What is low pressure? What to do to make it rise to a normal level and stop the headache? Hypotension suffers, according to various sources, from 15 to 25% of the total population of the earth. They, like hypertensive patients - people with high blood pressure, need to know everything about their disease and understand how to quickly put themselves on their feet.
Especially if hypotension manifests itself in youth and prevents self-realization. Due to low blood pressure, the brain does not work well, physical activity causes dizziness and sometimes fainting.
Low pressure. Reasons
Why do some people have high blood pressure and others have low blood pressure? Blood pressure is an individual physiological feature of the body. But all deviations from the norm by 20 units are already considered a disease. As you know, the norm is the readings of the tonometer 120 to 80. And, accordingly, the pressure of 100 to 60 is already hypotension.
Causesthere may be such deviations:
- Inflammation and blood loss.
- Hormonal disorders.
- Vegetovascular dystonia - a disease of the nerves.
- Lack of sleep for a long time.
In addition, sedentary work and lack of physical activity lead to hypotension. An untrained heart does its job worse. But an overworked heart muscle also eventually works poorly over the years. Stresses have their effect on the main muscular organ in those who have increased responsibility on duty; working seven days a week and workaholics.
The same low blood pressure is observed in pregnant women due to changes in hormonal status. People who have recently recovered from a viral infection may also experience such symptoms for some time if they have been in bed with a fever for a long time.
Understand that the pressure is lowered, usually not difficult. Everyone knows that the lack of blood supply in the body causes weakness and dizziness. To confirm the guess, it is enough to measure your pressure. After all, there is a tonometer in almost every family. And if not, then you need to urgently purchase it.

When the pressure drops below 110, the average person already becomes ill. Especially for men. Concentration, reactions and perception are disturbed. But there are people for whom moderately low blood pressure is the best condition. And they don't need to take any action. This is their genetic feature.
When hypotension is observed:
- Feels likethe person is out of breath.
- Headache, usually localized in the parietal zone.
- Drowsiness, drowsiness and lethargy.
- A person's hands quickly freeze in the cold.
- Frequent fainting.
Due to frequent fainting and poor concentration of attention, it is better for hypotensive patients not to drive. It is recommended to constantly measure blood pressure and try not to be nervous.
How common is hypotension?
Low blood pressure is a common condition among young women in their 20s and 30s; especially among those who are too underweight and who do not like physical activity. It occurs in young people who endure severe stressful situations, for example, when a person is studying and working.

And, of course, hypotension is common in older people with heart problems. Arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy and heart failure - all these heart diseases are dangerous with a sharp drop in pressure. For them, this is especially dangerous, and they need to visit the doctor more often.
Pressure in athletes
Professional sportsmen usually have lower blood pressure than most. So their heart adapts to the overload. At rest, blood pressure is slightly lower, but during training, the heart muscle squeezes out of itself as much as it can. Then it goes back to reduced load mode.
But if an athlete has low blood pressure and low heart rate, what should I do? You need to call an ambulance. He may be bleeding internally.
Hypotension inmen
If in young women the main causes of hypotension are VVD and hereditary factors, then in men the situation is different. Men of our century in their free time sit at the computer either playing or watching movies. Moreover, the work of many office workers is also sedentary.
Lack of movement leads to the fact that the body weaned "activated". Every young man needs to experience cardio loads 2 times a week. That is, force yourself to run or swim.
Danger of hypotension
Hypotension is a very unusual disease - it prolongs life for many. Vessels do not suffer from blood pressure, and such a patient is not threatened with a heart attack or hemorrhagic stroke of the brain. The body wears out less. On the one hand, this is good. But frequent fainting and chronic lethargy and fatigue make a person very unhappy. Young people fall out of the rhythm of life, cannot fully work.

Older people are constantly worried about falling on the street when they feel dizzy. The vast majority of the elderly have osteoporosis, and falling from their own height can be fraught with bone fracture.
What else is dangerous low blood pressure in an elderly person? What to do to help him? Inadequate blood supply to the brain leads to cell death and, consequently, to a rapid decrease in mental activity. And these older people are more likely to develop dementia. It is necessary to try to interest the elderlygrandfathers reading; or more often ask your grandmother to knit you a sweater. This will make their neurons work harder and the death of brain tissue will slow down.
Your attention, care and daily routine will be the best salvation. But if an elderly person still has low blood pressure, what should I do? Then you need to see a doctor who will identify the cause of the ailments and prescribe medications.
What to do? Relief aids
But still this is not a sentence - low blood pressure. What to do at home if a hypotonic person constantly has a headache and feels sick? At home, such a person needs to warm up at least a little. You should never lie in bed all day. It will get worse.
A person with low blood pressure, unlike hypertensive patients, is useful to drink natural coffee in the morning, eat chocolate. But these products are still not recommended for cores.
But old people often worry about low blood pressure? What to do at home in such situations? Instead of coffee, a cinnamon drink perfectly tones. It is done simply. It is enough to pour half a teaspoon of cinnamon with warm water and add a little honey. The drink can be drunk 2-3 times a day and is much better than coffee as it is not addictive and has no negative effects.

If a loved one, for example, has a very low blood pressure in the morning. What to do? Urgently run to the pharmacy or call an ambulance? The pressure of 70 to 50 already threatens with severe fainting. Usually, ammonia is present in the hypotonic first aid kit, it is better to prepare it just in case.
Ifthe low blood pressure sufferer is in bed and needs to be lifted up and seated. Such a person should be washed with cold water.
What is the first aid if a hypotonic person faints? Let him breathe with ammonia and make a cup of strong coffee, if a person does not recover for a long time even from ammonia, then it is already necessary to call an ambulance.
Low blood pressure in the elderly. What to do?
For a person over 55, the norm changes. If at a young age, up to 20 years, the pressure of 115 to 75 is quite normal, then for older people this is far from the case. With age, the physiological norm increases, since the heart itself is already aging. Sometimes a young person who suffers from hypotension at the age of 20-25 is cured of the disease when, at the age of 50, with a physiologically natural increase in pressure, his indicators just reach 120 to 80, and dizziness and fatigue stop tormenting him.
Other rules work for the older generation. They should not push on tonic drugs, because the heart may not be able to cope. Instead, some basic he althy living should be followed:
- walk more in park areas;
- do exercise therapy;
- drink herbs instead of tea and coffee;
- go to bed and get up at the same time.
With low blood pressure, you can't get out of bed abruptly in the morning. Such people should come to their senses a little, wake up completely and then slowly get out of bed. A sharp rise will cause orthostatic collapse.
Sometimes it happens that the upper pressure decreases, while the lower one remains within the normal range. The top is the force with which the heart ejects blood into the aorta. Sometimes systolic pressure is simply called heart pressure.

When the systolic pressure falls below 80, a person usually vomits. This condition is very dangerous and it is urgent to find the cause of the problem.
There may be several reasons:
- Hypothyroidism - reduced thyroid function.
- Heart and valve problems.
- Clots in the legs.
- Neurosis.
- Anemia.
- Osteochondrosis.
- Regular hypothermia.
After hypothermia and stress, systolic pressure temporarily drops. But if the heart pressure is constantly low, what should I do? In such cases, you need to go for a consultation with a neurologist, then an endocrinologist. Perhaps the whole point is VVD (vegetovascular dystonia), which is treated by a neurologist. But it is also possible that the patient has pinched the arteries that feed the brain. This is usually due to the development of osteochondrosis. Then the treatment tactics will be completely different.
How to help, what to do to make it easier? You can moisten ordinary gauze in vinegar and apply to the heels. It should get easier over time. Knowledge of traditional medicine will also come in handy. Of the remedies for low blood pressure, Eleutherococcus and ginseng tincture are considered useful.
Hypotension pills
In our time, tablets have also been developed to maintain pressure. These includeneurometabolic stimulants and agents for increasing vascular resistance (OPSS).
So, when the pressure is low, what to do? First aid is provided in case of fainting. And pills are suitable for every day.
Drugs are taken only after consultation with a therapist. Of course, a doctor will not prescribe medications to those who have liver problems or kidney failure. There are other contraindications to pills.
Here are some common medicines:
- "Gutron",
- "Rantarine",
- "Ekdisten" and others.
The doctor always takes into account the etiology of the disease of a particular patient. It is necessary to take into account the state of the central and peripheral nervous system in the treatment. One of the principles of medicine is adequate treatment, so a doctor cannot prescribe the same drugs to everyone. He needs to know all your comorbidities or allergies to avoid the pills getting worse.
So you have low blood pressure, what should you do? Tablets can be taken only after consultation. A cold shower will help here and now.

One more nuance should be noted. With headaches from low pressure, many people drink citramone so that the pain goes away. But these pills do not help raise the pressure, they only relieve the symptom - pain in the head. But your body is still bad.
The right lifestyle for hypotension
If you have low blood pressure, what should you do? First aid istonic drugs: tonics or caffeine. But tonics should also not be abused. It is necessary to rebuild your life, and not sit "on doping".
Which lifestyle to follow: active or more passive? For those who suffer from low blood pressure, an even distribution of physical activity and rest is suitable. You need to sleep 8 hours a day. It’s better not to “get stuck” near the TV on Saturday for a day, but immediately start the morning with a walk or even a run.

More often in the summer, get out for a picnic or fishing. Communication with nature will help activate the internal forces of the body. Positive emotions also have a positive effect on the heart, and blood pressure normalizes. But, of course, if there is excessive summer heat outside, it will only get worse. You need to walk in the morning until 9 or 10 o'clock.
What kind of nutrition does hypotension need? This diet should not be too harsh. On the contrary, a person only suffers from excessive strictness in relation to nutrition: both physically and morally. It is better to divide the daily allowance into several meals. Do not leave your body for a long time without "reinforcement". Try to have lunch on time and take all the necessary trace elements and vitamins with food. In winter, there are more foods with vitamin C, since beriberi also causes a drop in blood pressure.
The diet should be rich in grains and vegetables. Be sure to eat nuts, boiled eggs, dairy and sour-milk products and honey.
Weconsidered the main causes of low blood pressure, what to do to normalize it and which pills are suitable. The very first aid is exercise therapy. But it is important to observe the measure in food, and in labor, and in sports activities.