This article discusses in detail the types of gastritis of the stomach and the forms that they can take in the absence of timely treatment.

In addition, you will learn about the main measures that should be taken to treat and prevent the recurrence of gastritis.
Basic data
Main diseases | |
Acute gastritis | Occurs when overeating, taking too spicy or rough food, unusual for the body, as well as as a result of excessive consumption of alcohol and cigarettes. Most often, acute gastritis, the types and forms of which are discussed in detail in the article, is of a mild form, in which hospitalization is not required. |
Atrophic gastritis | Inflammation of the gastric mucosa, as a result of which the number of he althy cells in the tissues begins to decline rapidly. If left untreated, it can take a chronic form and provoke the appearance of cancer cells. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should first find out whichthere are atrophic gastritis, the types, causes and treatment of which, depending on the pathologies and course, are discussed in detail in the article. This is the only way to get the most out of your treatment. |
Chronic gastritis | Inflammation of the gastric mucosa, detrimental to its performance. It often occurs in people who have repeatedly endured an acute form of gastritis without consulting a doctor. |
Gastritis with high acidity | This form of the disease has an extremely detrimental effect on the mucous layer of the stomach, since at a high level of acidity the body produces hydrochloric acid in large quantities, which in large quantities can cause burns. In the absence of proper treatment, burns eventually transform into ulcerations and erosions, often causing bleeding. It is quite difficult to cure such a pathology, because an ulcer or, in the worst case, stomach cancer can form in the most damaged areas. Therefore, knowing what types of gastritis with high acidity are, you can detect the disease much faster and consult a doctor. |
Antacid gastritis | Occurs when the stomach acid does not produce enough acid. In fact, it is, although rare, but rather difficult to treat inflammation of the gastric mucosa, for the elimination of which it is necessary to use complex treatment. |
Remember that in the treatment of all types of gastritis require compliance with strictdiets. At the same time, it is better to discuss the selection of products that suit you in this condition with your doctor, since the diet will directly depend on the form in which the disease manifests itself. In any case, be prepared for the fact that you will have to give up the use of spicy and fried foods, as well as alcohol.

Next, you can learn more about the types of gastritis and their treatment, as well as find out what preventive measures will help prevent their recurrence.
Atrophic gastritis
Atrophic gastritis is one of the most unpredictable varieties of the disease. This is directly related to the fact that at the initial stage it is almost asymptomatic. In addition, the slight discomfort that it causes can easily be mistaken for a common ailment, however, knowing the main types of gastritis and the symptoms of the disease, you can detect its presence much faster and consult a doctor. However, remember that it most often develops in older men.
Under the influence of a number of reasons, the gastric cells stop producing enough elements of gastric juice, producing mucus instead.
Despite the fact that atrophic gastritis, the types of which are presented below, is most often accompanied by the presence of increased or decreased acidity in the stomach, its main danger lies in the fact that, according to numerous studies, it is a harbinger of cancer cells.
Main symptoms:
- After eating, even ina small amount in the solar plexus area appears a feeling of heaviness and discomfort.
- Even with regular visits to the dentist and completely he althy teeth, bad breath is felt from the mouth. In addition, minor sores may form in the mouth.
- Stomach growling periodically.
- May experience flatulence, constipation or diarrhea.
- The patient's weight drops sharply.
- Anemia develops, during which headaches appear, the skin becomes pale yellow, and the tongue periodically begins to tingle.
- The hormonal background is disturbed, which can lead to early menopause.
Atrophic gastritis, the types and forms of which are discussed in this article, requires such studies as gastroscopy or endoscopy. With their help, the doctor will be able not only to understand how thin the walls of the stomach are, but also to find out how damaged the gastric glands are.

In addition, in a number of modern clinics, a gastropanel is used to detect atrophic gastritis, which allows non-invasively assessing the state of the gastric mucosa.
How does pathology manifest itself?
Depending on the stage at which atrophic gastritis is located, the types of the disease are divided into 4 forms:
- Surface. This is the initial stage of the disease. It is just the first sign that inflammation may appear on the gastric mucosa. Determined only byendoscopy. If a doctor uses an instrumental method of examination, then with its help he can most often determine what is the thickness of the gastric walls, at what stage is the degeneration of the epithelium, and, by indirect signs, establish the state in which cell hypersecretion is located.
- Spicy. Inflammatory processes on the gastric mucosa begin to develop rapidly. There is swelling of tissues, destruction of the epithelium, which can even lead to erosion of the mucous membrane, as well as infiltration of leukocytes outside the stomach.
- Moderate. Gastric cells are partially transformed. In order to identify gastritis at this stage, the doctor will need to examine the gastric mucosa for affected cells. In addition, in some cases, an analysis is carried out, which shows how much the tissues have undergone changes.
- Chronic.
Types of disease
What types can this form of the disease take? The table below will help you understand this.
Antral | In the lower part of the stomach, in the immediate vicinity of the duodenum, a small compacted "tube" is formed, in the form of which this type of gastritis manifests itself. The affected areas of the stomach are deformed, covered with peculiar scars. The level of acidity in antral gastritis either slightly decreases or remains at the same level. In addition, with this type of disease, some patients begin to develop ulcerative processes in the oral cavity. |
Focal | Bgastric tissues appear areas with pronounced pathological processes. In rare cases, there may be an increase in the level of acidity, which is directly related to the fact that he althy parts of the stomach fully compensate for the work of the affected. |
Diffuse | Is the main harbinger of the onset of dystrophic changes. Its main symptom is that the gastric glands gradually degenerate, as a result of which their normal activity is disturbed and immature cells begin to appear more and more often. In addition, deepening of the gastric pits can serve as a clear sign of the disease. |
Methods of treatment of atrophic gastritis
Due to the fact that there are a lot of forms and types of atrophic gastritis, doctors have not yet developed a single method for their treatment. This is directly related to the fact that cells damaged as a result of this type of disease do not recover.

However, the doctor after an individual examination can draw up the optimal treatment method for each individual patient and prescribe an appropriate diet.
Chronic gastritis
If you do not go to the doctor when acute gastritis occurs or do not follow exactly all the recommendations that he gave you regarding its treatment and prevention, over time the disease takes on a chronic form. In addition, even a number of exogenous factors can affect its occurrence, for example, if you violate your diet for a long time.
Due to causes | |
Endogenous |
Occurs when acute gastritis is complicated by the presence of heart and infectious diseases, allergies and diabetes. Also occurs when the diet is not followed, the absence of teeth, as a result of which food enters the stomach almost not chewed, thereby exerting an excessive load on it. |
Exogenous | Most often occurs in people who have been in contact with chemicals for a long time. For example, people working in the chemical industry. |
For the production of gastric juice | |
High acidity | Gastric juice is too much. |
Deacidic | The secretory function of the stomach is significantly reduced. |
Types of chronic gastritis of the stomach on a histological basis, detected by biopsy | |
Non-atrophic | Gastric glands affected but not atrophied. |
Subatrophic | Gastric glands partially atrophy. |
Mixed | Inflammation of the mucosa can quickly change to a more serious lesion, as a result of which the stomach tissue can atrophy. |
In addition, all chronic gastritis can be divided according to the localization of the process in the gastric departments into cardiac, gastritis of the body and antral.
Methods of treatment of chronic gastritis
Knowing what types of gastritis are, you can much faster determine when the disease will become chronic, which will help you see a doctor in time for action. Remember that if you do not pay attention to gastritis for a long time, then ulcers or even cancer cells may appear on the walls of the stomach. In order for the doctor to accurately determine the type of ailment and adjust the treatment, a number of medical examinations are prescribed, for example, gastroscopy, a blood test, or measuring the level of acidity.

Chronic types of gastritis of the stomach always require an integrated approach to their treatment, in which the diet will be combined with a number of drugs that envelop the walls of the stomach. In addition, drugs can have an adsorbing and antacid effect. In any case, medicines should be taken a few hours after eating, when the tablets will reduce the inflammation of the mucous membrane and allow the stomach to digest food calmly.
Gastritis with high acidity
All types of gastritis with high acidity develop due to excessive production of digestive secretions by the stomach. The main sign of their occurrence is the presence of aching pain syndrome, which occurs on an empty stomach or a few hours after eating. Pain is directly related to the contact of hydrochloric acid and inflamed gastric walls and can be localized in the epigastric zone or left hypochondrium.
Types of gastritis with high acidity:
- Chemical.
- Fundal.
- Antral.
Despite the fact that the symptoms of each of these species are very similar, the underlying causes that affect their occurrence are different.
It is noteworthy that the occurrence of the disease can be affected not only by the presence of bad habits or the Helicobacter pylori bacterium, but also by a genetic factor, due to which even fundic gastritis can appear. In some cases, the occurrence of any type of gastritis with high acidity can even be affected by a lack of oxygen resulting from injuries or systemic diseases.
Methods of treating gastritis with high acidity
Therapy of gastritis with high acidity should be carried out by a highly qualified specialist who will develop a treatment based on the results of analyzes and further annual diagnostics, will be able to choose the best correction option, changing it depending on the development or attenuation of the disease. In addition to palpation, the disease can be diagnosed by examining the gastric juice. So, the doctor will be able to timely determine not only the form, but also the stage of gastritis, as well as find out whether the Helicobacter pylori bacterium has affected its development.
It is noteworthy that when developing a treatment regimen, it is not the level of acidity that is first assessed, but the state in which the gastric mucosa is located. If gastritis with high acidity is acute, then at the first stage the doctor prescribes medications that can reduce pain and eliminate inflammation.
Acute gastritis
Processinflammatory nature, affecting the gastric mucosa, is called acute gastritis. It can appear at any age, so at the first symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Catarrhal | Observed in most cases. It covers the surface of the gastric walls, as a result of which the stomach begins to intensively produce mucus, which can provoke the occurrence of edema or hyperemia. If acute gastritis is provoked by an allergen entering the stomach, a reaction in the form of a rash, swelling or redness appears on the skin within a few minutes. With this type of gastritis, due to the accumulated mucus, the walls of the stomach thicken significantly. In addition, various defects appear on their surface in the form of ulcers, hemorrhages, or covering with serous exudate, from which epithelial cells gradually die. |
Corrosive | Appears due to poisoning with concentrated chemicals. At the same time, according to the form of pathology, corrosive gastritis can be divided into coagulation (dry) and coagulation (wet) necrosis. In rare cases, for example, in case of chemical poisoning, it can lead to the development of heart, liver or kidney failure. In this case, the walls of the stomach can be damaged so much that its contents enter neighboring organs. |
Fibrinous | The main reason for its appearance are infectious diseases caused by various types of poisoning, inas a result of which the gastric mucosa undergoes serious changes. If fibrinous gastritis develops into purulent exudate, inflammation forms a kind of film on the outside of the gastric walls, under which tissues are transformed into loose compounds. It is noteworthy that if the tissue damage is not severe, the film can be easily removed, so during vomiting, its elements can be found in the masses. |
Phlegmonous | It is a pronounced purulent gastritis, which develops due to violations of the integrity of the mucosa. Inflammation occurs as a result of injuries to the gastric walls with foreign objects, for example, if the patient swallowed a large fish bone or needle. These changes affect all layers of the stomach, including the serosa, causing the patient to develop peritonitis or perigastritis. |
Treatment of acute gastritis
If the patient is taking any medication, be sure to tell the doctor about it so that he can prescribe the right treatment. In addition, even if gastritis no longer appears, you should regularly visit a gastroenterologist.
Acute gastritis, the types, causes, prevention and treatment of which are discussed in this article, require the obligatory observance of a special diet. In addition, after the initial manifestation of the disease, the patient is advised to fast for a day in order not to burden the stomach.
In the treatment of acute gastritis, one should concentrate on eliminating the root cause that provoked its occurrence. If acute gastritiswas caused by chemical poisoning, gastric lavage is required.
Antacid gastritis
If the stomach cannot cope with the production of a sufficient amount of acid, a hypoacid form of gastritis appears, which, if not properly treated, quickly transforms into an antacid, in which there is too little hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice. As a result of this, food is not digested properly, the digestive process becomes difficult, and in severe forms of antacid gastritis, even impossible. Most often, it is diagnosed in older patients, manifesting itself in the form of discomfort in the stomach that occurs immediately after eating.

Most often, antacid gastritis develops due to malnutrition, stress, poor heredity, or a weak immune system that prevents stomach tissues from producing enough antibodies.
Treatment of antacid gastritis
With antacid gastritis, treatment with enzyme drugs that promote the digestion of food must be combined with a strict diet. If gastritis has affected the normal functioning of the intestines, patients are prescribed medications that have a stimulating effect on its work. In addition, in this case, you should observe the correct, hourly diet and in no case overeat. At the same time, remember that it is impossible to completely cure antacid gastritis today, however, if you strictly follow medical recommendations, you can maintainhe alth at the proper level.
Remember that only a doctor can determine the type, form and course of gastritis. In no case do not take medications prescribed by your relatives and friends - each individual form of gastritis requires an individual approach to treatment, and a drug that helped one person cope with gastritis can have a detrimental effect on the body of another. Take care of yourself and stay he althy!