Consequences of a stroke on the right side of the brain

Consequences of a stroke on the right side of the brain
Consequences of a stroke on the right side of the brain

When a stroke occurs, it is extremely important to determine which area of the brain is affected by this pathology, since a lot will depend on this: symptoms, treatment of the disease, and in many cases, the consequences that a person will have to face. Despite the fact that this disease itself proceeds in the same way in both hemispheres of the brain. In both situations, a sharp oxygen starvation of the cells of this organ develops, which is the main reason for their death.

right side stroke
right side stroke

Let's figure out why a stroke occurs on the right side of the brain.

Signs of occurrence

Right-sided stroke is manifested, as a rule, by violations of many motor functions, which are most intensely manifested on the reverse side of the localization of lesions. This means that the patient may have a disturbed gait, numbness of some parts of the body, paralysis, and loss of sensation inarea on the left side of the body. However, these are not all signs and main manifestations. There are a number of other symptoms that are characteristic of this type of pathological processes in the body. These include:

  • problems with pronunciation, impaired motor function of the tongue;
  • numbness of some parts of the face;
  • vomiting and severe dizziness;
  • cramps;
  • impaired coordination of movement and loss of orientation in space;
  • hearing impaired.

Even minor symptoms that occur hours before a stroke can suggest certain brain disorders in the right hemisphere. And if you use timely medical care during this period, it is possible to avoid the development of this disease to acute, severe forms.

stroke on the right side of the brain
stroke on the right side of the brain

Recognizing the signs of a right-sided stroke is quite simple. To do this, you need to ask the patient to raise his hands up, smile or stick out his tongue. In cases where one part of the body functions worse than the other, the first symptoms of a stroke on the right side of the brain are evident. In addition, the presence of a pathological process can be indicated by constant stumbling when walking, a headache of an atypical nature, weakness, which is observed against the background of an increase in blood pressure or during minor physical exertion.

Causes of right-sided stroke

Factors that can provoke the onset of a strokeright brain, can be very diverse. Often there are the following prerequisites, which are the main ones in determining the causes of the disease:

  • increase in blood cholesterol;
  • overweight;
  • chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • kidney ailments;
  • presence of bad habits - alcoholism, smoking;
  • high levels of psycho-emotional overload;
  • use of oral contraceptives;
  • passive lifestyle.

But the influence of other pathologies should not be excluded, for example, such as various injuries and injuries to the head, the formation of aneurysms, etc.

It is difficult to say which type of stroke is considered the most dangerous, because if the left brain is damaged, all psycho-emotional processes of the nervous system are affected, the patient may fall into a deep depression, or vice versa - begin to behave aggressively. In such cases, it is very difficult to get a person out of such a state without the help of special antidepressants and psychological help, since the patient, as a rule, is not set to recover. Even after a long period of rehabilitation, symptoms may persist for a long time, affecting such disorders as migraine, unstable emotional state and irritability.

As for the stroke on the right side of the brain, patients in these cases often lose the ability to perform the basic functional capabilities of the body, moreover, their recovery will take much longer. Such people sometimesre-learn to walk, speak, write, restore the sensitivity of the fingers and control your body. However, since the mental state of the patient is normal, it is easier for such a patient to fight for recovery.

Ischemic stroke on the right side of the brain proceeds, as a rule, and develops very quickly. This pathology occurs in 70% of cases in people over 55 years old, although there are cases when a stroke occurred even in pregnant women and children.

stroke right side recovery
stroke right side recovery

Main signs of a right-sided stroke

The main symptom of a stroke on the right side of the brain is high blood pressure, loss of orientation in space, vomiting, migraine-like pain in the head, difficulty speaking and visual impairment, numbness of the fingers, abdominal cramps, lack of sensation in the limbs. Such manifestations can appear spontaneously or proceed almost imperceptibly for the patient and others, developing gradually and becoming more painful over time.

What are the consequences of an ischemic stroke on the right side? We will talk about this a little later.

Features of ischemic stroke

The main feature of ischemic stroke is the formation of an aneurysm, which is a specific pathology of the right carotid and right cerebral arteries, which can cause hemorrhages and disruption of blood vessels. Therefore, heavy physical exertion, head trauma or even childbirth can trigger the onset of a stroke in the right side of the brain.

Stroke prediction rightside of the brain consider below.

Major right sided stroke

If the lesions of the brain areas are located only in a specific part of the right section pointwise, the disease often affects this entire part. In this case, all the motor abilities of the human body may suffer at once. Such symptoms appear very brightly, rapidly and painfully. The nerve cells of the brain die literally in a matter of minutes, so it is very important to provide the patient with medical care and hospitalization in time. The degree of damage to the cerebral cortex in this situation can be moderate or severe.

right side stroke predictions
right side stroke predictions

Features of lacunar strokes on the right side of the brain

The main difference between right-sided lacunar strokes and other types is that the so-called "lacurnae" form in the brain. They can appear after a myocardial infarction, as well as from improper functioning of the cardiovascular systems. These lacurnae can clog blood vessels, preventing oxygen from reaching the right side of the brain. The consequences of a stroke on the right side of the brain can be very serious.


The consequence of a stroke in such a case may be a partial or absolute loss of physical abilities, which entails disability, the occurrence of pressure sores, cerebral edema, loss of speech skills. However, this may depend on the degree of the disease, as well as on the age of the patient. Certain functions are restored the very next day afterstroke, but the person may experience the following problems:

  • paralysis;
  • numbness of limbs, torso and face (partially or completely);
  • disorder of speech functions;
  • cerebral edema;
  • loss of sensation in certain parts of the body.

The consequences of a stroke on the right side of the brain manifest themselves in different ways.

Diagnosis of right-sided stroke

As for the diagnostic methods used to determine this disease, they are carried out when the first symptomatic signs appear or when a person is at risk. In this case, you need to undergo external examinations, ultrasound of the vessels, regularly take tests, do tomography, after which it will be possible to establish a diagnosis and develop a plan for adequate treatment of a stroke on the right side of the body.

Treatment of consequences

The treatment of such a disorder includes a number of rules and doctor's recommendations that should be followed strictly, especially in cases where the age is 45-60 years.

Treatment of pathology consequences includes:

  • Diet.
  • Essential exercise.
  • Drug correction.
  • Massage.
  • Chronic care.
  • Swimming.
  • Rejection of bad habits.
  • Reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

Right-sided hemorrhagic stroke

This type of stroke is much more dangerous than all the others, although it happens much less frequently and only in cases ofheart disease. This pathology is expressed in a more acute course of symptoms and the complexity of the consequences. If medical care is not provided in time, the patient may fall into a coma, he may begin swelling of the brain.

Features of the onset of hemorrhagic stroke of the right section

The peculiarity of the course of a right-sided stroke of this type is that the blood vessels are clogged with blood clots, after which they can rupture, while the blood spills out through the walls of the vessels. Such a process is almost irreversible, and over time, the human condition only worsens. It is very important to understand that with the development of this pathology, hemorrhage in the brain, the formation of aneurysms and lacurnae may begin.

Stroke right side is often paralyzed.

stroke ischemic right side consequences
stroke ischemic right side consequences

Symptoms of right-sided stroke

The symptoms of this type of disease may be similar to those that occur with ischemic stroke, but they proceed even more abruptly, but without an increase, which explains the instant entry of the patient's condition into the acute phase. The precursors of such a pathology can be severe hypertension, shortness of breath, dizziness, migraine, pain in the heart, brain trauma, high physical exertion. Further - loss of consciousness, numbness of the limbs, loss of sensation, vomiting, paralysis.

How to detect a stroke on the right side of the brain?

Diagnostics of right brain stroke

Diagnostics inIn such a case, it practically does not differ from that which determines the presence of other types of stroke. The patient, even with chronic heart diseases or injuries, should urgently consult a doctor for tomography, cardiography, blood pressure measurement, testing, and ultrasound diagnostics. And only after carrying out these activities will it be possible to make an accurate diagnosis and determine what type of stroke occurs in each individual case, the presence of extraneous pathologies and develop treatment tactics.

stroke on the right side of the brain
stroke on the right side of the brain

Danger of right-sided hemorrhagic stroke

If we are talking about the dangers that occur during the development of this disease, then a hemorrhagic stroke of the right section entails irreparable changes in the cerebral cortex, which can often be accompanied by hemorrhages. Because of this, with such a stroke on the right side, recovery of he alth takes much longer than after the ischemic type, however, some body abilities will not be restored even after a long rehabilitation period. Patients often fall into a coma, after which they become disabled, since this condition is characterized by irreversible processes of cell death of this vital organ.

Treatment of a pathological disorder

Treatment may include medication, as well as addressing the main causes of right-sided stroke. The patient will have to avoid stressful situations, significantly reduce physical activity, limit the use of coffee and alcohol.beverages, quit nicotine, see a doctor regularly, monitor blood pressure and cholesterol levels, attend special physical therapy sessions at the hospital to recover from a stroke on the right side of the brain.

Consequences of right hemisphere stroke

The most serious consequences after suffering this type of stroke are cerebral edema, disability, coma and partial loss of physical capabilities. Patients often suffer from secondary strokes, which are even more severe than the primary ones. A complication of these processes is also the fact that the body's functions, including restorative ones, are already seriously impaired.

After an ischemic stroke on the right side, people begin to develop concomitant chronic diseases, in particular, ailments of the cardiovascular system, which are promoted by insufficient blood circulation in the brain. Motor functions in people who have had a stroke can partially recover, but in some cases, especially severe ones, patients remain bedridden. This is due to the fact that often they have irreversibly lost the ability to walk and move, the reason for which is a serious violation in the central nervous system.

stroke right side paralyzed
stroke right side paralyzed

We looked at the consequences of a stroke on the right side. How long do people live after such a pathology?

If the tomography data reflects a large area of brain damage, then the prognosis will be unfavorable. Or death occurs within a fewdays (60–70%), or the patient becomes disabled (30–40%).

As a result of developed complications, a person dies in 1-2 years later. But there is a percentage of cases (10-15%) where people live more than ten years after a stroke.
