The problem of losing voice must have worried everyone at least once. This is a very unfortunate occurrence. Most often, it is detected in the morning, when a person wakes up and realizes that his voice is hoarse. What to treat? The question appears by itself, as the inability to speak leads to great discomfort.
If the voice is hoarse, the reasons for this can be very different. The most common of these is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. They occur as a result of hypothermia of the body (general or local).

Viral infection is another cause of inflammation. First, the infection affects the nasal, oral cavity, and then descends into the larynx and trachea.
A hoarse voice may be a consequence of a sore throat. Especially such consequences are of concern to those people whose ENT diseases are chronic.
Constant strain of the ligaments is also a common cause of voice loss. What category of people is at risk? More often, the disease occurs inpeople whose professional activities are related to the work of the vocal cords - these are teachers, singers, actors, speakers, etc.
What else provokes such a condition of the throat? If human activity is related to production, where one has to constantly inhale harmful fumes, dust, polluted air, this can also lead to a disease of the larynx.
A hoarse voice may indicate a person has problems with the gastrointestinal tract and other serious abnormalities in the body.
Symptoms of disease
In addition to the fact that the pronunciation of sounds is difficult, a person experiences a sore throat, which makes it difficult to swallow. Burning, sensation of a lump, dryness, perspiration, fatigue of the voice are invariable symptoms of the disease.

Increase in body temperature is possible, but not always. After some time, a rough cough may begin, first dry, and then with sputum discharge. The patient experiences general weakness.
Osip voice. What to do?
The very first thing is to go to the doctor. Self-medication here is very undesirable. To start taking a course of medication, you need to know exactly the cause of the disease, and, as you know, there are a lot of them. For each individual case, the doctor uses different methods. The wrong treatment can lead to unwanted complications.
Special warning should be given to parents. They should know that if a child has a hoarse voice, only the doctor knows how to treat him. It is especially dangerous to self-medicate to restore voice in children under 5 years old. Swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx can lead tosevere shortness of breath!
Doctor's advice
When visiting a doctor, the only obvious thing is that the voice is hoarse. The doctor does not immediately determine how to treat the disease, since a thorough examination of the patient is needed, and perhaps a more detailed examination.
But the mandatory appointment will be the correct voice mode, in which it is not allowed to speak a lot and loudly. In some cases, the doctor prescribes complete silence. Even talking in a whisper negatively affects the course of treatment.

For the period of the disease, it is necessary to revise the diet. The food should not irritate the mucous membrane, so not too hot and not too cold food is suitable. It is better if these are plant products. During this period, nutrition must be taken responsibly. Dairy products are also welcome. Alcohol, hot tea and coffee, spicy hot dishes are completely excluded from the diet. Smoking is also contraindicated, it aggravates the development of the disease.
Recommended drinking plenty of water. In this case, mineral water without gas is well suited. Gargling also works well. The solution can be prepared by yourself or bought at a pharmacy. Preparations "Furacilin", "Givalex" as well as sea s alt in the proportion of 1 teaspoon per glass of warm water are solutions for gargling.
Sprays for the treatment of the throat have a very good anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect, so they can also be recommended. It is possible that the doctor will prescribe sedatives to the patient if the loss of voice occurred against the background ofstress.
Stronger drug treatment should only be started when a doctor prescribes it.
Folk remedies for voice restoration
Traditional healers have many recipes that help in cases where the voice is hoarse. How to treat the patient, life experience also suggests. But the use of these methods requires great caution, since it is undesirable to take any action without consulting a doctor. And yet there are folk recipes that everyone has used at least once in their lives.
- Warm (not hot!) milk with honey, eggnog, a warm scarf around the neck is a traditional treatment for a sore throat. Although these treatments are not always effective and appropriate.
- Hoarseness remover: mix milk and "Borjomi" in equal proportions, put 2 teaspoons of honey. Drink should be warm.
- Two egg yolks mix well with sugar, add butter there. Take between meals. It relieves hoarseness well.

If the voice is hoarse, the “green pharmacy” will also tell you how to treat the disease.
For gargling, inhalation, you can use the following decoction: take 15 grams of elderflower, linden, chamomile flowers, pour everything with a glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour.
Calendula officinalis is a plant that is often used to restore the voice. Two teaspoons of dried calendula flower petals are poured into a thermos and infused for 2 hours. One third of a glass of infusion should be drunk 3 timesin a day. Treatment lasts for 2 months.
The main factors that treat a hoarse voice are time and rest. Doctors agree with this argument.