Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Yogurt for pancreatitis: useful properties of yogurt, features of the use of the product

Yogurt for pancreatitis: useful properties of yogurt, features of the use of the product

Pancreatitis is a rather serious disease of the gastrointestinal tract. During treatment, strict adherence to the diet is implied. During this period, dairy products are very useful. Many patients are interested in the question: is it possible to drink yogurt with pancreatitis. You can find out the answer to it from the material below

Why does a child's mouth smell bad?

Why does a child's mouth smell bad?

The appearance of bad breath in a child is a rather alarming signal. The effect often indicates the development of certain pathological processes in the body. In our publication, we will consider the causes of the phenomenon, as well as effective solutions to fix the problem

Cyst on the tonsil: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Cyst on the tonsil: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

A cyst on the tonsil (tonsil) is a benign abdominal neoplasm that is filled with pus or serous exudate, often mixed with blood. He needs to be treated. After all, the tonsils are the most important part of the immune system, protecting the body from infections and helping to synthesize lymphocytes. Why does a cyst appear? What symptoms indicate its presence? How is the diagnosis performed? What does treatment mean? These and many other questions must be answered

Tingles in the right side: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment

Tingles in the right side: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment

The situation when it tingles in the right side can appear periodically or disturb a person constantly. For doctors, this is a difficult symptom, because they need to determine which particular organ is inflamed and causes discomfort. This article will discuss in detail the diagnostic methods and treatment of phenomena in which the right side of the abdomen tingles

Acalculous chronic cholecystitis: stages and treatment

Acalculous chronic cholecystitis: stages and treatment

Acalculous cholecystitis involves inflammation of the gallbladder and motor-tonic dysfunction of the bile ducts. Typically, patients complain of pain in the hypochondrium on the right. It is also possible that the gastrointestinal tract

What is mastopathy, causes, symptoms and treatment

What is mastopathy, causes, symptoms and treatment

Mastopathy refers to benign tumors of the mammary gland. With this disease, a pathological proliferation of glandular and connective tissue occurs, resulting in the formation of seals and cysts

Recklinghausen's disease: causes, symptoms and treatment

Recklinghausen's disease: causes, symptoms and treatment

Today, many people have genetic pathologies that manifest themselves with various symptoms. Among them, Recklinghausen's disease (neurofibromatosis) is distinguished. This disease is characterized by damage to the skin in the form of tumor-like formations, spots, freckles in non-specific places and the manifestation of other signs

What should be the treatment of prickly heat in a child and how not to get sick with this skin disease

What should be the treatment of prickly heat in a child and how not to get sick with this skin disease

Miliaria is an unpleasant skin disease that is more common in young children. How does the disease manifest itself, how to treat and what to do so as not to get sick? Let's talk?

Causes and signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Causes and signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Vegetative-vascular dystonia can have various signs of disease, which is the reason for urgent medical attention. It is important to diagnose. Signs and treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in women, men and children may vary

Rheumatism of the joints: symptoms and treatment methods

Rheumatism of the joints: symptoms and treatment methods

Rheumatism of the joints is a common disease that manifests itself in a person with many unpleasant symptoms. Currently, there are therapeutic regimens that can reduce the severity of its manifestations and practically stop the development of the pathological process

Trends how to treat? Sore tonsils: how to treat?

Trends how to treat? Sore tonsils: how to treat?

Surely every person at least once in his life inflamed tonsils. How to treat this disease, few know. Therefore, in this article, we decided to highlight this topic

Odontogenic sinusitis: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice, treatment and possible consequences

Odontogenic sinusitis: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice, treatment and possible consequences

Odontogenic sinusitis of the maxillary sinus is an infectious inflammatory process that develops as a result of pathologies of the roots of the teeth, bone tissue or gums of the upper jaw. This disease can first manifest itself in adolescence, when the milk incisors change to molars. According to statistics, this disease occurs in eight percent of cases among the total mass of all sinusitis

Secondary lactase deficiency in adults

Secondary lactase deficiency in adults

For an infant, incomplete digestion of lactose is the norm, but its accumulation to excess volumes will directly indicate a lack of the enzyme, in connection with which lactase deficiency is diagnosed. How does the same pathology manifest itself in adults?

Lower back pain on the right in women: causes and consequences

Lower back pain on the right in women: causes and consequences

Lower back pain on the right is a symptom that is more typical for women than for the stronger sex. It can appear in a person at any age. There are many reasons that provoke the occurrence of such a symptom. The reasons why the lower back hurts on the right side of the fairer sex are described in the sections of the article

Stones in the pancreas: symptoms, treatment

Stones in the pancreas: symptoms, treatment

Stones in the pancreas - a pathology that is known in medicine as "pancreolithiasis"

Dysphoria - what is it? Dysphoria: symptoms, causes

Dysphoria - what is it? Dysphoria: symptoms, causes

All people are imperfect, sometimes someone feels a sense of anger towards the world and society, is in a state of increased irritability or is exposed to other components of a bad mood. But, unfortunately, few people know that these are the first signs of one unpleasant disease

Treatment of ascariasis in adults and children. Treatment of ascariasis with folk methods

Treatment of ascariasis in adults and children. Treatment of ascariasis with folk methods

The most common helminthiasis throughout the globe is ascariasis. There is a fairly high susceptibility to this disease. Therefore, in highly epidemic regions, about 90% of children can be infected with it. Why is ascariasis dangerous in children and adults? Symptoms, treatment, prevention - we'll talk about this now

Post-traumatic cerebral encephalopathy: degrees, symptoms and treatment

Post-traumatic cerebral encephalopathy: degrees, symptoms and treatment

Post-traumatic encephalopathy is an insidious symptom that occurs as a consequence of brain injury. It can manifest itself months and even years after the direct impact. Post-traumatic encephalopathy of the brain manifests itself in behavioral changes, difficulties in self-care, problems of social adaptation and much more. The consequences of this pathology are dangerous in the difficulties of diagnosing and delaying the onset of symptoms

Headache pills for high blood pressure. What to take for a headache with pressure?

Headache pills for high blood pressure. What to take for a headache with pressure?

High blood pressure headache causes a lot of suffering. However, do not immediately grab the pills. If you cannot do without medication, it is better to consult a doctor for treatment, without taking drugs at your own peril and risk

What to do if there are bruises on the legs for no apparent reason

What to do if there are bruises on the legs for no apparent reason

The appearance of bruises for no reason can be a very alarming signal. If you notice this in yourself, take preventive measures

If you got a louse. Treatment to get rid of parasites

If you got a louse. Treatment to get rid of parasites

The louse is a blood-sucking parasite. It lives on mammals, on humans. The louse feeds on the blood of its host. At the same time, unlike fleas, it is not able to jump far

How to quickly cure purulent sore throat: tips and recipes

How to quickly cure purulent sore throat: tips and recipes

How to quickly cure a purulent sore throat, only doctors know, but not traditional healers. The fact is that this disease is not treated without the use of medicines

Pandactylitis is a purulent disease. Symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Pandactylitis is a purulent disease. Symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Pandactylitis is a disease that manifests itself as a purulent lesion of the soft and hard tissues of the fingers. Skin, tendons, bones, formations between the phalanges - all this is exposed to the action of pathology. Also, the disease is one of the forms of panaritium

What is papilloma? Removal at home by folk methods

What is papilloma? Removal at home by folk methods

Today, a large number of people on the planet have papillomas. And this disease is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. Let's talk today about what are the ways to remove papillomas

Gaff disease. Symptoms and treatment

Gaff disease. Symptoms and treatment

After eating fish caught in polluted waters, the process of kidney and liver failure begins. At the same time, a person who is ill with Huff disease begins to have convulsions of the whole body and weakness due to muscle pain. One symptom is dark brown urine

Manifest thyrotoxicosis: causes, symptoms and diagnosis, treatment methods

Manifest thyrotoxicosis: causes, symptoms and diagnosis, treatment methods

Manifest thyrotoxicosis is a pathological condition that appears against the background of the progression of various thyroid diseases. It is characterized by elevated levels of the hormones T3 and T4 and a reduced concentration of TSH. If you experience the first alarming symptoms, you should contact an endocrinologist

Is it possible to have sweets with pancreatitis: a list of allowed and prohibited foods

Is it possible to have sweets with pancreatitis: a list of allowed and prohibited foods

Many foods and dishes with pancreatitis have to be excluded from your diet. This is done in order not to provoke an exacerbation and not cause the development of complications. Dietary restrictions are perceived by some patients quite hard. Especially often, doctors are asked whether it is possible to eat sweets with pancreatitis. Some people cannot live without sweets, and the ban on these products is taken hard

Ovary dysgerminoma: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Ovary dysgerminoma: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Ovary dysgerminoma is a formidable pathology that affects mainly young women. But do not despair. Even if the diagnosis is disappointing, properly selected therapy will save not only life, but also the reproductive functions of a woman

How to treat a throat and cough: effective remedies and recommendations

How to treat a throat and cough: effective remedies and recommendations

There is hardly a person who, throughout the winter season, would not have to worry about how to treat his throat and cough. There are a lot of medicines. Among them are pharmacological products of both synthetic and natural origin. Also, folk methods are not forgotten, which turn out to be quite effective in the fight against colds

What to do with a strong cough in a child: how to relieve an attack?

What to do with a strong cough in a child: how to relieve an attack?

Cough is not an independent disease. This is a reflex reaction of the body to problems that have arisen in the respiratory system, ranging from an accidental speck to a serious illness. The doctor, using modern diagnostics, will find the cause of the disease and save the baby from trouble. And what should parents do with a strong cough in a child, and how to help before contacting a doctor?

What causes neck pain: causes, types of pain, possible problems and treatment

What causes neck pain: causes, types of pain, possible problems and treatment

This article will help you figure out why your neck can hurt. The information provided will cover such issues as the classification of types of pain and its most common causes, how to get rid of discomfort in this department, as well as what diseases can cause it

The child has a stomach ache, vomiting and fever: what to do?

The child has a stomach ache, vomiting and fever: what to do?

For a parent, any illness of a child is perceived as a tragedy. In such a situation, all mothers and fathers are divided into two types. The first can be attributed to those who, at the slightest illness, immediately call an ambulance. Parents of the second type, on the contrary, believe that they can cope with any ailment on their own. Each of these approaches is inherently wrong

Shot in the neck: what to do and how to treat at home

Shot in the neck: what to do and how to treat at home

A backache in the neck is often a symptom of the reflex syndrome of cervical osteochondrosis. The cause of these sharp piercing pain sensations, which increase during the rotation or tilt of the head, may be the presence of a hernia, protrusion. In an article about what to do if you shoot through the neck, what medicines to use and what traditional medicine can be used

Worms in the human brain: symptoms and treatment

Worms in the human brain: symptoms and treatment

Many people associate helminths with the intestines, but they are able to migrate to various organs: the eyes, lungs, skin, muscles, liver, there are even worms in the brain. In this case, the pathological consequences can be very severe. What are the causes and symptoms of infection with worms. What are the treatments

Metal breath: causes, possible problems, treatment and recommendations from doctors

Metal breath: causes, possible problems, treatment and recommendations from doctors

Metallic breath can occur after eating food cooked in aluminum cookware or due to high iron content in food. If these factors are excluded, then this may indicate the development of a dangerous pathology in the body. Whatever the reasons for the metallic smell from the mouth, when it appears, you should consult a specialist, because even if it was the result of improper cooking, this situation will still not lead to anything good

Toxic liver dystrophy: causes, symptoms and treatment

Toxic liver dystrophy: causes, symptoms and treatment

Toxic degeneration of the liver is characterized by severe toxicosis, fatty degeneration and necrosis of liver cells. Sucker piglets suffer from this disease, along with weaners and gilts, in autumn and winter. At the same time, significant mortality is observed from December to January. In various industrial complexes, this pathology is observed in absolutely all periods of the year

Gout and alcohol: features of the disease, compatibility and norms of alcohol

Gout and alcohol: features of the disease, compatibility and norms of alcohol

Many patients are interested in whether alcohol is possible with gout. Most doctors believe that the risk is not worth it. But there are also experts who claim that gout and alcohol are compatible. However, when choosing an alcohol-containing drink, there are some nuances to consider. In addition, the dosage must be strictly observed, otherwise the development of consequences that are dangerous not only for he alth, but also for life cannot be avoided

Thyroid goiter grade 2: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Thyroid goiter grade 2: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Thyroid diseases (thyroid gland) occupy a leading place after diabetes among endocrine pathologies. The concept of goiter is collective, because it is a whole group of diseases with an increase in size, but with different etiologies. Enlargement of the gland (struma) can be observed with both increased and reduced functioning

How to remove swelling from the fingers? Gymnastics for fingers. Safe diuretics for edema

How to remove swelling from the fingers? Gymnastics for fingers. Safe diuretics for edema

Swollen fingers can indicate the development of a serious pathology, especially if the hands swell asymmetrically. It should be understood that such a state of affairs is not normal. Therefore, timely diagnosis and treatment, if required, is very important. How to remove swelling from the fingers, consider below

Cystic hygroma: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

Cystic hygroma: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

Cystic hygroma is a congenital pathology of the lymphatic system, which begins to develop even in utero - just like Collins syndrome. It occurs in different parts of the body, but, as a rule, is localized in the head and neck of the fetus. For what reasons does this pathology develop? What is she fraught with? Is it really possible to eliminate it? This and much more will now be discussed