Many are interested in what papillomavirus is, how it is transmitted, what are the symptoms of the disease, and how the treatment is carried out. HPV is a benign tumor, that is, a neoplasm with very slow growth and development.
Papilloma looks like a convex formation with a wide base or stalk. These growths are somewhat reminiscent of warts. Their sizes can be from 1 mm to 3 cm. Their color can be different, from beige to brown.
Papilloma can form on the face, limbs, neck, genitals, mouth. HPV provokes a change in tissues and leads to their uncharacteristic growth. Such growths not only look ugly, but also cause a lot of inconvenience, and can also provoke many complications.
What is HPV
What is papillomavirus and how to deal with it, every person who has been diagnosed with this should know. Scientists have proven that HPV is a very special microorganism. According to studies, absolutely all people are infected with it from early childhood.

Some types of this pathogenprovoke the appearance of warts, papillomas or moles. A special type of this virus that causes genital warts is transmitted during sexual contact.
There are more than 100 different types of papillomaviruses, and certain types of the virus can cause the formation of a malignant tumor. Each type of such an infection has its own specific clinical signs. Comprehensive treatment is required, but you need to know that it is impossible to get rid of the disease forever.
A feature of each pathogen is that it has a unique DNA structure. After the infection penetrates the skin, microbes quickly affect the epithelium. Various lesions of the skin and mucous membranes can accelerate infection.
HPV symptoms may not appear immediately, as it can live in the body for a long time. After a while, the viruses begin to multiply actively, which provokes the appearance of characteristic signs.
Main varieties
It is important not only to know what papillomavirus is, but also what types of this disease are. It is necessary to understand exactly what danger this infection poses so that appropriate measures can be taken in a timely manner to prevent the development of a malignant neoplasm.
Some types of HPV provoke the development of genital warts, as well as various neoplasms, while others cause cancer. Strains of pathology are divided into risk groups, namely:
- does not cause cancer;
- have a low riskoncogenicity;
- with a high risk of cancer.
Papillomavirus 16 and type 18 are quite common. These are the most common species in the infected population. It occurs in about 50% of people with the virus. HPV type 16 has a high oncogenicity.

The disease does not occur immediately after the virus enters the body. Only after a decrease in immunity does the natural defense of the body block and various neoplasms begin to appear.
In the presence of papillomavirus in women of type 16, dark spots with an uneven and rough surface form in the perineum. Such neoplasms are called bowenoid papulosis. Another clear sign is the presence of genital warts, which form on the eyelids, neck and armpits.
A dangerous manifestation of papillomavirus type 16 and 18 is neoplasia on the mucous membrane of the cervix. Such a violation refers to the manifestations of a cancerous tumor.
Papillomavirus type 18 provokes the occurrence of genital warts in men. In some cases, cancer of the oral mucosa, penis is formed. Papillomavirus type 18 in women can cause cervical cancer. This type of virus is considered one of the most dangerous and requires immediate treatment.
Papillomavirus type 31 refers to a dangerous infection with a high degree of oncogenicity. The first signs of the onset of the disease are observed when exposed to factors such as:
- hypercooling of the body,cold;
- immunity weakening;
- STDs;
- malfunctions in the hormonal system;
- acute period of chronic diseases.
This type of virus is equally dangerous for women and men. HPV type 31 is manifested by the formation of genital warts and papillomas in the perineum. In addition, there may be vaginal discharge, itching when urinating, pain during intimacy, discomfort.
Papillomavirus type 33 is oncogenic and provokes the formation of smooth nodules on the external genitalia. It provokes the appearance of benign neoplasms, which after a while become malignant.
Causes of occurrence
HPV is highly contagious. There are many routes of infection transmission. Among the causes of papillomavirus in women, it is necessary to highlight such as:
- other people's hygiene products;
- decreased immunity;
- open wounds and scratches;
- violation of the microflora of the vagina;
- strong stress;
- sexual contact with an infected person;
- presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
- bad habits.
A child can become infected during childbirth if the mother has papillomas on the genitals. This form of the disease is quite difficult to treat.

Infection mainly occurs through sexual contact. However, the use of condoms as contraceptives does not provide complete protection. In the event of an infection entering the body, a person becomes onlycarrier of the virus until it activates.
If the immune system is quite strong, then the body may well cope with the papillomavirus on its own, preventing its development.
Main symptoms
It is important not only to know exactly what papillomavirus is, but also what kind of symptoms are characteristic of the infection in the body. Signs and manifestations of HPV:
- papillomas;
- warts;
- cervical dysplasia;
- cancer.
Depending on the type and DNA of papillomavirus, there can be a variety of manifestations in patients. Warts can be of several types, namely:
- flat;
- plantar;
- vulgar.
Flat warts can be caused by types 3 and 5 of the virus. They are small bumps on the skin and they form mainly in children. Spines or plantar warts occur due to the penetration of types 1 and 2 of the virus. Vulgar neoplasms appear on the fingers and are provoked by type 2 viruses.

Genital warts are formed on the genitals and in the anus, on the lips and in the oral cavity. They are provoked by a virus of 6, 11, 13, 16, 18, 31 and 35 types. They are transmitted mainly through sexual contact. Sometimes there may be a contact method of transmission.
If a woman suffering from genital warts gives birth to a child, then he is also infected, and he may also develop warts or papillomatosis of the larynx and respiratory organs. However, the frequencysimilar symptoms in infants is quite low. Children have high immunity, which prevents them from developing infection.
When papillomatosis of the larynx on the vocal cords, multiple growths-papillomas are formed. They are mainly provoked by HPV type 11. Occasionally appears in babies born to women with genital warts.
Bovenoid papulosis is a flat small wart that forms around the genitals. Often, such neoplasms occur in men who constantly change sexual partners.
Often with papillomavirus, the cervix is affected by an infection, which leads to dysplasia and cancer. This is the most common type of HPV malignancy.
Papillomavirus type 18 can cause penile skin cancer. In addition, a malignant tumor of many organs and systems can occur. It is worth remembering that absolutely any infection that is constantly in the human body is activated only with a decrease in immunity.
To make an accurate diagnosis, when the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to be tested for papillomavirus. Using the PCR reaction, it is possible to determine the presence of papillomavirus DNA in the patient's material. Material for analysis is taken from the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix of women. In men, the sampling is carried out from the mucous membrane of the penis.
PCR analysis helps to detect the presence of the virus even in a latent state, which is why it is important to determine the concentration of the virus or viral load. The reaction can givefalse result, especially if the conditions for the procedure are violated.

Additionally, you can conduct a special test and get tested for papillomavirus. This is a new, modern study that is rapidly gaining popularity. The test is used to determine the presence of high levels of the virus. Thanks to such a study, it is possible to determine the degree of oncogenicity of viruses. It is used in combination with a cytological examination of the cervix, and the result is also evaluated comprehensively.
PAP test involves the analysis and study of a smear taken during a gynecological examination. At the same time, under a microscope, the doctor determines the presence or absence of pathologically altered cells, which should not normally exist, but they appear only with the development of the disease.
Histological examination helps to determine the presence of a malignant neoplasm. Additionally, a consultation with a gynecologist or urologist is required.
Features of treatment
Papillomavirus of high risk of developing oncology necessarily requires constant monitoring and control of a doctor. In addition, complex treatment is required, which implies:
- removal of papillomas;
- use of topical preparations;
- use of antivirals;
- cytotoxic drugs;
- treatment of comorbidities.
HPV treatment should take into account existing symptoms, as well as diseases that a person may have. In addition, great importancehave potential complications. Only a dermatologist can prescribe the right treatment.
It is strictly forbidden to try to remove neoplasms on your own, as this can only do harm. The infection will only grow more and more difficult to stop.
When carrying out therapy, it is imperative to increase immunity, as this will help to fight papillomas more effectively. HPV treatment methods are selected separately for each patient. During the therapy of neoplasms on the genitals, you need to go through it together with your sexual partner and for a while refuse sexual intercourse.
Medicated treatment
Treatment of human papillomavirus in women and men is carried out with the help of medications. They should only be prescribed by a qualified doctor after an examination.
If there is a risk of a malignant neoplasm, then Allokin-Alpha is prescribed. To quickly eliminate the manifestation of the virus, you need to take Groprinosin Panavir.

The drug "Viferon" is used as an aid in the complex therapy. This medicine helps to eliminate neoplasms on the skin. It is prescribed in combination with the main therapy.
The drug "Genferon" has an antiviral effect, eliminates the symptoms of HPV, and also improves immunity. Means such as Izinlplex, Levamisole and Immunomax contribute to more effective therapy. Reduce the size of papillomas will help "Cycloferon" andinterferon ointment. If a large area is affected, it is recommended to use Vartek and Podophyllin. These are good and effective medicines for multiple papillomatosis.
Papilloma removal
When papillomatosis has a high risk of transition to a malignant tumor, the removal of the neoplasm is required. To do this, apply such methods of therapy as:
- cryolysis;
- radio wave condensation;
- laser excision;
- operation.
Cryodestruction uses liquid nitrogen to freeze. A big plus is that after the procedure there are no scars and scars. Radio wave thickening means excision of papillomas with a radio wave scalpel.
Diathermocoagulation - removal of neoplasms with an electric scalpel and electricity. Removal of growths can be carried out using a laser. The big advantage of this technique is that it can be used even during pregnancy.
Surgery is prescribed only in case of extensive multiple lesions or if a malignant tumor is suspected. It is carried out under local anesthesia. The main disadvantage of hardware treatment is the presence of scars, and there is also a high probability of recurrence. That is why combination therapy is required.
Folk remedies
Some women, with the timely detection of the papillomavirus, resort to traditional medicine methods. However, it is worth noting that doctors do not recommend the use of non-traditional remedies. They must applyonly in combination with medications.
You can lubricate papillomas with freshly squeezed potato juice several times a day. A good remedy is celandine. Steam the problem area and grease with vegetable oil. After a few minutes, lubricate the papilloma with celandine. You need to carry out a similar procedure twice a day. It is important not to affect he althy areas.
Lubricate warts 3-4 times a day with castor oil until they disappear completely. Herbal teas are used to suppress the virus in the body. Sometimes they replace medications, in particular, such as immunomodulators.
When applying traditional methods, a doctor's consultation is required, as self-medication can lead to dangerous consequences.
HPV during pregnancy
Cervical papillomavirus does not affect reproductive function, that is, the infection does not prevent a woman from having a child at all. If a virus was detected during pregnancy, then you must:
- find a good gynecologist and be constantly monitored until childbirth;
- remove papillomas and warts after the baby is born;
- minimize medication.
The tactics of therapy largely depends on what kind of infection the woman will have. The virus has absolutely no effect on the fetus. A baby can become infected while passing through the birth canal.
If there are pronounced changes in the cervix, a pregnant woman may be offered a caesarean section. In the absence of severe symptoms, it is allowednatural delivery. Caesarean section for HPV is very rare. In addition, the manifestations of infection in children are also very rare and insignificant.
Possible Complications
The type and severity of human papillomavirus infection is largely determined by the type of virus pathogen and its activity. The severity of the pathology is influenced by factors such as:
- genetic predisposition;
- frequent births and abortions;
- inflammation of the cervix.
The likelihood of cervical cancer increases with a long stay of the causative agent of the virus in the body.
If you neglect the treatment, then condylomas and papillomas can start to fester and spread throughout the body. This leads to a significant deterioration in he alth. It is worth remembering that HPV does not always provoke cancer. If a virus with a high oncogenicity is present in the body, then malignant tumors develop only when immunity is weakened.
What diseases can be caused by HPV infection
Warts differ in their appearance, structure, and localization. When the first signs of the disease appear, you need to undergo an examination to determine the genotyping of papillomaviruses, since the clinical picture is determined by the type of virus.
HPV types 1 and 2 cause plantar warts. Moreover, the type 1 virus causes the formation of growths with deep roots, which are difficult to treat. The second type of HPV leads to the formation of painless growths. In addition, it causes the appearance of vulgar warts,which often occur in adolescents and children and go away on their own without treatment.
Virus types 3 and 5 provoke the formation of flat growths on the hands and face. They mostly occur during adolescence and go away on their own.
Genital warts are caused by viruses types 6 and 11. They are localized on the genitals, oral mucosa and near the anus. HPV type 11 provokes laryngeal papillomatosis, which is transmitted to the child during childbirth. An adult can become infected through oral sex. The patient complains of difficulty swallowing and hoarseness. Abundant formation of papillomas can lead to suffocation.

In women, HPV provokes genital warts. However, sometimes the disease proceeds secretly. If genital warts are not detected in a timely manner, they will mature until the onset of menopause and during this time will lead to the development of cancer. The most dangerous viruses are strains 16 and 18.
HPV in men can also be secretive, but there are exceptions. Infection can lead to bowenoid papulosis, which is a flat, rough bump on the skin. The more sexual partners, the higher the risk of infection. At the first sign of illness, you need to visit a doctor, as the development of oncology is not excluded.
In children, HPV can lead to the formation of papillomas on the skin or in the larynx. In some cases, the infection is completely asymptomatic. With the skin form, growths appear on the hands, face, around the knees. With papillomatosis of the larynxhoarseness of voice and sometimes difficulty breathing. Children's forms of papillomavirus respond well to treatment.
To reduce HPV infection, it is recommended to follow the basic prevention rules and important recommendations, namely:
- use personal soap, towels;
- teach teenagers about papillomavirus;
- get the HPV vaccination.
At the first signs of a virus in the body, you need to see a doctor. It is recommended to do this together with your sexual partner. Testing for infections should be done twice a year.

Contraceptives should be used for casual sex. However, it is worth remembering that condoms do not guarantee complete protection against HPV. It is important to monitor the immune system and treat pathologies of the genitourinary system in a timely manner.
Viruses have a high risk of degeneration from a benign to a malignant tumor, which must be eliminated very quickly. It is worth remembering that it is impossible to completely remove the infection from the body, which is why it is necessary to vaccinate for prevention.
3 injections every 6 months. Vaccination is required for girls aged 10-17.