Psoriasis is an unpleasant disease that can significantly impair a patient's quality of life. In case of exacerbation, it is required to follow a number of rules and undergo a number of relevant procedures. This allows you to minimize discomfort. What to do with exacerbation of psoriasis, what methods of treatment are the most effective, will be discussed further.
Description of pathology
People who are faced with the presented pathology for the first time are interested in the causes of psoriasis and the treatment of this disease. It is studied by many eminent scientists of the world. But at the same time, the mechanisms for the development of this pathology have not yet been established exactly.

This is known to be a non-contagious disease. This is an autoimmune disease. The reason for its appearance is a failure in the body. This causes the cell cycle to go wrong. Pathology affects only the tissues of the epithelium. Skin cells begin to divide rapidly. Themthe life cycle for this reason is reduced to 3-5 days. For comparison, for a he althy person, this figure is about 30 days.
This process leads to the appearance of peeling on the skin first. Affected areas turn red, inflamed. As a result, a rash, pustules and abscesses may appear. Considering the causes of psoriasis and the treatment of this pathology, it is worth noting that the process of its development proceeds in waves. For some time, the disease recedes. At this time, the person feels good. The rashes may disappear completely.
But over time, there comes a period of exacerbation. Peelings appear, which are most often located on the outer bends of the legs and arms, as well as in places where clothing is adjacent to the body. There may be inflammation along the hairline or elsewhere.
How does pathology develop?
What to do with exacerbation of psoriasis? It is not recommended to self-medicate. You need to consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment depending on the severity of the pathology and other characteristics of the patient's body. During the period of exacerbation, psoriatic plaques appear on the body, which are inflammations of the chronic type. In such places, a large number of lymphocytes accumulate. Because of this, additional capillaries develop in the inner layers of the epithelium.

Activation of immune processes in the affected areas leads to thickening of the skin. She rises, becoming convex. Education has a silver or gray color. The plaques look like wax that just hardened.on the surface of the skin.
Psoriasis is a chronic disease that can worsen or improve spontaneously. It is sometimes simply impossible to establish the cause of drastic changes. How long the exacerbation of psoriasis lasts is also difficult to say.
Modern medicine knows for sure that the patient's condition can worsen due to alcohol consumption, smoking, infections and stress. Also, some drugs cause an exacerbation.
It is worth considering that it is impossible to completely recover from psoriasis. But it is quite possible to improve overall well-being, to achieve sustainable improvement. Without proper timely therapy, the patient's condition will gradually worsen. Remission may not occur because of this at all. Inflamed areas will grow, spreading throughout the body. They can even be on the scalp, nails, palms, etc. Psoriasis without proper treatment is often complicated by the development of arthritis.
Causes for the development of pathology
How to relieve exacerbation of psoriasis? This question is faced by people who have recently presented the pathology. You need to know why such a deviation occurs. Most often, psoriasis is first diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 20. In children, this disease may appear at a very early age due to an unfavorable hereditary factor.

If one of the parents is diagnosed with psoriasis, the probability of developing pathology in the child is 25% (even if there are no rashes on the skin of the father or mother at all). Atin the presence of the disease in both parents, this figure rises sharply to 60%.
A strong stress, strong emotions become a prerequisite for the development of the disease in adulthood. This is due to the release of a large amount of adrenaline and cortisol into the blood. Sometimes even just a small cut can cause pathology.
Psoriasis is more common in people with dry and rather thin skin. In women, the presented pathology is diagnosed more often. Detergents, household chemicals, various aggressive substances that come into contact with the skin can provoke the development of psoriasis. Emotional stress, excessive physical activity are also considered by modern medicine as provoking factors. In some patients, psoriasis was the result of a streptococcal infection.
Periods of exacerbation often coincide with climate change, falling into an unfavorable ecological situation. Exacerbation of psoriasis in winter is also not uncommon.
Taking certain medications can lead to pathology. The main varieties of such substances are:
- beta blockers;
- paroxetine;
- lithium carbonate;
- antidepressants;
- other.
In the presence of psoriasis, drugs based on the listed active substances worsen the patient's well-being, provoking an exacerbation.
Against the background of smoking and drinking, the disease can also intensify. Overweight, unbalanced diet, unhe althy lifestyle negatively affect the disease. It is not recommended to use perfumehairspray, chemical detergents, etc.
Treatment of pathology
There are a number of recommendations on what to do when psoriasis flares up. Since the pathology is not treated completely, the goal of therapy is to minimize negative manifestations. In childhood, getting rid of unpleasant symptoms is much easier. With the right choice of treatment methods, pathology can go almost without a trace. If provoking factors are avoided, in adulthood the disease will manifest itself with minimal rashes. They will spawn very rarely.

If the disease appeared in adulthood, it is almost impossible to get rid of it. This is a chronic pathology that is difficult to treat. But without proper therapy, the patient will get worse over time. Treatment can reduce negative symptoms, prolong periods of remission and reduce the duration of exacerbations.
There are many options for treating psoriasis on the body. For this, tablets, injections, ointments are used. The choice depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease. Treatment must be comprehensive. The patient's diet is necessarily adjusted, attention is paid to sports, good rest. Without it, even the most effective medicine cannot be effective.
You need to stop drinking alcohol, smoking. It is not recommended to eat chocolate and some other products. The diet should be rich, balanced.
Drugs that can cause an exacerbation are prescribed as a last resortcase. Often, in combination with the main therapy, the doctor prescribes traditional medicine, physiotherapy. Often patients require sanatorium treatment, stay in the appropriate climate.
Using ointments
Often with exacerbation of psoriasis, ointments are one of the main therapeutic methods of exposure. In this case, the patient properly cares for the skin, which reduces the intensity of negative manifestations. In this case, not only ointments are used for treatment, but also creams, lotions and other types of formulations.
The active agent of ointments may be different. During periods of exacerbation of psoriasis, external preparations based on corticosteroids, vitamin complexes, especially with vitamin D, and phytocomponents are effective. Keratolytic and keratoplastic ointments are also used.
The choice of ointment is carried out individually. It is impossible to achieve long-term remission with the use of universal drugs. The choice of the drug is carried out by trial. You need to start with the most gentle methods. If they are ineffective, more effective ointments are prescribed. They have side effects. But in some cases, they are indispensable.
Ointments that are highly effective are often made on the basis of grease, for example, these are the following drugs:

- Magnipsor.
- Cytopsor.
- Kartalin.
Tar ointments are also effective:
- Antipsorin.
- Anthramine Ointment.
- "Colloidin".
- "Anthrasulfanol ointment".
The category of glucocorticosteroids that are available in the form of ointments include Budesonide, Mometasone.
In some cases, the doctor may prescribe injections for exacerbation of psoriasis. They quickly stop unpleasant symptoms. Injections have a multidirectional effect. They affect the body as follows:

- Immunomodulators restore the body's defenses as a whole. They stabilize metabolic processes at the cellular level, reducing the body's susceptibility to external adverse manifestations. These are Glutoxim (995 rubles), Pyrogenal (650 rubles).
- Immunosuppressants suppress local immunity. This is an effective, but expensive group of drugs. The most popular in it are Stelara (258 thousand rubles) and Remicade (50.5 thousand rubles).
- Glucocorticosteroids relieve inflammation. They are used at an advanced stage of the disease, if other drugs have been ineffective. These are Diprospan (200 rubles), Flosteron (1400 rubles).
- Hepatoprotectors stimulate protective liver cells. They are used to increase the body's resistance to adverse external factors, and also reduce the toxic effect of other drugs. This, for example, can be "Heptor" (530 rubles), "Heptal" (1500 rubles).
- Antihistamines relieve discomfort by eliminating unpleasant manifestations. Drugs relieve allergic reactions. For example, it could be Tavegil (400 rubles), Chloropyramine (110 rubles).
Drug treatmentpsoriasis during exacerbation is the treatment of psoriasis in severe stages, the impact on autoimmune processes in the body. There are many drugs that differ in the principle of action.
Often in such cases, the doctor prescribes "Cathetometer". Its main active ingredient reduces the rate of cell division. The drug is indicated in the severe stage of the course of the disease, as it has a number of negative effects on the body. It greatly affects the condition of liver cells, bone marrow.

One of the most effective remedies are Diprospan tablets. This is a hormonal drug that consists of two main components. The first substance affects the pathology slowly, gradually, and the second has a quick, but short-lived effect. The drug is also indicated for the severe stage of treatment of the disease, as it has a large list of side effects.
Reamberin tablets allow you to remove toxins from the body that can accumulate in the body. It restores and harmonizes the functioning of the body systems. One of the active ingredients is succinic acid. It is a powerful antioxidant that has a positive effect on the body. Metabolic processes intensify in cells.
When choosing how to treat psoriasis on the body, many doctors prefer drugs that affect T-cells. This allows you to control processes at the cellular level. These drugs include Timodepressin, Alefacepit, Basiliximab, and others.
Proved oureffectiveness of homeopathic medicines. More often they are prescribed for moderate or mild disease treatment.
What to do with exacerbation of psoriasis? Physiotherapy is a very effective effect, which is prescribed in combination with other therapeutic methods. Especially effective is the use of ultraviolet radiation. Under its influence, unpleasant symptoms are significantly reduced. But this does not mean that you need to go to a hot resort. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation is normalized, controlled by a doctor.
Laser, ultrasound, and magnetotherapy procedures can also be prescribed. Physiotherapy is necessarily combined with lifestyle correction. Excessive physical activity is reduced, the patient is shown gymnastics, walks in the fresh air, he althy rest. Stress during an exacerbation is unacceptable.
An important factor in reducing discomfort and manifestations is the diet during exacerbation of psoriasis. Food must be complete. The diet should consist of a balanced amount of fats and carbohydrates. Starvation and strict diets are unacceptable. The use of eggs, citrus fruits, chocolate is excluded. You also need to give up honey, whole milk, products with red pigment. Such products are consumed in small quantities during remission.
Sharply limit the intake of spicy, sour, too fatty and smoked foods. From sweets, spices also need to be abandoned. You can eat boiled, stewed, baked foods. Reduce consumption of strong broths, s alt.
Sanatorium treatment helps to quickly reduce the unpleasant symptoms of psoriasis. There are several centers in Russia where such therapy is carried out. One of them is the Matsesta spring in Sochi. Hydrogen sulfide water leads to redness and a slight burning sensation of the skin, which speeds up blood circulation. This has a positive effect on the patient's condition.
Other popular spa treatment centers are Caucasian Mineral Waters, Goryachiy Klyuch (Pyatigorsk), Ust-Kachka (Perm Territory).