How to improve memory and attention? Why is it so important? These questions need to be answered. The ability to focus on what you are doing is one of the most important steps to success. When a person cannot concentrate on one task for a certain period of time, or remember information, how can he achieve anything?

Successful people can focus on achieving a certain goal day and night - until they achieve a result, whether it be power, fame, money, the pursuit of self-improvement or meditation. How to improve scattered attention if there are so many distracting things around? Indeed, the diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) continues to grow hand in hand with the development of television, the Internet, computer games and portable media use. The ubiquitous advertising grabs your attention. It is characterized by bright color, loud sound, screaming headlines… All these tricks kill the ability of the mind to think freely, and, as a result, distracted attention and the inability to focus on work, creativity. If you accept that this is true, then improving attention and memory is the first step towards success.

Here are some tips for better results:
1. Don't tell yourself, "I can't focus." In doing so, you are programming your mind for lack of concentration and scattered attention.
2. Every time you need to focus, tell yourself several times that you can do it. This method will help develop this ability.
3. Remember, to improve attention, you need to train it, as well as any skill. If you work hard and seriously at this, then, in time, you will be able to focus your attention on anything.
4. Learn to switch. If there is something that distracts attention, such as unresolved business problems or family problems, tell yourself that all this can wait a while, and you will solve them after you finish what you started. If this does not help, write a plan of action on a piece of paper. This should temporarily distract you from extraneous problems.5. Do one thing at a time. Jumping from one thing to another will only teach your mind to be inattentive, and such mental anxiety can be exhausting in the long run.

6. When you have your attention on something, be alert, and when you catch yourself thinking about something else, then try to go back to what you were working on.
7. When you are recordingyour thoughts, you automatically focus your full attention on them. Few of us can write one thing and think, at the same time, another. Thus, pencil and paper are excellent tools if you have distracted attention. In the coming years, the amount of information that will fall into our possession is likely to only increase. Today, many IT companies are developing tools and methods to help you manage your attention.
As you can see, this is the challenge of our time: to stay connected and use more and more social media available to us, and at the same time be able to direct and focus our attention where it is most needed. In the end, what we choose to focus our attention on will essentially indicate how we choose to spend our lives.