Diseases and conditions 2024, October

AIDS symptom: how does this disease manifest itself?

AIDS symptom: how does this disease manifest itself?

AIDS is a very serious, extremely dangerous, deadly disease. To recognize it in the early stages is very difficult, almost impossible. What is the main symptom of AIDS? How to identify it?

First symptoms of HIV in women. Signs of HIV

First symptoms of HIV in women. Signs of HIV

The human immunodeficiency virus is by far the most terrible and, unfortunately, so far incurable disease. However, there are drugs that can extend the patient's life up to 70-80 years. It is very important to detect the disease in time, since ignoring it can lead to death 9-11 years after infection. This is an important topic, and therefore one of its aspects should now be considered. Namely, the symptoms of HIV in women

Lichen in humans: types and treatment

Lichen in humans: types and treatment

Not everyone knows what a person's lichen looks like. However, those who have ever experienced this disease would never want to meet him again. It is known that lichen is not as harmless as it seems at first glance

What is the treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis in adults and children

What is the treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis in adults and children

Many doctors, explaining how they treat intestinal dysbacteriosis, recommend not taking any drugs at all. In recent years, the opinion has become increasingly popular that dysbacteriosis is just a condition of the intestine, accompanied by an imbalance in microscopic life forms, it cannot be called a disease. Most often, this problem worries minors; the younger the child, the higher the likelihood of developing pathology

Neurogenic bladder in a child. Neurogenic bladder: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Neurogenic bladder in a child. Neurogenic bladder: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Neurogenic bladder dysfunction is a violation of the normal functioning of the organ. Pathology is quite widespread. In urology and pediatrics, about 10% of all diseases of the urinary system are occupied by this disease

How is urticaria treated? Find out how urticaria is treated in children and adults

How is urticaria treated? Find out how urticaria is treated in children and adults

Urticaria is a disease accompanied by the formation of blisters on the surface of the skin. This disease in the modern world is being diagnosed more and more often, so the issue of treating this disease is becoming more and more relevant. Let's talk about how and how urticaria is treated

Topographic cretinism - a disease or a harmless oddity?

Topographic cretinism - a disease or a harmless oddity?

Topographic cretinism still causes controversy among doctors and scientists trying to unravel its nature. But for people with this feature of spatial perception, it is much more important to get rid of it than to understand the cause of its occurrence

Why does a child have bags under his eyes? What diseases can cause bags under the eyes

Why does a child have bags under his eyes? What diseases can cause bags under the eyes

The skin of babies is delicate and thin. This is especially evident in places near the eyes. Changes in the skin are indicative of a state of he alth. Parents should not ignore the appearance of swelling under the eyes of a child, as this can be a symptom of severe ailments. The causes of this phenomenon and treatment are described in the article

Is it possible to heat hemorrhoids: contraindications, advice and expert opinions

Is it possible to heat hemorrhoids: contraindications, advice and expert opinions

Answering the question of whether it is possible to warm hemorrhoids, it should be noted that most doctors do not support this. And traditional medicine says the opposite - thermal procedures can have a positive effect on the treatment of this unpleasant disease. So, is it possible to heat hemorrhoids?

How to remove swelling under the eyes: causes, symptoms, first aid for impact, diagnosis and treatment

How to remove swelling under the eyes: causes, symptoms, first aid for impact, diagnosis and treatment

Swelling under one or both eyes can be triggered by swelling, colds or injury. Depending on the cause of the problem, the treatment will be different. From this article you will learn how to remove the swelling and bruising under the eye as soon as possible

Inguinal lymphadenopathy in men and women: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Inguinal lymphadenopathy in men and women: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Lymphadenopathy of the inguinal lymph nodes is a disease in which there is a change and disruption of their normal functioning. The most common cause is infectious agents. Inflammation can be exposed to nodes located in any part of the body. Together with them, adjacent lymphatic vessels can also become inflamed

Irritation in the intimate area: causes

Irritation in the intimate area: causes

Irritation in the intimate area is quite an unpleasant phenomenon. It can arise for various reasons. Most often, irritation in the intimate area occurs in women

Why did red spots appear on the leg?

Why did red spots appear on the leg?

There are times when a patient goes to a dermatologist complaining that he has red spots on his leg. It should be noted that the sources of their occurrence can be of a very different nature. In order to narrow down the diagnostic search for this trouble, we present several of the most likely causes of its formation

Hemangioma of the spine - what is it? Symptoms and treatment

Hemangioma of the spine - what is it? Symptoms and treatment

Commonly known hemangioma of the spine is not quite the right term. This pathology affects only one vertebra or several, so the correct medical term is vertebral hemangioma. This formation is a benign tumor consisting of vascular tissue. The disease can not manifest itself in any way and is often detected only during examinations for other diseases

Secondary tuberculosis: forms, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Secondary tuberculosis: forms, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

The term "secondary pulmonary tuberculosis" refers to a pathological process that develops in adults who successfully endured a small affect, and sometimes a full complex, in childhood or adolescence. According to statistics, the disease is most often diagnosed in middle-aged men. Treatment of secondary pulmonary tuberculosis directly depends on the form of the disease and its severity. In advanced cases, surgery is indicated

What torments us: a headache in the back of the head

What torments us: a headache in the back of the head

Are you constantly tormented by a headache in the back of your head? About its possible causes and how to get rid of discomfort, read in this article

What do the pimples on our hands tell us?

What do the pimples on our hands tell us?

So, why can pimples appear on the hands? Various allergic reactions, eczema, urticaria - all these manifestations may indicate a malfunction in the internal organs. Which ones, the doctor will tell you. In addition, skin rashes may be the result of external factors (for example, irritation from active chemicals or sunburn)

CMV infection - what is it, symptoms and treatments

CMV infection - what is it, symptoms and treatments

Cytomegalovirus infection (CMV) is a chronic disease, the causative agent of which belongs to the herpes family. Pathology can proceed both asymptomatically and significantly worsen the well-being and quality of life of a person, affecting the internal organs and the central nervous system. According to statistics, almost half of the world's population are carriers of the virus. Most of the people are not even aware of its existence

What are the symptoms of duodenitis

What are the symptoms of duodenitis

Very common is a disease of the duodenum, like duodenitis. It is characterized by inflammatory and degenerative processes in the mucous membrane, the structure of which changes, the glandular apparatus atrophies in it

Extrasystoles - what is it? Symptoms and Diagnosis

Extrasystoles - what is it? Symptoms and Diagnosis

Irregular heart rhythm is a fairly common phenomenon, especially in older people. Usually this does not lead to anything good, but only brings with it a huge pile of problems. The norm is 60-80 uniform beats per minute, however, there are cases when the so-called extrasystoles interfere with the usual activity of the myocardium

Why does my leg joint hurt?

Why does my leg joint hurt?

When the joints of the legs hurt and swell, it is important to clearly interpret the symptoms of the pathology and make a correct diagnosis. The causes of pain can be very diverse. They arise as a result of damage to the ligaments, tendons, joints, bones, muscles, as well as nerve endings and blood vessels

Temperature without symptoms - normal or abnormal?

Temperature without symptoms - normal or abnormal?

As a rule, many people believe that a person's body temperature should always be 36.6°, so if it fluctuates a little, they immediately begin to sound the alarm, especially if there is no apparent reason for this. But not everyone knows that a temperature without symptoms can be observed in a perfectly he althy person, for example, in the evening after work

Temperature without symptoms in an adult: possible causes and treatment

Temperature without symptoms in an adult: possible causes and treatment

Rise in temperature is a very common phenomenon. However, it is usually accompanied by certain concomitant symptoms that may indicate the development of a particular disease. In the absence of such, it is very difficult to determine the disease, so patients often worry about this

Bladder cystoscopy in women and men: a description of the procedure

Bladder cystoscopy in women and men: a description of the procedure

Cistoscopy of the bladder in women and men is quite common. This is an extremely informative procedure that helps to evaluate the functioning of the bladder and detect a number of diseases even at the initial stages

Down syndrome: signs of pregnancy, causes

Down syndrome: signs of pregnancy, causes

This article will discuss such a pathology as Down's syndrome. Signs during pregnancy, causes and studies that a woman must undergo in this case - all this can be read in the text below

Scab is Causes, treatment

Scab is Causes, treatment

Dermatological diseases are a huge mass, in some cases they manifest similar symptoms, in other cases they are immediately and easily identified. The treatment is different for everyone, as the causes of the occurrence vary. In this article we will talk about such a disease as scab. This is a serious disease with a very specific occurrence. You need to know exactly what the symptoms are

Cerebral arteriosclerosis: how to treat, which doctor to contact, medication and alternative methods of treatment

Cerebral arteriosclerosis: how to treat, which doctor to contact, medication and alternative methods of treatment

Headache, fatigue, decreased concentration, general lethargy and passivity - all these manifestations are most often attributed to a cold, hormonal failure or the so-called chronic fatigue syndrome. But if they occur for a long time, becoming more and more pronounced, or the clinical picture expands with additional symptoms, it is urgent to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. It is possible that this is atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels

Reiter's syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Reiter's syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Reiter's syndrome is a rheumatic disease. It affects the joints, mucous membranes of the eyes, as well as the urogenital tract. Accordingly, a person develops prostatitis, conjunctivitis, urethritis and some other diseases. They can appear sequentially or simultaneously

Beef tapeworm, pork tapeworm: life cycle, routes of infection, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Beef tapeworm, pork tapeworm: life cycle, routes of infection, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Among the variety of helminths, two species deserve special attention - these are bovine tapeworm and pork tapeworm. These parasites belong to the class of tape (flat) worms, which can easily infect the human body. Bull tapeworm and pork tapeworm go through almost the same life cycle, but at the same time they have many differences from each other

Ointment for psoriasis non-hormonal (reviews). Overview of ointments for psoriasis

Ointment for psoriasis non-hormonal (reviews). Overview of ointments for psoriasis

Psoriasis is a disease that cannot be cured quickly and easily. Depending on the course of the disease, the doctor selects special remedies for the patient that have a beneficial effect on the body and do not cause a number of complications. Most doctors believe that non-hormonal psoriasis ointment helps best. How to choose the most effective from a wide variety?

Why does the stomach hurt in the morning: causes and consequences

Why does the stomach hurt in the morning: causes and consequences

Some people are faced with such a condition when the stomach hurts in the morning. The causes of the pathology are quite variable: pathology of the digestive tract, neurosis, abdominal migraine. Is it possible to self-diagnose the disease?

Thrombophlebitis - what is it? Causes, prevention of thrombophlebitis. Thrombophlebitis of the veins of the lower extremities

Thrombophlebitis - what is it? Causes, prevention of thrombophlebitis. Thrombophlebitis of the veins of the lower extremities

Thrombophlebitis is an inflammatory process that develops in the walls of the veins and is often accompanied by the formation of blood clots. As a rule, the disease develops in the elderly, but in recent years, more and more often the disease is diagnosed in young people

Osteosclerosis - what is it? Subchondral osteosclerosis: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Osteosclerosis - what is it? Subchondral osteosclerosis: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Osteosclerosis - this is the name of a pathological change in the structure of bones. It is found in the diagnoses of the elderly, professional athletes and not only. What provokes such processes in the body?

The main symptoms of polycystic ovaries

The main symptoms of polycystic ovaries

The article describes the main symptoms of polycystic ovaries that occur in women. What is this disease and how to treat it?

Polycystic ovaries? Treatment is possible

Polycystic ovaries? Treatment is possible

When diagnosed with PCOS, treatment can be either hormonal or surgical. The first method helps in half the cases. The patient is prescribed a course of hormones that stimulate the maturation of follicles. If medications do not help, specialists resort to surgery

Prevention of bronchitis in children: basic methods and rules

Prevention of bronchitis in children: basic methods and rules

Recurrent bronchitis (ICD 10 J20) is an inflammation of the bronchi that recurs in a child three times a year or more often. In this case, the duration of each period of exacerbation, as a rule, is at least two weeks. In this case, parents' attention should be paid to the prevention of bronchitis in children. Of great importance is the early sanitation of focal nasopharyngeal infection along with emergency treatment of acute respiratory infections and pneumonia

Wart with black dots: classification, causes and development

Wart with black dots: classification, causes and development

Undoubtedly, the appearance of any neoplasm on the body is rather unpleasant. Especially if it is a wart that spoils the appearance of a person. Panic is also fueled by a natural fear of cancer. However, are warts with black dots or other types of formations so dangerous?

How to remove uric acid from the joints: effective medications, diet

How to remove uric acid from the joints: effective medications, diet

A doctor can tell you how to remove uric acid from the joints. Of course, there are many folk recipes, but not all of them are applicable in a particular case. The most effective option is a combination of medicines and procedures, as well as additional home-made drugs approved by the attending physician. What to try and what to look at? Let's consider this question in more detail

Causes, symptoms and treatment of neck myositis

Causes, symptoms and treatment of neck myositis

Myositis is an acute (or chronic) inflammation of the skeletal muscles. Most often, it is the muscles of the neck that lend themselves to such a lesion. There are many reasons for this ailment. But in any case, this condition is extremely unpleasant, as it is accompanied by severe pain. So what should be the effective treatment for neck myositis?

Bulbar dysarthria: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Bulbar dysarthria: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Bulbar dysarthria is a speech disorder that occurs as a result of damage to the cranial nerves. The disease is accompanied not only by pronunciation disorders, but also by swallowing difficulties. This pathology is one of the most common speech therapy disorders. If the bulbar form of dysarthria arose in adulthood, then this does not lead to a loss of writing and reading skills. In childhood, the consequences of such speech impairment are much more serious