Papillomavirus infection: basic information

Papillomavirus infection: basic information
Papillomavirus infection: basic information

Papillomavirus infection (venereological condylomatosis) is a group of infectious diseases of a viral nature that change the growth of tissues and contribute to the appearance of specific formations on the skin and mucous membranes.

This infection is transmitted from a sick person through direct contact, including during sexual intercourse.

papillomavirus infection
papillomavirus infection

The causative agent of the disease is human papillomavirus, which, when it enters the body, goes through an incubation period of development lasting 1-5 months. It should be noted that the susceptibility to this disease is extremely high, so papillomavirus infection is widespread among the population.

Often the pathogen is asymptomatic in the blood, especially in cases where a person has a strong immune defense. But under certain circumstances, it fails. This activates the reproduction of viruses in certain parts of the body, there is a specific change in epithelial cells. This leads to the appearance of neoplasms in the form of warts, condylomas or papillomas, which are a characteristic sign of the disease.

I must say that there are more than a hundred types of viruseshuman papillomas, but they are conventionally divided into three groups: non-oncogenic, viruses of low oncogenic risk and pathogens that exhibit pronounced oncogenic properties. Papillomavirus infection of the genitals today occupies a special group.

human papillomavirus infection in women
human papillomavirus infection in women

Depending on the type of papilloma, characteristic neoplasms appear on the skin and mucous membranes. Genital papillomas are considered especially dangerous because they can turn into malignant tumors. Papillomavirus infection in women, which provokes the formation of genital warts on the cervix, can also be the cause of the development of a cancerous process.

When localized in other areas, such formations are less dangerous in relation to malignant degeneration, but they cause a noticeable cosmetic defect and can provoke an inflammatory process. It must also be said that human papillomavirus infection in pregnant women causes complications in childbirth and infection of the fetus.

papillomavirus infection treatment
papillomavirus infection treatment

Methods of treatment of this disease

To date, there is no international standard for the treatment of pathologies that are associated with human papillomaviruses. Now an active search is underway for the most effective methods that would take into account the possibility of cancer development, relapses and complications after the destruction of neoplasms.

Papillomavirus infection: treatment

It should include combined regimens in which antiviral (etiotropic) therapy is carried out,they use immunomodulators, as well as complex methods that are aimed at destroying the accompanying flora (fungi, bacteria, chlamydia and other viruses).

In the treatment of this disease, low-traumatic destruction and photodynamic therapy (in cases of a malignant course) are carried out. Attention is paid to the prevention of relapses. For this, a course of vitamins, desensitizing drugs, and adaptogens are prescribed.

When treating, it is important to combine several methods, take into account the clinical manifestations of the disease and control the course of human papillomavirus infection.
