One of the most important symptoms of a malfunction in the body is pain on the left side under the shoulder blade. They appear suddenly and can overtake almost anyone. And it's not worth joking with such manifestations. Why? Let's talk further.
If the pain gives under the shoulder blade, then the most likely diagnosis may be peptic ulcer. However, you should not immediately run to the gastroenterologist as soon as an unpleasant sensation arises. Usually a peptic ulcer is accompanied by vomiting.

After emptying the stomach, the patient often feels better. Worse, if the patient is not prone to vomiting, then the main symptoms may be burning in the esophagus and heartburn. The nature of the pain in peptic ulcer is aching, it gradually increases. And if it occurs with enviable regularity after eating, this is definitely a sign of this disease.
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But if the pain on the left side under the shoulder blade is not associated with vomiting and heartburn, you need to look for other causes of their occurrence. Sometimes they can be associated with improper functioningcentral nervous system. So, if pain occurs when inhaling under the scapula, and it is sharp, sharp, and appears suddenly, this may be a sign of intercostal neuralgia.

This disease is the result of another, no less serious. We are talking about osteochondrosis - compression of nerve endings as a result of deformation of the vertebral discs. If the nerves are affected by this disease, the pain can not only be localized in the region of the shoulder blade, but also spread further - to the neck, jaw, head.
There is also a feeling that there is not enough air, dizziness, squeezing the heart. These symptoms are quite serious, and therefore, if they occur, it is very important to immediately seek advice from a neurologist.

Pain on the left side under the scapula can also be a sign of an upcoming myocardial infarction, especially if discomfort in the area of the scapula passes into the thoracic region, and also radiates to the back. Also, following these signs, an acute attack of angina pectoris may occur. And in this case, it’s definitely not worth delaying calling a doctor. After all, delay in this case can lead to the most serious consequences!
What should I do if pain on the left side under the shoulder blade appears regularly?
First of all, you can identify other symptoms and roughly understand which organs cause discomfort. If at least one of the above diseases fits the description of your well-being, then the choice of the doctor you should contact is very clear. If, nevertheless, the cause of pain under the shoulder blade is not clear, then you should start with a visit to the therapist.
The doctor will be able to ask the right questions to clarify the situation, after which he will give a referral to the right specialist for further prescribing the necessary therapy. But you should not try to improve your he alth with folk methods or do nothing - after all, recovering later is much more difficult than preventing the development of the disease.