Hiccups - involuntary contraction of the muscles of the larynx and diaphragm. As a result of this, the vocal cords close, which provokes rather unpleasant hiccuping sounds, which are sometimes very difficult to get rid of.

There are times when a person gets hiccups after drinking alcohol. Such torment sometimes lasts for several hours in a row and a person cannot control it in any way. This symptom is caused by excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, you can get rid of it only when it is possible to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and relieve spasms. It all comes down to the fact that the treatment of hiccups will depend on the removal of alcohol intoxication of the body.
Why hiccups occur
Alcohol, when abused, causes great harm to the body, poisoning it. The liver suffers greatly from the intake of alcoholic beverages, its size increases, and it begins to put pressure on the diaphragm, as a result, hiccups appear. Due to the fact that the work of the nervous system is disrupted, the muscles weaken, these unpleasant sounds can last for a very long time, sometimes for days. Excessive drinkingwears out the body, a person constantly has nervous exhaustion. When hiccups are tormented after alcohol, the reasons must be sought, first of all, in the developing dependence on a bad habit. Treatment should begin immediately, because such a phenomenon threatens with diseases of the heart, immune and reproductive systems.
Why is hiccups after alcohol so dangerous
People in a state of intoxication are unable to control the muscle contractions of the diaphragm, which causes a great danger of choking. Sometimes a drunk person falls asleep with hiccups and a full stomach. In this state, vomiting may begin, with which he may choke.
Another danger that hiccups after alcohol poses is the possibility of a heart attack. It consists in the fact that neither a person who is in a state of intoxication, nor the people around him can immediately determine this. As a result, untimely medical care, which entails all sorts of complications, sometimes even death. There is only one conclusion, unpleasant symptoms cannot be tolerated, you need to get rid of them in time. Alcoholic hiccups are the first signal about problems with nerve cells, about the beginning of irreversible processes in the body. Muscles begin to atrophy, insomnia torments, memory also becomes bad. If timely treatment is not carried out, a disastrous result can be expected.

Hiccups are the alcohol-poisoned body's cry for help. Toxins quickly go on the attack on all organs, all systems begin to wear out, and diseases continueprogress.
Specificity of hiccups
Hiccups after alcohol occur very often, it is classified into several types: central, toxic, peripheral and reflected. It is most often toxic because it is caused by excessive alcohol consumption. In this case, you can normalize the condition by completely getting rid of toxins.
• Central hiccups most often occur as a result of a violation of the central nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal cord.
• Toxic hiccups are one of the factors of intoxication of the body or its poisoning, which is a consequence of alcohol abuse. It most often occurs in alcoholics. This condition may be due to diabetes mellitus and kidney failure.
• Peripheral forms are directly related to damage to the vagus nerve and phrenic.
• The reflected form of hiccups from alcohol is a consequence of a malfunction of the stomach. If involuntary hiccups appear immediately after taking small doses of alcohol, then the cause may be hypothermia, malfunctions of the nervous system, irritation of the stomach and esophagus.
How to get rid of hiccups after alcohol: general tricks
The very first thing to do in order to get rid of hiccups is to empty the stomach and do breathing exercises. If all else fails, you can apply the methods below:

• Drink a glass of cool water in small sips.
• Apply the reflex method, that is, induce vomiting to cleanse the stomach. Dothis can be done by pressing the root of the tongue with your finger.• A good result is to divert the hiccuping person's attention to an action or object that he can be interested in.
How to stop hiccups after alcohol, if these methods do not bring relief, since they are aimed at ordinary phenomena? Other methods can be applied:

• Chew very slowly, then swallow a piece of stale bread, do not drink water.
• If there is a piece of ice in the freezer, take it, put it in your mouth and hold until dissolved. • Place two teaspoons of sugar in half a glass of beer, then drink the mixture.
Special exercises to help stop alcohol hiccups
It sometimes happens that hiccups after alcohol do not give in to any methods, how to get rid of it? Scientists have come up with special exercises. We will now describe some of them:

• Find a paper bag, inflate it strongly, then, releasing the air back, inhale it deeply. Muscles will begin to relax from the high carbon dioxide content in the air.
• Special exercises include physical activity in the form of ten or more squats.• The following exercises will help to relax the muscles of the diaphragm: to lock your hands behind your back and strongly pull them down, while you can drink a glass of water placed in front.
Protracted alcohol hiccups - what to do?
If the hiccups after alcohol do not go away for more than 48 hours, then itpassed into a protracted form, the cause of this process is usually intoxication of the body. Her treatment in this case is recommended to be carried out in medical institutions. Doctors usually prescribe the following actions:
1. The use of inhalations with carbon dioxide, which tells the respiratory center to switch from hiccups to ventilation, the result is a restoration of balance.2. In severe cases, a more in-depth approach to treatment is used, gastric intubation, novocaine nerve blocks of the diaphragm, and the use of antidepressants, anticonvulsants and other psychotropic drugs will be recommended. In some cases, it is not possible to do without surgical intervention.
Treating hiccups with medication
A drug for hiccups after alcohol, if it has become a protracted form, is prescribed depending on what contributed to this process.
For respiratory diseases, muscle relaxants are prescribed, which can relax the muscles of the diaphragm and have an effect on the nerves of the spinal cord.
Neuroleptics, which can calm the nervous system, are used to treat people with frayed nerves.
If the digestive organs are disturbed, antiemetics and peristalsis stimulants are used.
Drugs are prescribed in cases where the methods of traditional medicine have not done anything proper to stop hiccups after alcohol. Only a doctor can offer such drugs.
What not to do with hiccups
A very ancient way to defeat a person's hiccups is to scare him badly. Doing this is strictly prohibited. Involuntary sounds arise from irritation of the nerve center and are considered a neurological problem.

If a person is severely frightened, the hiccups, which are often the result of fear, can only get much worse. Thus, it is possible to reach a nervous breakdown. The problem of hiccups after alcohol should be taken very seriously.