Enzymes in pancreatitis: function, role in the body, pros and cons of taking

Enzymes in pancreatitis: function, role in the body, pros and cons of taking
Enzymes in pancreatitis: function, role in the body, pros and cons of taking

In the presence of pancreatitis, enzymes must be prescribed, because they are designed to eliminate acute pain, additionally compensating for the constant deficiency of digestive proper substances. To relieve pain, drugs are prescribed in tablets, and in order to replace the lack of their elements - funds in capsules. With a well-chosen enzyme preparation, the symptoms of pancreatitis stop, and digestion is fully restored.

Drug groups

enzymes in chronic pancreatitis
enzymes in chronic pancreatitis

In pharmacies today there are many different types of pancreatitis enzymes. They can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Substance pancreatin in the form of tablets.
  2. Enzymes that contain not only pancreatin, but also bile.
  3. Pancreatin in the form of microspheres (beads) or microtablets enclosed inshell, which is insoluble in the stomach.

Sometimes an adsorbent (for example, simethicone) is added to the composition of enzyme products, which reduces gas formation with bloating. It should be noted right away that enzymes with bile in pancreatitis do not need to be used. They, as a rule, cause an increase in the activity of the gland, while in the presence of an exacerbation, on the contrary, it needs rest. In addition, bile-containing medications can cause diarrhea when administered. Such medicines are indicated for he althy people in case of an error in diet. These are funds in the form of Festal, Digestal, Biofestal, Normoenzyme, Normoenzyme Forte, Ferestal, Enzistal and so on.

So, for the treatment of pancreatitis, medications are intended that include only pancreatin, can be supplemented with dimethicone or simethicone, in the form of pills or capsules.

Means in tablets: their function and role in the body

Enzymes from pancreatitis, which are available in the form of tablets, are prescribed to inhibit the functions of their own pancreas, especially with severe pain caused by an exacerbation of this disease.

what enzymes for pancreatitis
what enzymes for pancreatitis

These drugs do not change the motor functions of the intestines with the release of bile. Their reception is prescribed not only in the presence of the disease in question, but also with the development of atrophic duodenitis, intestinal dyskinesia and gastric reflux. They can be prescribed to patients with irritable bowel syndrome. The absence of bile, which is usually obtained from animal raw materials, makes suchpreparations are safe for children and those who are prone to allergic reactions to beef protein.

Studies have shown that enzymes in chronic pancreatitis in the form of tablets are much better at relieving severe pain than capsules. They suppress the activity of the pancreas by the feedback mechanism. Having received a replacement, the body gives a signal to stop producing its own enzymes, which reduces the pressure in the ducts of the gland, reduces its swelling, and stops the pain.

The best pills: pros and cons

Traditional enzymes in exacerbation of pancreatitis in conventional pills have an advantage: low cost (we are talking about "Panzyme Forte"). True, they are unstable in the stomach, where they are simply digested. In order to avoid this, it is proposed to combine these drugs with drugs that reduce the formation of acid. This makes therapy more expensive and requires adherence to a special medication regimen. Therefore, the medicines of choice in the presence of a severe pain syndrome are pancreatin tablets, which are coated with a soluble shell, for example, Gastenorm along with Mezim, Panzikam, Panzinorm Forte, Pancreazim, Pancreatin, Penzital and " Enzistalom-P.”

best enzymes for pancreatitis
best enzymes for pancreatitis

The disadvantage of these funds is their poor mixing with food in the stomach. As a result, they can enter the intestine earlier or later than the food mass. However, this does not prevent these drugs from performing their main task, which is to block the secretionpancreas.

It is worth noting that a remedy called "Pancreatin" is one of the most popular drugs in this group. The cheapest, but not the most ineffective of this series, are Pankreazim, along with Gastenorm Forte and Panzikam. The most expensive drug is Mezim (probably due to active advertising). Panzinorm Forte is recognized as the best choice in relieving pain discomfort against the background of exacerbation of pancreatitis.

Also, what enzymes are prescribed for pancreatitis?

In capsules: their function and role in the body

With a long course of the disease, patients develop exocrine insufficiency, while the gland does not secrete enzymes that digest food. As a result, the absorption of nutrients fails, weight is completely lost, feces become fatty, regular diarrhea and other symptoms of maldigestion occur.

To replace the insufficiency of the functions of the gland in the presence of chronic pancreatitis, it is necessary to replace one's own hormones with drugs. In such a situation, it becomes extremely important that the medicine in the stomach is not digested, but mixes well with food and moves through the stomach with the food bolus, and then through the intestines, while exerting its direct effect. Pancreatin preparations, which are available in capsules, actually meet these requirements.

Capsules can only be digested in the alkaline conditions of the intestine. Inside contains a lot of mini-microspheres (plates) of pancreatin, which facilitates mixing with the product mass. A feature of these drugs is that sometimes the enzymes directly in the intestine do not have time to be activated, so they do not inhibit the secretion of their own components. But, as it is already clear, there is no such task before them. They just have to provide a person with normal digestion, and pancreatin tablets will cope with pain.

The best enzymes for pancreatitis in capsules

Now we give a list of drugs with pancreatin in capsules that are used for long-term maintenance therapy of chronic pancreatitis: Creon along with Micrasim, Pangrol, Panzinorm and Ermital.

enzymes for pancreatitis
enzymes for pancreatitis

The choice of a drug from the above directly depends on their cost, on the personal experience of the doctor who prescribes such drugs, and, in addition, on a number of additional characteristics. So, for example, Panzinorm contains an increased amount of lipase, which makes it possible for it to more effectively participate in the absorption of fat, and at the same time fight diarrhea.

The most expensive of this group is Ermital. And the most affordable is Panzinorm. Despite the low cost, the presented medication is quite effective.

Which doctor should I go to?

In order to optimally select an enzyme preparation for the treatment of pancreatitis, a visit to a gastroenterologist is recommended. The doctor will need to be reported without fail about the presence of symptoms such as abdominal pain along with indigestion, weight loss and constantdiarrhea.

How to take enzymes for pancreatitis, the doctor will tell.

How should I take these enzymes?

I must say that there are no clear canons and a single scheme. Everything directly depends on the problem in a particular patient. In the presence of this disease or in case of enzyme deficiency, each person requires a different dosage of enzymes, in connection with this, capsules and pills are produced in different dosages.

enzymes for pancreatic pancreatitis
enzymes for pancreatic pancreatitis

How long should patients take enzymes?

Doctors prescribe enzyme treatment for pancreatic pancreatitis always individually. A person who has a persistent pronounced enzyme deficiency should use such a medicine constantly. In order to improve the digestion of food against the background of diarrhea and food poisoning, such drugs are prescribed for a shorter period. People who arbitrarily take enzyme medicines without obvious symptoms of deficiency are making a serious mistake. Because if the body has enough of its enzymes, and they also come in addition, then their own production decreases.

Who should take these drugs?

Enzymes for pancreatic pancreatitis are replacement therapy. Definitely, it is assigned to those people who lack their own enzymes. For example, patients with cystic fibrosis (a genetic disease). Due to the presence of congenital enzyme deficiency, such people must consume appropriatemedicines, otherwise they simply cannot live without it.

how to take enzymes for pancreatitis
how to take enzymes for pancreatitis

The lack of these elements in adults occurs with prolonged inflammation of the pancreas. Often this occurs with acute pancreatitis. Then a certain amount of cells die, and since they are not restored, islands of connective tissues (fibrosis) are formed in the organ or calcification develops (that is, s alt deposition). Due to a decrease in the number of functioning cells, the pancreas does not produce enough enzymes. As a result, bowel function worsens, increased gas formation occurs, and fats and proteins are not digested as they should.

How can you understand that there are not enough enzymes in the body?

Their deficiency is manifested by clinical symptoms. For example, a person begins to be disturbed by bloating along with increased gas formation, diarrhea, unformed, greasy feces (at the same time, it is poorly washed off the toilet and sometimes very fetid).

enzymes in exacerbation of pancreatitis
enzymes in exacerbation of pancreatitis

To determine an enzyme deficiency, you need to take stool tests for elastase (this will show the amount of the corresponding ingredients that are secreted by the pancreas). An ultrasound is also required. If the organ is dense and with fibrous inclusions, then enzyme deficiency can be assumed.

We looked at how to take enzymes for pancreatitis.
