What is toxoplasmosis and why is it dangerous. Why is toxoplasmosis dangerous during pregnancy?

What is toxoplasmosis and why is it dangerous. Why is toxoplasmosis dangerous during pregnancy?
What is toxoplasmosis and why is it dangerous. Why is toxoplasmosis dangerous during pregnancy?

What is toxoplasmosis and why is it dangerous? Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii, which is a type of protozoan. The definitive host of this parasite is the feline. The sexual cycle of development of the pathogen is carried out in their body, as a result, oocysts are formed, further development occurs in the body of the intermediate host (human). The disease is in most cases asymptomatic. Toxoplasmosis poses an unprecedented danger only to women who are expecting a baby.

How dangerous is toxoplasmosis during pregnancy? How can they get infected?

The danger of the disease lies in its asymptomatic course and the negative impact on the formation of tissues and organs of the unborn baby during infection, especially in the early stages. Some of the most famous routes of infection are known:

  • through the placenta - from mother to fetus;
  • use of meat products that have undergone poor-quality heat treatment;
  • eating foods that are contaminated by a pet feline;
  • during earthworks in the garden or vegetable garden.

The susceptibility of the individual to this pathology is great, there are regions in which infection with toxoplasmosis approaches eighty percent.

Two pieces of steak
Two pieces of steak

It is easy to avoid infection, for this it is recommended to follow the rules of personal hygiene, exclude the intake of meat that has not been cooked, and regularly clean the tray after the cat.

Clinical manifestations

In case of infection after birth, the infection usually occurs without any symptoms. The incubation period averages seven days. Some individuals develop non-specific features:

  • malaise;
  • myalgia;
  • temperature increase;
  • lymphadenopathy;
  • mononucleosis-like syndrome.
Life cycle of toxoplasma
Life cycle of toxoplasma

The course of the disease is favorable, no treatment is required. Sequelae of pericarditis, myocarditis, and pneumonitis are rare.


What is toxoplasmosis, why is it dangerous and how is pathology detected? Toxoplasmosis is an ailment caused by toxoplasma, which are the simplest parasitic microorganisms. Of particular danger is a congenital disease, since the fetus is affected at the stage of formation of vital organs and systems. Therefore, diagnostics is of greatmeaning. However, it is quite difficult to detect toxoplasmosis. In most cases, the clinical picture is absent. Pathology is detected using serological tests. With their help, antibodies and parasites are detected. Immunoglobulin G reaches its peak concentration one to two months after infection.

At the doctor
At the doctor

If there are no antibodies, then the woman is at risk. During pregnancy, the doctor will send her for repeated tests several times. The detection of immunoglobulin G in the blood proves that the parasite was already in the body and the immune system successfully coped with it. If another type of immunoglobulin, IgM, is detected, then this indicates that Toxoplasma was in the body at the time of biomaterial delivery. The immune response is evaluated by the results of repeated studies. A four-fold increase in IgG titer within three weeks indicates that there is a threat to the fetus. Doctors recommend that a woman undergo additional examinations:

  • examination of amniotic fluid;
  • PCR;
  • ultrasound;
  • umbilical cord puncture.

If the results are unsatisfactory, then doctors insist on artificial termination of pregnancy.


Is toxoplasmosis dangerous during pregnancy? Many future mothers are sure that such a disease is considered an indication for artificial termination of pregnancy. According to doctors, this statement is not entirely true. There is a danger to the fetus if a primary infection occurs during the waiting period for the baby. If illnessdeveloped earlier, there is no risk to the unborn baby.

washing vegetables
washing vegetables

In addition, the effect of the parasite on the fetus depends on the period of infection, the longer the period, the less severe the consequences. Let us consider in more detail the effect of toxoplasmosis on the fetus in the context of trimesters:

  • The first one is the most dangerous, since during this period organs are actively formed, and any intervention of helminths provokes the development of serious anomalies, up to the death of the embryo. Thus, during these months, the risk of pregnancy fading is high.
  • Second - if a pathology is detected in the fetus, doctors recommend termination of pregnancy. In case of refusal, the pregnant woman is prescribed therapy. However, after birth, the baby is diagnosed with diseases of the liver, eyes and central nervous system.
  • Third - the least dangerous, the effect on the fetus is negligible, since it is viable and almost formed. The threat to the he alth and life of the fetus occurs in rare cases.

Symptoms of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women

What is the danger of toxoplasmosis for pregnant women you already know, and now consider the signs of this disease:

  • muscle pain;
  • increased lymph nodes in the armpits and neck;
  • irritability;
  • headache;
  • fatigue;
  • temperature increase;
  • general lethargy.

With a severely weakened immune system, a pregnant woman is at high risk of developing pneumonia, myocarditis and hepatitis.

Pregnant woman walking
Pregnant woman walking

The clinical picture depends on what form of toxoplasmosis the future child is infected with.mommy:

  • Cerebral - weakness, headache, paralysis, coma.
  • Ocular - deterioration of vision up to blindness.

Signs of the disease in the chronic stage are as follows:

  • irritability;
  • myocarditis;
  • memory deterioration;
  • specific myositis;
  • failure of the digestive tract;
  • neurotic reactions.

Consequences for the fetus

What is the danger of toxoplasmosis during pregnancy for a child? It has been proven that the consequences for the fetus will be the harder the sooner the parasite enters the body of a woman who is expecting a baby. Regardless of at what stage the infection occurred, the baby is diagnosed with congenital toxoplasmosis, which has the following clinic:

  • jaundice;
  • enlarged liver and spleen;
  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • increase in temperature;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • rash maculopapular;
  • deterioration in general condition.
pregnant woman and cat
pregnant woman and cat

In the future, the child has a lag in physical and mental development, impaired functions of the central nervous system, organs of vision, and hearing. How dangerous is toxoplasmosis for a child. The following pathologies are most often diagnosed in children:

  • myositis;
  • deafness;
  • pneumonia;
  • retinitis;
  • blindness;
  • epilepsy;
  • oligophrenia;
  • encephalitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • myocarditis.

Toxoplasmosis treatment

You already know what toxoplasmosis is and how dangerous it is. But astreat him?

Therapy of this disease is not carried out in the asymptomatic course of the disease. It is important to remember that only that stage of the disease is amenable to therapy, at which the parasite has not yet hidden in a protective capsule. Pregnant women are allowed to be treated in the second trimester (after 16 weeks) if she refuses to terminate the pregnancy artificially. In advance, the doctor informs about all the risks associated with both the disease and the medication. Of the drugs prescribed:

  • sulfonamides - "Sulfadiazine";
  • antibiotics - "Rovamycin", "Doxycycline";
  • antibacterial - Pyrimethamine.

The doctor prescribes a course of drug treatment individually. The patient is informed about possible undesirable effects on the fetus.

What is the danger of toxoplasmosis? Prevention of transplacental invasion

How dangerous is toxoplasmosis for humans? For a practically he althy individual, this disease is not dangerous. It is asymptomatic and the patient does not even notice its course. At risk are people who have reduced immunity, since in this case the disease easily becomes chronic and slowly undermines the activity of important organs: the liver, heart, stomach and lungs. However, the disease is most dangerous for pregnant women.

The danger of toxoplasmosis
The danger of toxoplasmosis

The most effective method of prevention is pregnancy planning. Only after six months after infection, a woman can think about conception. This time is enough to develop immunity so that the expectant mother andthe baby was safe from exposure to the parasite. With an attack of secondary invasion, a woman in position, despite reduced immunity, will cope without risks to he alth and life.


After reading the article, you learned what toxoplasmosis is and why it is dangerous. Compliance with the rules for keeping pets, heat treatment of animal products, washing hands with soap, as well as vegetables and fruits before eating, is a good prevention of the disease. In addition, it is important to strengthen the immune system, exercise regularly and take walks, and eat a balanced diet. In most cases, toxoplasmosis is harmless. The danger exists only for pregnant women and people with weak immunity.
