Today there are many different diseases that a person encounters extremely rarely. However, the state continues to vaccinate children. So, poliomyelitis: what kind of disease is it, what are its features and is it necessary to vaccinate babies against this disease today? Let's talk about it further.

Basic information about the disease
First you need to understand what exactly will be discussed. Poliomyelitis - what kind of disease is this? Initially, it should be noted that this is an infectious disease. It is caused by an intestinal virus that lives in the human body in the intestines or throat. But its danger is that it is capable of affecting the spinal cord and brain. It should also be noted that polio in the people has a different name - children's spinal paralysis. They mainly affect children aged from a few months to 6 years. The child's muscles are most often affected.
Transmission methods
Polio - what is this disease, how is it transmitted?
This is a highly contagious disease. Modes of transmission:
- by air;
- through dirty hands;
- whenaid of water or food;
- together with faeces (e.g. when changing a baby's diaper).
The virus enters the human body through the respiratory tract - the nose or mouth, from where it moves straight into the small intestine. There he settles for the duration of the incubation period. After that, the virus enters the bloodstream, where antibodies should be developed against it. In most cases, this is what happens. The child carries the disease, after which he develops a lifelong strong immunity to this problem.
It is important to note that the virus itself is very tenacious. In the external environment, it can be stored for six months, it tolerates both drying and freezing.

A little bit of history
This childhood disease (polio) was considered the scourge of mankind until the middle of the last century. Especially often it affected the inhabitants of Europe, causing a huge number of child deaths. However, in the 1950s, scientists managed to invent an effective vaccine, and polio ceased to be a deadly disease. On the territory of the former Soviet Union, doctors completely coped with this problem before 1961. However, some time ago, in 2010, a new outbreak of polio was recorded in Tajikistan, where almost 700 people fell ill at once. At the same time, 26 cases ended in death. At the same time, the virus entered Russia, where it still infects unvaccinated children from time to time.
About living and non-living virus
The list of what diseases adds polio? infectious diseases thatare characterized by formidable complications and can be fatal. That is why recently doctors strongly advise parents to vaccinate their children. But here there is one nuance. The polio virus that entered the territory of the state is considered "wild". And those vaccines that were used earlier are ineffective with this virus.
Until 2014, a vaccine with non-living cell structures was used. It was called inactivated. Now scientists agreed that such prevention is ineffective. That is why it is now more relevant to use a "live" vaccine. At the same time, pediatricians note that two vaccinations, which are given before the age of the first year of life, will be carried out with the still inactivated drug, as was done before.
On the danger of "live vaccine"
The name "live vaccine" often scares many parents. After all, no one wants to deliberately infect their child. Is it really as dangerous as it might seem at first glance? Doctors say that the risk of disease after such vaccination is completely absent. Moreover, it will also protect against all complications, as the body becomes resistant to all strains of the virus. But still, children with HIV infection and those who have weakened immunity from birth are not vaccinated with such a vaccine.

On the curability of the disease
What else do you need to know about a disease like polio? Each patient's medical history is different. After all, it all depends on howit was she who leaked.
- Most cases, over 90%, of polio are asymptomatic. The child does not feel anything, his activity is at the usual level. Moreover, such children are carriers of the disease.
- In about 5% of cases, the baby may feel a slight malaise. It could be muscle weakness, loss of strength.
- Approximately 1-2% of children with polio develop meningitis, which, by the way, does not lead to paralysis.
- And less than 1% of babies are paralyzed.
Also, doctors say that after paralysis, the child can recover both partially and completely. This will happen about a year after recovery. During this time, the baby may return to normal.
About the types of disease
Having de alt with what poliomyelitis is, what kind of disease it is, it is necessary to consider the main forms of the disease. There are three of them, they differ in clinical presentations.
- Abortive form. Occurs most often. Symptoms are similar to other diseases. It manifests itself acutely, the symptoms disappear after 3-5 days. In this case, poliomyelitis is not diagnosed immediately, because the clinical picture is very similar to the flu, colds, intestinal disorders.
- Meningeal form. The course of this type of disease is more severe, because the membrane of the brain is affected, where the virus penetrates.
- Paralytic form. In this case, the motor neurons of the spinal cord and, in rare cases, the brain are damaged.
Depending on the speciesdiseases vary and symptoms.

Polio symptoms
How does polio disease manifest itself? Symptoms - that's what will help to recognize a dangerous disease. As mentioned above, most often it is the abortive form of the disease. In this case, everything starts very sharply: the temperature rises, there may be a slight cough and nasal congestion. There is also increased sweating, nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. But it should be noted that in even more cases the child practically does not feel anything and the illness for the baby goes unnoticed and without consequences.
With the meningeal form, everything is much more complicated and dangerous. When the inflammatory process affects the lining of the patient's brain, severe headaches can occur that are not removed with the help of medications. It is not uncommon for patients to vomit, which is completely unrelated to food intake and, as a result, does not bring the desired relief. Doctors also sometimes diagnose other meningeal symptoms.
The paralytic form of poliomyelitis is considered the most dangerous and severe. However, it rarely occurs. Symptoms depend on the course of the disease:
- In the spinal variant, the patient will have peripheral paralysis of a flaccid course, which, at the same time, can cover the limbs asymmetrically. There are also muscle pains, muscle tremors, urinary incontinence or constipation.
- Bulbar paralysis is the most dangerous. With this form, that part of the spinal cord is affected,which is responsible for the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Symptoms may include: nasal congestion, shortness of breath, speech problems, psychomotor agitation, high or low blood pressure. It should also be noted that if, with this variant of the disease, the patient is not provided with proper medical care, everything can end in death in 2-3 days.
- The pontine variant differs in that in this case the nucleus of the facial nerve is affected. The outlook is favorable.
Outward manifestation of disease
What does polio disease look like? Photos of patients are very different. It all depends on the form of the disease. As mentioned above, most often this problem will not affect the appearance of the patient at all. Sometimes there may be atrophy of the muscles of the back or face, which will persist for life. In rare cases, children become disabled. So poliomyelitis can be very different, photos of patients are another confirmation of this. The problem cannot be taken lightly and nonchalantly, even if the percentage of severe cases is very low.

About vaccination
What should I do to avoid getting polio? Doctors advise all children to be vaccinated on time. There are two ways:
- With an inactivated vaccine. In this case, the child is given an injection.
- Via a live attenuated vaccine given by mouth as drops. They have a slight s alty taste.
After the procedure, the body acquires strong immunity from polio. The child will never get infected again.
Often, parents ask pediatricians the question: "Is it possible to get vaccinated after a disease from polio or not?" The answer is unequivocal: no. Why so? Everything is simple. A person can become immune to polio in two ways:
- after vaccination;
- after an illness.
So getting polio shot after being sick is a completely useless act. And any doctor will not vaccinate a patient who has already been ill.
Disease diagnosis
How can you recognize this disease? In most cases, this cannot be done with a simple examination, relying only on symptoms alone. The final diagnosis of the doctor is made only after the laboratory tests. In the first couple of weeks, the virus can be "seen" in the discharge from the nasopharynx, after this time the virus is identified in the feces. Other materials for research - blood, cerebrospinal fluid.

Cure disease
We figured out how long after the illness you can be vaccinated against polio (and whether it is necessary), what are the features of the disease. Next, I want to talk about how this problem can be de alt with. Initially, it should be noted that it is categorically impossible to be treated at home for polio, regardless of the form of the disease. In this case, folk methods will not help either. Only medication will give the desired effect.
There is no single cure for poliomedicines, doctors help the patient in a complex, using different medicines along with physiotherapy procedures. This significantly speeds up the recovery process of patients. What medications are relevant in this case:
- Drug "Paracetamol". It has both antipyretic and analgesic effects.
- Anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen or Aspirin.
- If there are problems with the stool, laxatives may be prescribed, as well as rehydrators. These are such medications as Regidron or Smekta.
At the same time, various physiotherapy procedures will be very useful, the purpose of which is to return the functionality of the limbs. During the acute phase, special pillows are placed under the joints of patients, which prevent parts of the body from deforming. Splints may be placed to reduce pain. At some stage in recovery, patients may have their limbs rigidly fixed to stabilize function and regain shape, and not just to reduce pain, as is done during the acute stage of the disease.
If we talk about physical therapy, then the following procedures may be useful:
- hydrotherapy, or treatment with water;
- magnetotherapy, when the body is affected by magnetic fields;
- electrostimulation is the excitation of muscles with the help of low-frequency current;
- physical exercises of varying difficulty.
What else do you need to know about a problem like polio? Medical historypatients is different, it all depends on the form of the course of the disease, the individual characteristics of the body, immunity and the correctness of treatment.
Nuances important in polio
Having figured out whether it is possible to vaccinate against polio after an illness, and how this disease generally proceeds, it should be noted that bed rest is very important for this problem. First of all, it is needed in order to reduce the risk of developing a paralytic form. Secondly, it provides optimal conditions for the work of a weakened organism. As for nutrition, there are no strict restrictions. If there are malfunctions in the intestines, then you need to adjust the diet, consuming exclusively boiled or steamed foods.

Consequences and complications of the disease
What is the danger of polio? The consequences of the disease with this viral problem can be very different. So, among the complications most often happens:
- Respiratory failure. Occurs when the respiratory muscles are damaged.
- Myocarditis (an inflammation of the heart muscle) that disrupts the heart.
- Various intestinal lesions. Intestinal obstruction, bleeding, indigestion may develop.
All these complications are very dangerous and can be fatal.
What diseases can occur after polio? The most diverse - from SARS and tonsillitis to intestinal disorders. In most cases, this is not directly related to the disease, ratherThe reason is a weakened immune system. But there is also such a thing as post-polio syndrome. It is characterized by:
- muscle weakness and pain;
- fatigue;
- gait disturbances;
- swallowing disorders;
- shortness of breath.
This is a neurological disease that can occur even 10 years after the childhood illness. The exact cause of its occurrence is still unknown to doctors.