Is it possible to drink cognac with high blood pressure: the opinion of doctors

Is it possible to drink cognac with high blood pressure: the opinion of doctors
Is it possible to drink cognac with high blood pressure: the opinion of doctors

All alcoholic drinks contain alcohol. Its quantity may be different, but it always produces an effect on the body and affects different life processes. The opinion of doctors is unambiguous that the influence is negative, but some exceptions are noted.

Drinkers often say that they only buy expensive and good drinks, so there will be no harm from them. Does cognac lower or increase a person's blood pressure? Most people are absolutely sure that it is useful if it is drunk in moderation. But in fact, this drink has contraindications, and even side effects. This also applies to any counterfeit brandy.

Doctors in some cases recommend drinking brandy drink as a therapy. For those who decide to use brandy for high blood pressure for treatment, you need to take a responsible approach not only to the dosage, but also to the choice of the product itself. Alcohol treatment is not the best method, but if otherthere are no options, then you can use what is at hand.

Cognac therapy

high blood pressure cognac
high blood pressure cognac

If your doctor recommended cognac as a therapy, the rating of the best drinks should be studied carefully. Do not take a product of an unknown manufacturer in stalls or shops. The doctor should clearly state the doses, and not leave it to the patient's judgment. Many people do not understand when to stop, so as not to make themselves worse. The dosage for women should be no more than thirty grams per day, and for men fifty.

You should not increase the dose yourself, arguing this with your large complexion. Treatment and drinking are two very different things.

Useful properties of cognac drink

Producers say that cognac has useful properties. Sometimes it is suitable for combating colds, but not as a separate remedy, but as an addition. It is used for headaches and when the throat hurts. Helps in small amounts as a diaphoretic.

Cognac drink is used for low vascular tone and to strengthen the immune system. If a person has a poor appetite, then it is permissible to take a small amount of alcohol before eating to stimulate digestion. You can get advice on how to drink a little alcohol to relieve psychological stress, but experience proves that it is better not to do this just during stress. And in all other cases, you need to remember that it is still alcohol, it should not be consumed every day.

Alcohol as a help with pressure surges

Drinking cognac during pressure surges is possible only as an emergency, if there is nothing else at hand, and the person becomes ill. If the pressure often rises, then this indicates that the vessels are clogged with plaques.

high blood pressure cognac
high blood pressure cognac

And if you have high blood pressure, cognac or vodka will increase it even more. Speaking of treatment with this method, it is worth noting that it is better to use it for hypotension than hypertension.

cognac lowers or increases a person's blood pressure
cognac lowers or increases a person's blood pressure

Sometimes cognac is also used at high blood pressure, but the amount used should be within the acceptable range. A small dose can reduce the performance of the tonometer. This has to do with how alcohol affects the body.

The effect of alcoholic beverages

When 30-50 grams of brandy gets into the body, the vessels and arteries expand, this leads to the fact that the pressure in the arteries decreases. If the norm is exceeded even slightly, by about 10-20 grams, then the opposite effect occurs, and the heart rate increases. Blood is pushed out in large volumes and therefore there is an increase in pressure. Therefore, it is dangerous to use cognac with high blood pressure. It is possible to provoke a deterioration in the condition to such a level that even with the help of medication it will not be so easy to stabilize it.

Hypertension and cognac

high blood pressure cognac or vodka
high blood pressure cognac or vodka

Can hypertensive patients drink at all? In answering this question, it is worth considering differentfactors. Some may drink a little and feel good, while others even with small doses of alcohol worsen their condition.

This is like asking if people with digestive disorders can eat whatever they want. Well, in principle, yes, they will not die instantly if they eat fried potatoes, but their standard of living will decrease significantly due to poor he alth. If they drink regularly like this, they will be constantly in pain, take medication, and occasionally undergo treatment in the hospital. You can drink cognac with high blood pressure, but you should understand that the results can be completely unpredictable.


The action is different for everyone

The effect of alcohol on different people is completely different, this is influenced by a number of reasons. So, people with a large body weight are less likely to feel the effect of cognac on themselves. Young people in their 30s and 40s are more tolerant of the toxic effects of alcohol.

If the body is weakened by the disease, then the body is susceptible to the negative effects of alcohol, if in addition to this a person still has high blood pressure, then it is better for him to refrain from drinking.

For those who play sports, it is permissible to drink a small amount without harm to he alth, a physically strong body can cope with the effects of alcohol. But usually athletes in good physical shape do not suffer from chronic diseases, and if they occasionally get sick, they are not treated with alcohol.

Chronic diseases

If a patient has chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, then hein general, any alcoholic beverages are contraindicated. Vodka and cognac at elevated pressure are used in exceptional cases, since they do more harm than good. If you do not guess the dose, then a hypertensive person can provoke a stroke. His condition may worsen.

Hypotonic can drink a small amount when feeling unwell and feel better, but if you use this method constantly, you can become an alcoholic completely unnoticed. Further drinking is justified by the fact that it is so necessary for he alth.

The use of cognac in folk medicine

In folk methods of treatment, cognac is quite common. It is used as a pressure stabilizer, given its healing properties. But in all the proposed recipes, it is worth observing the exact dosages. If recipes are taken from the Internet, then it is impossible to check their authenticity. In addition, it should be borne in mind that there is no panacea. What suits one person is completely contraindicated for another, it can cause allergies or other side effects.

cognac for high blood pressure
cognac for high blood pressure

Traditional medicine advice should be treated carefully and with caution. Some advisers and forum participants give advice, having absolutely no idea about diseases and the work of the human body. There are not only positive reviews, how it helped someone, but also a lot of negative ones, with negative consequences.

How to relieve pressure?

If the pressure rose at home and there were no drugs to reduce it, there was nothing at hand to doin this situation? If you do not know how to quickly bring down high blood pressure at home, take note of a few simple tips.

In order to quickly help a person, you need to put his feet in cold water. If he cannot stand, then let him sit on a chair. One or two minutes of the leg should be held in the water. If it became bad at work or in another place where it is impossible to do this procedure, then you can put your hands under the tap. They need to be evenly cooled from the forearm to the palms and vice versa. Then you should wash your face and apply a damp cloth to the solar plexus

cognac lowers or increases a person's blood pressure
cognac lowers or increases a person's blood pressure
  • There is another option for how to quickly bring down high blood pressure at home. Rags soaked in apple cider vinegar are applied to bare feet and left for 15 minutes. This method allows you to reduce the pressure by 25-35 units.
  • You can help not only using cold water, but also hot. To do this, you need to hold your hands in a hot bath for 10 minutes. The water should be slightly above body temperature, around 45 degrees.
  • You can use mint tea. A glass of mineral water with a tablespoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon also lowers the pressure. All this should be drunk immediately and within 25-30 minutes the pressure will decrease.

As you can see, cognac is not mentioned among the proposed first aid methods. The ranking of the best methods for dealing with this problem does not include alcohol treatment.

How to protect yourself from high blood pressure?

There are a number of hereditary diseases, but mostcases are acquired diseases. High blood pressure is a frequent companion of people living in stress. If you add bad habits and irregular eating, the risk of such he alth problems increases.

useful properties of cognac
useful properties of cognac

Men after thirty are more vulnerable in this regard, their blood vessels are weaker, women at this age still cherish hormones. But the further the age, the more people fall into this category.

To help yourself, you need to avoid bad habits as much as possible, eat right, have a good rest and avoid stress. If there is a predisposition to such problems, then you should periodically visit a cardiologist and drink less alcohol.
