The world of medicine has many diseases that affect a particular gender. So, there are exclusively female ones among them. It is precisely such a problem that varicose veins of the small pelvis in women are, which will be discussed further.

At the very beginning, you want to understand what exactly you will have to face. So, many ladies have heard about such a problem as varicose veins. As a result of the disease, swelling of peripheral veins occurs under the skin. As a result, so-called nodes can form, which are perfectly “visible”, and a he althy outflow of blood is also often disturbed.
What is pelvic varicose veins in women? It should be noted that this is a disease that leads to swelling and blockage of the veins of the specified part of the body. In other words, in the pelvis there is a violation of the blood flow, which leads to such problems. Mostly women of reproductive age suffer from this.
About the mechanism of the development of the problem
In an ordinary he althy vein, the blooda person only flows in one direction. If we talk about such a problem as varicose veins of the small pelvis in women, then in this case there is a failure in the outflow of blood, as a result of which it can be thrown back through the ovarian vein (in medicine this phenomenon is called reflux). This may be due to the loss of integrity and elasticity of the valves. As a result, the vascular walls are stretched, the vein cavity expands. Its capacity is lost, and, if necessary, the vein can no longer compress properly. At the very beginning of the development of the disease, the lady begins to be disturbed by pain. Here it is the main indicator. And this happens due to the infringement of the nerve endings, which leads to innervation (the process of losing connection with the nerves of the tissues of the vein).

About varicose veins of the pelvis and varicose veins of the lower extremities
Most often people are faced with such a problem as varicose veins of the lower extremities. How does this problem differ from the one discussed in the article? Basically, nothing. The mechanism of the course of the disease is the same. As in the case of the legs, this problem mainly affects the venous valves, which provide blood flow to the heart muscle. These valves can collapse, resulting in stagnation or backflow of blood. However, with varicose veins of the small pelvis, the area around the fallopian tubes, uterus, vulva, and even the vagina suffers from overload.
About the causes of the disease
Be sure to tell whyvaricose veins of the small pelvis in girls. So, doctors do not have a single answer to this question. There are many different factors that contribute to this:
- Pregnancy. The most common reason. Indeed, during this period, the volume of circulating blood increases significantly in a woman. And this, together with weight gain, which is also characteristic of pregnant women, leads to stretching of the walls of blood vessels. It is this fact that can later lead to problems with valves and the occurrence of stagnation.
- Causes of varicose veins of the small pelvis can also be hidden in the anatomical features of the female body. To put it simply, some women have a special structure of the veins of the small pelvis, which for the period of pregnancy turns out to be the most dangerous phenomenon. And fertilization can have an extremely negative impact on their condition.
- The reason may be the pathology of the connective tissue, when the walls of the vessels themselves can stretch and lose their shape. The effect on the body of estrogen, a special hormone that is active during pregnancy, can also lead to the same result. It is designed to relax the muscles of the uterus. But sometimes it also negatively affects the walls of blood vessels, their contractility.
- The following causes of varicose veins of the small pelvis, which are also distinguished by doctors, are multiple or multiple births.
- Varicosis can be caused not only by sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle, but also by women carrying heavy loads (for example, this may be due to the peculiarities of work).
- Doctors say thatoften the causes of varicose veins of the small pelvis are also in sexual dysfunctions. For example, anorgasmia (that is, the absence of orgasms) can cause a problem, or a problem such as dyspareunia, when a lady has pain during intercourse, before it, or immediately after it (by the way, this is often a psychological, far-fetched problem).
- The cause can be various gynecological diseases, as well as the use of coitus interruptus as a means of contraception.

Symptoms of the disease
Speaking of such a disease as varicose veins of the pelvic organs in women, the symptoms of the problem are what is important to talk about. So, what disorders can indicate this difficult disease? First of all, it is pain. We can say that this is even the only most important indicator in which you already need to consult a doctor. Pain is localized in the lower abdomen, may radiate to the lumbosacral region or groin area. Their intensity is different. Pain can increase significantly during intercourse, as a result of prolonged standing on your feet, during menstruation or before they begin, in the late stages of bearing a baby.
There are also a number of non-specific symptoms that may or may not appear, or even be absent altogether. What are these indicators?
- Problems with menstruation. Yes, this maybe very heavy bleeding, too pronounced premenstrual syndrome. It can also be a symptom of dysmenorrhea, when there is a violation of the menstrual cycle.
- Vaginal and perineal area may be sensitive.
- Vaginal discharge may occur regardless of bleeding.
- Sometimes there is a violation of urination.
- Women may experience increased fatigue, constant weakness.
Again, I would like to note that not all of these symptoms can occur in one woman. That is why they are called non-specific. But pain will be present in every case of this difficult problem.
Similar diseases
It should also be noted that sometimes varicose veins of the small pelvis in women are recognized very belatedly. And all because not all doctors succeed in making the correct diagnosis the first time. So, the reason is the fact that there are a number of diseases similar to varicose veins:
- Uterine fibroids (a benign growth that occurs in the myometrium - the uterine layer).
- Endometriosis (also a benign formation, which is localized mainly in the mucous layer of the uterus or beyond).
- Prolapse of the uterus when, as a result of muscle weakness, it is able to sink lower into the pelvic region.

Stages of disease
Pelvic varicose veins in women have three stagesleakage:
- The diameter of the veins is in the range of approximately 5-7 mm, and the processes cover at this stage only the upper edge of the left ovary.
- At the second stage, the diameter of the veins can reach 10 mm. The mechanism of the development of the disease affects the entire left ovary. At this stage, varicose veins may already affect part of the uterus and the right ovary.
- At the third stage, the diameter of the veins can reach 13 mm. The problem affects both ovaries and uterus completely.
Disease diagnosis
As mentioned above, varicose veins of the small pelvis are often confused with other gynecological diseases. That is why differential diagnosis of the disease is very important in this case. Simply put, you need to exclude all diseases that are very similar in their symptoms. Further, it is important to correctly determine the diagnosis. And for this, you will have to establish the place where the reverse blood reflux (reflux) occurs. So, in this case, you will need to contact a phlebologist, who will offer a whole range of diagnostic procedures:
- Ultrasound. In this case, the uterus and other organs of the small pelvis of the lady are examined. Ultrasound, however, helps to view blood flow in the pelvis. The procedure itself is completely painless, does not take much time and money.
- Plebogram. This diagnostic method was actively used before, its essence is to find out about the stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs. In this procedure, a dye is injected into the blood, after which the veins are viewed under x-rays. The procedure is alsopainless, takes about 40 minutes. Its only risk is an allergic reaction, which may occur as a result of the action of the contrast agent. Today, most often, the phlebogram is replaced by computed tomography.
- CT. Phlebogram alternative. With this diagnostic procedure, specialists are able to visually examine the pelvic area in women, as well as identify areas of varicose veins. In this case, there is radiation exposure, as a result of which the procedure is contraindicated in pregnancy.
- MRI. Helps to identify pelvic stasis of blood. A painless and completely harmless study, as a result of which doctors receive a high-quality image. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and takes approximately 15 minutes.
Sometimes a procedure such as laparoscopy (this is a special surgical procedure used to diagnose certain diseases) or Doppler ultrasound (the study of blood flow in the vessels using the Doppler effect) can be used.

It is important to note that such problems as varicose veins of organs and veins of the small pelvis differ from each other. Diagnosis, treatment, the use of various means in this case also varies. These are similar diseases, but the methods of getting rid of them are different. Often, varicose veins of the pelvic organs, which are confused with the problem under consideration, are varicose veins of the uterus or ovary (in other words, varicocele).
As for the treatment, even if you applythe most effective, then it is impossible to cure this problem completely. However, it is possible to significantly improve the quality of life and eliminate most of the symptoms. What is the main thing in this case? What you need to know about such a problem as varicose veins of the small pelvis? Treatment should be comprehensive and must include the following items:
- Medication use.
- Wearing special bandages.
- The use of exercise therapy.
The main objectives of treatment for this disease:
- Restoring proper venous tone.
- Improvement of trophic processes in the pelvic organs.
Medicated treatment
How can I get rid of such a problem as varicose veins of the small pelvis? Treatment with medications will mainly consist of taking medications orally. Indeed, based on the location of the disease, external agents - ointments and gels for varicose veins - simply cannot be used (due to the anatomical features of the location of the disease).
Drugs that are most often used for varicose veins of the small pelvis:
- phlebotropic drugs;
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- multivitamins of groups B to improve nerve conduction, groups P and C - to get rid of vascular fragility;
- painkillers that help relieve pain.
Thus, the use of drugs is recommended mainly during an exacerbation of the disease. If the patient has a third degree of the disease,surgical treatment (laparoscopy together with the use of X-ray endovascular methods) can also be used.

Other means to fight the disease
In addition to drug treatment, you can fight the problem with the help of physiotherapy exercises, as well as wearing special compression underwear. In this case, compression stockings will be useful, which will improve blood flow in the legs and, as a result, partially in the pelvic organs.
Considering beneficial physical activity, it is important for women with this problem to do at least the “scissors”, “bike”, “birch” exercises every day. Breathing exercises and a contrast shower on the upper part of the legs and the pelvic area are also useful. However, full-fledged gymnastics is a quick path to a normal and he althy life. Simple but powerful exercises:
- Lying on your back, stretch your legs, then, bending, pull them to your chest. Do this 5 times.
- Again, lying on your back, raise your legs up, then bend, then raise again. And so several times.
- Lie on your stomach, lifting each leg in turn. In the highest position, the leg must be fixed for a couple of seconds. Do at least 5 sets for each leg.
- For 15 minutes you will have to walk around the room. First - on the toes, then - on the heels, and then - raising the knees high.
If a patient has pelvic varicose veins, treatment in women should be as competent andcomplex. Indeed, otherwise, many complications can arise. In this case, doctors say that women may have dysfunctional uterine bleeding, inflammatory and infectious uterine diseases. Against the background of varicose veins, pelvic vein thrombosis may develop.

And at the very end I would like to tell you how you can save yourself from such a problem. After all, any disease is easier to prevent than to get rid of it later. So, a set of preventive measures can be as follows:
- Regular relaxing baths to tone veins.
- Strong physical exercise, such as crunches. The load must be given to the body constantly.
- It is very important to have regular sex. This is useful not only for the veins of the small pelvis, but also for the whole organism as a whole.
And, of course, you need to remember that it is important to lead an active he althy lifestyle, not sitting too long in one place. And if the work is sedentary, then regularly take small active breaks.