In the article, we will consider what a quila is in humans.
There are some diseases in people that are cured exclusively by conspiracies. These include the so-called keels that appear on the body. It is worth noting that official medicine will try for a long time to rid the patient of the kil, which are usually very painful and unpleasant. In the event that they are cut out, after a while they will most likely appear again.
So, what is a qila in humans?
General information
This disease is an inflammatory tumor and an abscess on different parts of the body. People associate the appearance of a keel with anger, envy and the evil eye of some enemies.
What is a kila in a person in the photo can be seen.

Thus, such a disease is attacked mainly out of malice. It is popularly believed that doctors cannot cure this disease. In this regard, patients turn to specialconnoisseurs for help, who, as they put it, "know how to shoot keels." The cure is usually a conspiracy.
Reasons for appearance
What is a quila in humans is now known. As noted above, they are a manifestation of damage, and, in addition, the evil eye from unkind people. In this regard, only conspiracies help to finally get rid of them. It is worth noting that they are read only during the waning moon.
Description of symptoms
This disease manifests itself in the form of tumors of two types:
- Cold keel marks. At the same time, against the background of their occurrence, a person’s temperature does not rise.
- But there is a second type, when the patient begins to throw a fever. In the people, this is considered a particularly dangerous form, requiring an early appeal to a healer. Otherwise, the patient is in a serious risk group.
Photo of keel on the human body presented.
Ladies get rid of the keel on the body on women's days, namely, on Wednesday, Saturday or Friday. Men are told the disease on Monday, Thursday and Tuesday. As for Sunday, conspiracy treatment is not carried out at the end of the week.
In the process of kil therapy on the human body, a piece of clay is taken from the mouth of the furnace, which should be facing east, it is dipped in wooden oil, vodka is also suitable. Further, the prayer “Our Father” and a special conspiracy are said over the raw materials used. Both are said three times. At the end, they smear the quila with heaped oil or wine, and sometimes they just apply garlic.
What is thisthe disease is a keel in a person, interesting to many.

Causes of hernia
The main factors that provoke this disease include obesity. Along with excess weight, the disease is provoked by congenital defects of the abdominal wall, chronic cough against the background of lung diseases, injuries or postoperative conditions in the abdominal cavity. Physical labor can also have an impact, along with difficulty urinating, persistent constipation, fluid accumulation in the abdominal region, and flatulence.
Hernia symptoms
The main signs of this pathology are usually as follows:
- presence of volume protrusion, soft to the touch;
- education may be round;
- it may be amenable to reduction, or, conversely, not allow such manipulation;
- the size of the pathological growth can be different;
- location is usually observed in the area of the groin, femoral canal, navel, at the white line of the abdomen, and, in addition, in the area of postoperative scars.

It is worth noting that most often such a protrusion is painless. Incarcerated hernia can be dangerous, as such a condition is fraught with the development of necrosis.
Methods of hernia treatment
In general, the methods of therapy can be divided into the following two groups: surgical (i.e. surgical) and non-surgical (conservative). The latter type, in turn, is non-drug andmedication.
Surgical techniques for hernia treatment
This option radically solves this problem: the hernia is removed surgically, and the patient gets relief almost immediately. But this method has a fairly large number of various disadvantages, the main of which are:
- high risk of recurrence, achieving only temporary relief after surgery;
- during the intervention, the spine can be injured, which, at times, leads to a number of complications, even disability.
Specialists note that only two percent of such operations take place without any negative consequences. Therefore, it is better to use such an intervention only as a last resort, having previously tried non-surgical techniques.

Conservative hernia treatment options
More and more doctors today prefer non-surgical methods of treatment of this disease. True, and here there are some peculiarities. For example, drug treatment is far from always effective, since it does not eliminate the cause of the disease, but only removes inflammation. However, if you combine this technique with other treatment options, then the likelihood of success will increase significantly.
To conservative methods include acupuncture along with acupressure; folk remedies are also used. But we must remember that self-treatment is unsafe, in this regard, it is imperative to consult a specialist.
Another waynon-surgical treatment of the disease is kinesitherapy. This technique is a new technique in modern rehabilitation. It provides for treatment by movement, which is accompanied by the use of methods and forms of physical education. The main task of the complex is to restore the lost function and motor muscle activity of the ligaments and joints. In this case, the result is achieved through natural movements.

Hernia and doctors' advice
Doctors recommend reducing any physical activity in this disease. Experts consider it very important to exercise in a moderate mode. The fact is that it is required to maintain muscle tone, while eating rationally and balanced: it is necessary to refuse fatty and fried foods, overeating is excluded. Doctors also strongly recommend to empty the bowels in a timely manner.
We looked at what a quila is in humans.