What does pain in the temples tell us: causes of pathology

What does pain in the temples tell us: causes of pathology
What does pain in the temples tell us: causes of pathology

One of the most common complaints that patients come to a neurologist with is pain in the temples. The reasons for this can be completely different - from intracranial pressure to poisoning. Statistics tell us that more than seventy percent of people suffer from chronic or short-term headaches. Most likely, the figure could be more if many did not consider this nonsense and did not self-medicate.

pain in the temples causes
pain in the temples causes

Important to know

Remember, if you have any pathology in your body, pain in the temples can be its main, and sometimes the only symptom. The causes of such suffering of the patient must be found and treated. Therefore, before taking any drugs (either decoctions or infusions), consult a doctor. He must examine you, make a diagnosis, and only then write a prescription.


Pain in the temporal region may indicate many pathologies:

  • violation of vascular tone;
  • pain in right temple causes
    pain in right temple causes
  • various autonomic dysfunctions;
  • constant increase in intracranial or arterialpressure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • arteritis;
  • trigeminal neuralgia;
  • migraines and more.

If you have insomnia, your fingers go numb, your blood pressure often jumps, you periodically suffer from dizziness, tinnitus - this indicates disorders in the cardiovascular system. They can cause pain in the temples. The reasons lie most often in malnutrition and a passive lifestyle. As a rule, such pains are aching or bursting in nature. Sometimes patients have rare depressive attacks. There may be difficulty breathing, aches all over the body, sudden uncontrolled changes in the emotional state. In addition, such patients are often prone to allergies and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

With autonomic dysfunctions, pain in the right temple often occurs. The reasons for this must be sought in violations of the functions of the body, which are usually carried out automatically. One way or another, but they concern all organs and systems. The most common parallel process is irritable bowel syndrome, which often causes aching periodic pain in the lower abdomen, bloating, and stool instability.

What's the problem?

pain in left temple causes
pain in left temple causes

With an increase in intracranial pressure, more pain is felt in the left temple. Causes - accumulation of fluid between the membranes of the brain. Other symptoms of the mentioned pathology are: nausea, vomiting, visual disturbances, rarely - convulsions, respiratory failure. This is a rather serious disease that occurs in babies while still in the chest.aged and carefully not treated in a timely manner. There is such a diagnosis - perinatal encephalopathy. It is given to many children, but not all parents consider it serious enough, but in vain! The disease can develop in a person all his life.

The first symptom of many terrible diagnoses is pain in the temples. The reasons for this are different, but often this is how our body lets us know about the presence of any pathologies. Be attentive to the signals of your body and visit a neurologist in a timely manner, because diseases in the early stages are much easier to treat.
