With age, many people have to deal with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. As a rule, in this case, drug treatment is prescribed, which is often accompanied by auxiliary measures. Phonophoresis or, as it is also called, ultrasound with hydrocortisone for diseases of the joints of the arms, legs, spine and other parts of the body is a method of physiotherapy that helps to quickly return to normal and return to normal life.

In this case, we are talking about a complex effect that is exerted on the affected areas. Thanks to ultrasound and active preparations that are applied to the skin, the procedure becomes one of the most effective.
Operation principle
If we talk about ultrasound treatment, then in this case we are talking about special equipment that can create certain vibrations in different parts of the humanbody. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve:
- Stimulation of blood vessels, against which puffiness decreases, and muscles relax.
- Improved circulation process. Thanks to this, more nutrients are delivered to diseased joints. Joints heal much faster.
- Increased venous tone, which is necessary in order to prevent stagnant processes. Thanks to this, spasms are reduced and puffiness is removed.
Through such therapeutic procedures, inflammation can be reduced and pain can be stopped. As a rule, this type of treatment does not bring pain or other unpleasant sensations to patients. Phonophoresis is used for arthrosis, arthritis and other pathologies. Simultaneously with ultrasound, you can attend massage sessions, exercise therapy, heat therapy.
Varieties of procedure
When using ultrasound, the doctor decides which drug to use to enhance the effect. As a therapeutic composition can be used:
- "Chondroxide". Thanks to this composition, it is possible to slow down the degenerative processes occurring in the tissues. This method of treatment is effective even at advanced stages of the disease.
- "Karipain". As a rule, it is most effective only at the initial stages of pathology development. In this case, the tool helps to get rid of pain and incipient inflammatory processes.
- "Ketoprofen". It has a very strong analgesic effect.

Hydrocortisone isthe most common means. When this drug is added during ultrasound procedures, it is possible to quickly remove inflammation. Ultrasound with hydrocortisone for joint disease is usually used at the very initial stages of the development of the disease, the first and second stages. The course of treatment is 10 procedures. Patients report significant relief afterwards.
Features of ultrasound treatment with hydrocortisone
If we are talking about phonophoresis using this medication, then it perfectly removes swelling and inflammation. This component activates the process of formation of cells of the immune system. However, these therapeutic measures are permissible only after talking with a doctor. The specialist will determine the dose of the active drug for ultrasound with hydrocortisone for joint disease.
It is also worth noting that this remedy is hormonal, so you need to clearly calculate exactly how much of the substance will affect the human body.
Benefits of using hydrocortisone
If we talk about the positive aspects of such treatment, then the active drug perfectly enhances the effect of ultrasonic radiation on the affected areas. This results in a better therapeutic effect.
In addition, according to reviews, ultrasound with hydrocortisone for joint disease:
- Improves the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins.
- Increases the level of membrane permeability. Therefore, the medicine is delivered directly to the focus of inflammation and has a faster positive effect.
Among other things, this drug relieves allergic reactions, itching, inflammation and strengthens the body's defenses.

How is the procedure performed?
With ultrasound with hydrocortisone for joint disease, the doctor performs several manipulations. First of all, the patient's skin is carefully treated with antibacterial agents. After that, a drug is applied to the site of inflammation of the vessel (usually in the form of an ointment). At the next stage, ultrasonic pulses are delivered with the required frequency and power.
It is important to note that after an ultrasound with hydrocortisone, do not remove the remnants of the ointment. The drug contained in it can have a positive effect even after the procedure. Therefore, within a few hours after performing an ultrasound, it is better not to wash the applied composition from the skin.
Usually after the first session, people experience relief. In addition, this procedure has other positive aspects.
Pluses of phonophoresis
When performing an ultrasound with hydrocortisone for joint disease, patients also receive a massage that stimulates blood flow. It turns out not only anti-inflammatory effect. The connective structures are loosened, a faster healing process begins. It also activates the process of collagen production, which has a lot of positive properties.
The therapeutic effect increases many times. In this case, the patient does not need to take pills that will be distributed throughoutbody and only lastly reach the affected area.

Indications for the procedure
As a rule, ultrasound physiotherapy with hydrocortisone is usually prescribed for arthrosis of the knee joints. It is this area of the human body that is most often affected. However, the knee joint responds well to this type of treatment. In addition, the procedure is recommended if the doctor has diagnosed:
- Gonarthrosis.
- Rheumatic type arthritis.
- Osteoarthritis.
- Bursitis or inflammation of the joint bag.
- Tendon dystrophy, which is accompanied by infringements in the joints or bones.
- Gout, which developed on the background of an increased volume of uric acid.
Also, similar physiotherapy procedures may be required if the patient has recently undergone surgery.
Ultrasound with hydrocortisone: contraindications
It is forbidden to carry out such procedures if a person suffers from:
- Diseases associated with the activity of the hematopoietic system.
- Last stage diabetes.
- Jade.
- High blood pressure.
- Atherosclerosis.
- Acute tuberculosis.
- Cancer.
- Infections of bacterial and viral origin.
- Abscesses on the skin.
- Neuralgia (including ailment affecting the facial nerves).
- Individual intolerance to the drug used in conjunction withultrasound.
- Poor blood clotting.

Also, speaking about the contraindications of ultrasound with hydrocortisone in case of joint disease, it is worth noting that such procedures are prohibited for pregnant women in the early stages of bearing a baby. In addition, doctors do not prescribe such physiotherapy if a woman is breastfeeding, the patient has obvious violations of the integrity of the skin, as well as tuberculosis or suspected of it.
Such treatment is strictly prohibited for small patients under the age of three. Moreover, doctors carefully prescribe such procedures even to adolescents and adult patients who are not yet twenty years old. If the person is elderly, then ultrasound is also not recommended.
Consequences of the procedure
Some patients complain about some side effects in their reviews. For example, hydrocortisone can cause itching and swelling in the area that was directly affected. Some begin to show symptoms of hyperemia. There were also cases of increased pressure indicators.

If a similar reaction is observed, then you should not worry and completely refuse treatment. In most cases, unpleasant consequences can be avoided by adjusting the dose of the drug (reducing it) or reducing the number of procedures. The doctor will help to make the correct schedule of treatment activities, based on the patient's complaints.
Ultrasonic modeimpact
Therapeutic interventions may vary. For example, there are two modes for performing such procedures. With constant ultrasound, the effect is due to continuous signals and impulses. In this case, the level of thermal influence will be clearer.
Also, the procedure can be performed in pulsed mode. In this case, there is a decrease in the dosage of ultrasound oscillations. This type of therapeutic intervention is considered the most benign.
How effective is this treatment?
To adequately assess the effectiveness of treatment, first of all, you should listen to your feelings. As a rule, in 80% of cases there is a clear decrease in pain. Thanks to physiotherapeutic procedures of this type, as well as in combination with complex treatment, it is possible to achieve excellent results. There is a rapid removal of edema, pain, etc. The bone outgrowth becomes much smaller. If the patient follows all the recommendations of a specialist, then he can count on a fairly quick positive result.
Patient feedback
If you read reviews of ultrasound with hydrocortisone, most patients positively recall the effectiveness of the procedure. Many note that after the second session there is a clear improvement in the condition. The pain subsides and it becomes much easier to walk or move your arms.

Some patients undergo this treatment several times a year. Because of this, they can refuse to take drugs by mouth and notremember the problem for quite a long time. Patients also note that complex treatment gives much better results. Therefore, it is worth consulting a doctor and clarifying the possibility of carrying out such procedures using ultrasound and drugs. If the specialist has nothing against and sees no reasons or contraindications, then there is every chance to make his life easier.