Hypocalcemia: symptoms, causes, treatment

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Hypocalcemia: symptoms, causes, treatment
Hypocalcemia: symptoms, causes, treatment

Video: Hypocalcemia: symptoms, causes, treatment

Video: Hypocalcemia: symptoms, causes, treatment
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Hypocalcemia is a disorder in which there is an abnormally low level of serum calcium. Pathology is usually accompanied by violations of electrophysiological processes. It can be acute or chronic.

Hypocalcemia. What is it?

Hypocalcemia is a pathology in which the level of calcium in the blood is below 2.2 mmol/l. This substance in the body is localized mainly in the bones (about 99%) and blood plasma (about 1%). With a deficiency of calcium in the plasma, its excretion from the bones begins. In this way, the necessary balance is maintained.

It is very important to determine the cause of the pathology in a timely manner and begin a full-fledged treatment. Otherwise, a lack of calcium can adversely affect the work of the whole organism, the human condition. This syndrome requires special attention in young patients.

hypocalcemia symptoms
hypocalcemia symptoms

Hypocalcemia: Causes

  • Hypoparathyroidism. In the case of prolonged ischemia of the parathyroid glands or their direct hypoplasia in the blood, there is a sharp decrease in parathyroid hormone, which is necessary to maintain physiologic althe level of normal indicators of calcium ions. As a result, this substance is excreted by the kidneys in excess amounts.
  • Intestinal diseases in which the absorption of calcium by the mucous membrane of the small intestine is impaired.
  • Acholia - stopping the flow of bile into the small intestine, which is required for abdominal digestion.
  • Hypovitaminosis D or resistance to its action.
  • Toxic shock syndrome is another reason.
  • Calcium in the blood may not be enough due to damage to the pancreas. Inflammation contributes to the gradual deposition of s alts of this substance in areas of fat necrosis.
  • Metastasis of large tumors.
  • Taking certain groups of drugs (diuretics, anticonvulsants, antibiotics).
  • Children develop pathology as a result of feeding cow's milk or mixtures with a high content of phosphorus.

Clinical picture

Low blood calcium may not show symptoms for a very long time. After a certain period of time, the pathology leads to impaired brain function and causes neurological symptoms: depression, memory loss, hallucinations, confusion. If the condition can be quickly normalized, these signs are reversible.

Excessively low calcium levels in the blood can cause muscle pain, tingling of the lips and tongue. In especially serious cases, patients develop convulsions, spasms of the muscles of the larynx, tetany.

increased calcium in the blood
increased calcium in the blood

How else does hypocalcemia manifest itself? Symptomsmay be:

  1. Hemorrhagic/hypocoagulable syndrome. This condition is accompanied by excessive bleeding of the gums due to a violation of blood clotting. Calcium deficiency increases the permeability of vessel walls.
  2. Dystrophic tissue transformations. They manifest themselves in the form of increased fragility of nails and hair, a variety of dental defects, and the development of cataracts.
  3. Irregular heart rhythm.

Main types of pathology

There are two forms of the disease: chronic and acute hypocalcemia. Symptoms of the latter are characterized by the appearance of massive cytolysis syndrome. In this case, ionized calcium is rapidly removed from the blood. Pathology is characterized by rapid progression, if cytolysis is also accompanied by renal failure.

There is another classification of the disease. Hypocalcemia occurs:

  1. Functional (develops due to disruption of the systems of internal organs).
  2. Toxigenic (formed by the use of certain groups of drugs, the influence of toxic substances).
  3. Violation of the usual regulation of calcium-phosphorus-magnesium metabolism.
  4. causes hypocalcemia
    causes hypocalcemia

Features of hypocalcemia in children

This pathology can be diagnosed in children of any age. The lack of calcium and phosphorus, vitamin D in the diet is the most common reason that explains the appearance of such a disease as hypocalcemia. The symptoms of this disease are most pronounced ifthe child has increased physical and mental stress. It is characterized by the following clinical features:

  • Atypical tetany, which manifests itself in clumsiness when moving.
  • Calf spasms.
  • Persistent diarrhea.
  • Increased intracranial pressure.
  • Laryngospasm.

Hypocalcemia in children is a very serious pathology requiring immediate treatment. Inattention to the he alth of the child can lead to the development of the most unexpected complications.

hypocalcemia in children
hypocalcemia in children

Hypocalcemia postpartum

After the birth of a child, this disease in women is diagnosed very rarely. It proceeds in an acute form and is accompanied by paralysis of the pharynx, tongue, stomach. In especially severe cases, a woman falls into a coma. Postpartum hypocalcemia, the causes of which are not fully understood, refers to diseases of the endocrine nature.

Diagnostic measures

Usually, this disease is discovered by chance during a preventive examination. Low calcium in the blood is detected after a blood test. That is why the pathology is diagnosed first, and the characteristic symptoms appear later. To determine the cause that served to develop it, the doctor may additionally prescribe a number of diagnostic measures (blood chemistry, MRI of internal organs, X-ray of bones, electrocardiography).

cause of calcium in the blood
cause of calcium in the blood

What treatment is needed?

With this disease, it is extremely important not only to fill the deficitcalcium, but also eliminate its possible causes.

Hypoparathyroidism patients are prescribed hormone replacement therapy. In this case, it is important to eliminate the underlying disease as soon as possible and prevent hypercalcemia (a condition in which there is increased calcium in the blood). If the patient does not have problems with the absorption of drugs in the small intestine, such therapy in a short period of time can lead to positive results, including in severe cases of the disease.

In case of attacks of tetany, solutions of calcium chloride are administered intravenously. It should be borne in mind that such drugs irritate the walls of the veins. Therefore, injections are best done through a central catheter or into a large vein.

To treat the disease in the chronic stage, patients are prescribed vitamin D (for example, Calcitriol, Ergocalciferol), as well as calcium preparations in tablet form. The dosage of drugs is selected individually, depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease called "hypocalcemia".

Treatment also includes a special diet. The diet should be enriched with foods high in magnesium and vitamin D (milk, dried fruits, vegetables, various cereals). For the entire period of therapy, it is recommended to abandon excessively fatty foods, smoked meats, pastries and pickles. Food should be fractional. This means that you can eat often, but in small portions. Such a diet has a positive effect on the digestive tract, significantly improves metabolic processes.

hypocalcemia treatment
hypocalcemia treatment

Possible Complications

Reduced or increased calcium in the blood equally negatively affects the work of the whole organism. If symptoms of hypocalcemia appear, you should immediately seek medical help and undergo the recommended course of treatment. Otherwise, the likelihood of developing quite dangerous complications for he alth increases. These include cataracts, neuritis, swelling of the optic nerve. In addition, cases of heart failure and severe skeletal deformity have been reported.

Preventive measures

How can hypocalcemia be prevented? The symptoms of this pathology impair the quality of life so much that many patients involuntarily ask this question.

First of all, experts strongly recommend reconsidering your daily diet. It is better to remove all harmful products from it, add more he althy and proper food. As a preventive measure for the development of the disease, doctors advise adhering to the principles of proper nutrition: steam or bake in the oven, eat often and in small portions. Diversifying your diet with foods high in magnesium and vitamin D is essential.

what is hypocalcemia
what is hypocalcemia

It is recommended to limit the use of laxatives. If there are problems with intestinal motility, you should seek the advice of an appropriate specialist. It will help to understand not only the main cause of constipation, but also select the most effective therapy.

How else can youprevent disease? The causes of this pathology are often hidden in the improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. However, timely treatment of diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract helps to avoid problems with calcium deficiency in the blood.

We hope that all the information presented in this article about the disease that is so widespread today will be really useful for you. Stay he althy!
