification method.

viral load analysis
viral load analysis

Errors in conducting viral load

Despite the fact that all methods of determining viral load are quite effective, an incorrect result is possible. Errors in the analysis are observed with improper blood sampling, its contamination, as well as violation of storage conditions. A false negative result can be in the first months after infection with the virus. Therefore, if infection is suspected, the study must be repeated after six months.

Where can I get a viral load test?

Viral load testing is carried out in special laboratories with the necessary equipment. AIDS centers, as well as some private diagnostic centers, are equipped with PCR machines.
