Associated with damage to the alveoli, a chronic lung disease called emphysema. The pathology causes breathing problems and is incurable.

What causes emphysema
The most common cause of illness is smoking. In heavy smokers, cigarette smoke leads to irreversible destructive processes in the alveoli. The best thing to do in this case is to stop smoking completely. Such a measure will stop destructive processes in the alveolar tissues, and the state of he alth will improve. But diagnosing emphysema is possible not only in smokers. Sometimes this disease develops for another reason - due to a lack of alpha-1-antitrypsin - a glycoprotein that is designed to protect the lungs from tissue destruction. Studies allow us to conclude that in our time an important role in the development of emphysema is played by unfavorable environmental factors, including polluted air. In addition, inhalation of various chemical compounds, dust, cement air suspension on a regular basis can provoke a disease.

One can single out congenital (primary) pulmonary emphysema, which develops independently, and secondary, the development of which occurs against the background of other pulmonary diseases, most often obstructive bronchitis. According to the degree of prevalence, pathology is divided into localized and diffuse. And according to the degree of damage to the acinus, which is a structural unit of the lung, such types of emphysema are distinguished as panacinar (when the entire acinus is affected), centriacinar (the alveoli in the center of the acinus are affected), periacinar (the distal part of the structural unit of the organ is affected).
Signs of emphysema
The leading symptom is expiratory dyspnea, accompanied by difficulty in exhaling air. Initially, it appears only during physical exertion, and over time it progresses and occurs even at rest. The intensity of this symptom depends on the degree of respiratory failure. Together with shortness of breath, a cough appears, in which scanty mucous sputum is secreted. A pronounced degree of respiratory failure is manifested by puffiness of the face, cyanosis, and swelling of the veins in the neck. The sick begin to lose weight as a result of a large expenditure of energy to ensure the functioning of the respiratory muscles. If the disease is not treated, pathophysiological irreversible changes develop in the cardiopulmonary system.
Emphysema: diagnosis and treatment features

To identify the disease,spirometry is carried out - a study aimed at measuring the inhaled / exhaled air, a blood test, a chest x-ray. As already mentioned, emphysema cannot be cured. Supportive care is given to relieve symptoms. It includes taking medications that prevent further destruction of the alveoli, and physiotherapy. If emphysema was caused by smoking, you should immediately give up the addiction - continued smoking may well lead to death. Long-term remissions of the disease can be achieved through therapeutic exercises.