Viral or bacterial bronchitis: differences, symptoms and treatment features

Viral or bacterial bronchitis: differences, symptoms and treatment features
Viral or bacterial bronchitis: differences, symptoms and treatment features

Bronchitis is one of the leading diseases of the respiratory tract. This diagnosis is made if the mucous membrane on the bronchi is inflamed, and the patient shows signs such as sputum production and coughing. Quite often, bronchitis is ill in regions with a humid and cold climate, where there are sharp changes in air temperature, as well as atmospheric pressure. But how to determine whether viral or bacterial bronchitis? Will there be any difference in symptoms? We will talk about this below.

Viral or bacterial bronchitis?

The bacterial form of this disease is much less common than the viral form. Bronchial infections can be caused by exposure to the following types of bacteria:

  1. Hemophilus influenzae.
  2. Corynebacteria.
  3. Moraksella.
  4. Pneumococcus.
  5. Meningococcus.
  6. Chlamydia.
  7. Streptococci.
  8. Mycoplasma.

The vital activity of the above organisms causes significant disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory organs, which is why it is necessary to start treatment with antibacterial drugs, that is, antibiotics, as soon as possible.

bronchitis viral or bacterial
bronchitis viral or bacterial


We continue to consider how to determine whether a person has viral or bacterial bronchitis. First of all, it is necessary to figure out whether the viral form of the disease occurs at all in practice. The answer will be positive. But how do you know if a patient has bacterial or viral bronchitis?

The bacterial form of bronchitis can be distinguished from the viral form by the longest incubation period, which takes from 2 days to 2 weeks. To determine the moment of infection, it is necessary to take into account not only the last contact with sick people, but also the recent state of excessive fatigue, hypothermia and nervous strain.

The main part of harmful microorganisms lives in the patient's body for months and years, without causing any discomfort. A sharp weakening of the immune system due to a nervous shock or hypothermia causes the awakening and activity of these microbes. In addition, a bacterial infection tends to join a viral one.

Experts prefer not to waste time figuring out whether a given form isbronchitis viral or bacterial. This is because the side effect of using antibiotics is much easier to eliminate than complications such as meningitis or pneumonia. And yet it will be simply useful to know what kind of bronchitis, viral or bacterial. After all, with a viral form of the disease, antibacterial drugs are useless.

bronchitis pictured
bronchitis pictured

It is important to note that only the attending physician should select medicines, especially when it comes to antibiotics.

How to tell if bronchitis is bacterial or viral

At the initial stage of its development, the disease almost never proceeds in a bacterial form. The viral form of bronchitis begins with a high body temperature, runny nose, cough, and only then, in case of improper therapy or its absence, does the bacterial form of bronchitis occur. Thus, we can say that it will be a complication of viral bronchitis.

As a rule, the immune system to the virus is formed within 3-5 days. If by the 5th day of the disease the patient does not feel improvement, then this indicates that bacteria are involved in the inflammatory process. In the case of bacterial bronchitis, the patient suffers from a very severe cough, with sputum discharge. Runny nose and inflammation of the eyes in this case will be absent. The temperature lasts for quite a long time, about 5 days. However, it is no more than 37.5 degrees.

Viral bronchitis symptoms

So, we continue to consider how bacterial bronchitis differs from viral. RangeThe viruses that cause bronchitis include about 2,000 varieties. In most cases, these are influenza viruses, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial viruses, coronaviruses, rhinoviruses, rotaviruses and many others.

bronchitis disease
bronchitis disease

Speaking about the differences between viral and bacterial bronchitis, you should pay attention to the fact that the viral form begins with a general deterioration in well-being, fever, loss of appetite, muscle pain. The main symptom of bronchitis is coughing. It appears due to irritation of the receptors of the bronchial mucosa due to the inflammatory process. The type of cough will depend on the specific causative agent of the disease, as well as the degree of organ damage.

In most cases, the disease begins with a dry paroxysmal cough, and then sputum is formed. Breathing then becomes gurgling and wheezing.

If the disease covers not only the bronchi, but also the larynx, then there is a barking cough. Initially, sputum is secreted in a small amount or not at all. However, every day its quantity increases, and in the second week of the disease it may change in color to greenish. The appearance of mucopurulent or purulent sputum is an alarming symptom that indicates the addition of a bacterial infection.

In the case of simple bronchitis, wheezing can be heard from the respiratory tract, it can be dry or wet. Character may change. The disease usually proceeds not very hard. In a few days the temperature comes tonormal, symptoms of intoxication disappear, swelling of the nasopharynx disappears.

diagnosis of bronchitis
diagnosis of bronchitis

It will take about 3 weeks for the phlegm to completely disappear, but during this time you may experience a cough. In some cases, bronchitis can drag on for one month, this is due to the addition of a secondary infection.

Symptoms of bacterial bronchitis

This form of the disease occurs with the localization of infection directly in the lower respiratory tract. As a rule, it develops only after inflammatory viral diseases. The immune system is weakened by the infectious primary agent, then the secondary bacterial flora joins.

Microorganisms that provoke the development of this pathology are called cocci in the field of medicine. Among them are staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci. In addition, the disease is formed due to exposure to legionella, chlamydia. Legionella live and also multiply in air conditioner filters, especially if you ignore the prevention of this device.

The main symptoms of bacterial bronchitis are:

  1. Intoxication - drowsiness, weakness, headache, lethargy.
  2. Pain in the sternum. The patient complains of internal burning, especially during coughing.
  3. Cough with phlegm. In some cases, the amount is quite large.
bronchitis in men
bronchitis in men


Answer the question of whether bronchitis is a viral or bacterial disease, your doctor candoctor. To identify the disease, the following types of diagnostics are used: sputum culture, complete blood count.

With the help of a blood test, you can detect a high content of leukocytes in it. This will indicate the development of the inflammatory process. ESR also increases due to inflammation. C-reactive protein, which has a protective function, also increases with the development of bronchitis.

Specialists need sputum analysis to determine the appropriateness of antibiotic therapy. To do this, a small amount of sputum is placed in a special environment, where the intensive growth and development of microorganisms begins. After that, the reaction to the effects of antibacterial drugs is checked. The analysis helps to identify whether bronchitis is a bacterial or viral infection in a particular case.

Now you know how you can determine the type of bronchitis. However, you should pay attention to the fact that in no case should you self-medicate. All antibiotics should be prescribed only by the attending physician after diagnostic measures.

What is the difference between bacterial bronchitis and viral bronchitis?
What is the difference between bacterial bronchitis and viral bronchitis?

Features of treatment

Methods of treatment of bronchitis of different types will be different. Consider them separately.

Treatment of the viral form

The viral form of the disease does not pose a particular danger to the patient. However, complications of the main pathology should alert the patient. To minimize such complications, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of the doctor. For this, strict bed rest must be observed,ventilate the room, drink plenty of water, take antiviral drugs, mucolytics, vitamin complexes, as well as drugs that strengthen the immune system. In parallel with this, experts recommend inhalation procedures, breathing exercises. Rubbing at home, as well as the use of cans and mustard plasters, will also not be superfluous in the treatment of the viral form of bronchitis.

During therapy, it is necessary to adhere to fractional nutrition, the diet of which should be dominated by foods high in protein.

girl with bronchitis
girl with bronchitis

The described tips are relevant for all age categories of patients, but there are several features of drug treatment. Instead of antiviral drugs, extended-spectrum antibiotics, which have an increased effect on lung tissue, can be used. Expectorants and probiotics can also be included in the course of therapy to restore the intestinal microflora.

Treatment of the bacterial form

As for the treatment of the bacterial form of bronchitis, it can only be cured with the help of antibacterial agents. For each of the patients, medications are prescribed individually. Most often, for this, the specialist prescribes Augmentin, Ceftriaxone, Azitrox, Sumamed.

In closing

Regular hardening, a he althy lifestyle, the correct work and rest regimen, as well as the right diet are the best preventive measures to prevent this disease. In this case, a person has every chance to remain he althy even during SARS epidemics.
