The use of traditional medicine for many people is acceptable along with pharmaceutical medicines and drugs. And this is not surprising. Many years of experience of herbalists and healers confirms the effectiveness of traditional medicine.
What is this
Traditional medicine is the use of extracts, mainly of natural plant origin, to combat various ailments. Since ancient times, people have noted the healing properties of plants. Most traditional medicine recipes are combinations of herbs that have been tested over the years, which are brewed, infused and used in other ways. Such medicine can include both a rational component (recipe) and magical overtones (rituals, conspiracies). The safe rational part of folk methods is included in modern medicine. We can say that traditional medicine is the empirical experience accumulated over the years in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases,passed down from generation to generation.

What's included
Among traditional medicine there are:
- herbs and plants;
- bee products (propolis, perga);
- unusual techniques (massages, acupuncture);
- vegetable extracts (juices, tinctures);
- use of animal products (fat, wool);
- inanimate objects of nature (stones, chestnut).

This list is far from complete, as different places may have their own special recipes and treatments. Also often among home methods there are ridiculous, absurd and dangerous recommendations. That is why scientific and practical medicine does not always recognize such prescriptions, as they can cause harm.
Main destinations
The use of traditional medicine finds its application in many diseases and disorders:
- colds;
- itchy throat;
- joint treatment;
- elimination of hemorrhoids, colitis, enterocolitis;
- infertility;
- cough;
- women's diseases;
- weight loss.

Basically, herbs, tinctures for alcohol, propolis are used for treatment. Some techniques even offer a cure for tumors, and not only benign ones. For example, Bolotov's methods, based on acidification of the body, are used in severe complicated diseases.internal organs (Crohn's disease, ulcers), oncological processes.
Traditional medicine for children
In childhood, parents should practice home treatment with caution. This is associated with a greater risk of allergic reactions to plants and herbs. It is not recommended to use honey in recipes inside up to 5 years, it can only be used in compresses and lotions. Healers, local old women who can read healing conspiracies, are very popular, especially in rural areas. They are addressed with a protracted illness in a child, severe fright, increased nervousness. Most often, chamomile, raspberries are used for children, compresses are made for warming up.

- With diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, brew 10 g of a scattering of chamomile in 150-200 ml of water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Give the child to drink 2-3 tbsp. l. 6-7 times a day.
- For colic in babies, pour 10 g of dill seed into 100 ml of boiling water, let it brew in a thermo mug and give the child a little water throughout the day.
- With a prolonged cough, boil 2-3 potatoes and knead, adding 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil. The resulting mass is transferred to cellophane (film, bag) and applied through the fabric to the back (where the lungs are located) of the child. Do before going to bed, the procedure time is 15-20 minutes.
By groups of herbs, based on the effect, can be conditionally divided into:
- soothing - chamomile, valerian, motherwort;
- choleretic - wormwood, St. John's wort;
- hemostatic –nettle, yarrow, knotweed;
- tonic - echinacea;
- laxatives - flax seed, senna;
- fixing - chamomile;
- diuretic - lingonberry leaf, bearberry.

Some herbs have different beneficial properties and are widely used in various compositions and collections. They can be harvested independently or purchased ready-made raw materials in the pharmacy chain. Based on herbal plants, tea, decoctions and alcoholic tinctures are made.
For adults
A lot of useful folk medicine for adults. There are many recipes for pressure regulation, weight loss, wound healing. Most often, this experience is preserved in the family, and people prefer to use recipes proven by their predecessors.
- Aloe juice is often used to heal wounds and ulcers.
- For hypertension and sleep disturbances use motherwort, valerian, special preparations.
- In case of infertility, sage, boron uterus, indoor geranium are used.
- For colds, they drink raspberries, chamomile, chew propolis.
- In case of diseased joints and for the speedy healing of fractures, ointments are made based on animal fat (pork, chicken) with celandine.
This is not a complete list of all possible ways to heal using home methods. There are also a number of folk signs associated with a particular disease. So, for back pain, it is recommended to carry a few walnuts in your pockets, if you can’t conceive, start in the houseficus.
Oriental (Tibetan, Indian) medicine
Today, alternative traditional medicine is represented not only by the local one. In large cities, there are many centers offering to evaluate the possibilities of oriental medicine. According to Eastern healers, it is possible to cure almost any acute or chronic disease, as well as the consequences of injuries and interventions of surgeons. Such specialists can determine the source of pain in the limbs, back, neck. Oriental techniques cure protracted depressions, disorders, help to rehabilitate after complex injuries that threaten to lose working capacity. But it should be understood that relying only on oriental medicine or other folk remedies is impossible if an urgent operation is required or the disease is in a serious acute phase.

Tibetan is considered to be the best folk medicine. It includes the experience of Indian and Chinese practices, which are more than three thousand years old. Many people who have been trying for years to recover from serious illnesses discover Tibetan healing. The fundamental difference between such medicine is the desire to cure not only the disease itself, but also to heal the soul of the patient. This is closely related to the use of spiritual practices based on Buddhism and yoga. Such practices usually take a long period and include special nutrition (diet, veganism), avoidance of fuss (solitude in beautiful places), breathing exercises and healing potions. Healing with sounds is also practiced, helping to restore the lost harmony of the soul andbody. To do this, use bowls that make sounds and vibrations, listen to mantras. The main thing in Eastern medicine is a deep impact on the subconscious.
Indian folk medicine is similar in its approaches to Tibetan medicine. It also does not use the usual injections, potions and chemicals. The basis is herbal medicine, special healing cauterizations, a special effect on biologically active points on the body. Resorting to meditation, yoga, the rejection of many products, they seek to restore the unified energy of the soul, mind and body, destroyed by illnesses and experiences.
Medicine in China is based on the teachings about energies - their circulation (Qi). It is believed that various energies continuously circulate in the human body, and at the same time their movement is not chaotic, but is carried out through certain channels (meridians). There are about a thousand biologically active points on the human body through which these energy flows can be influenced. To do this, use various techniques - breathing practices, massage, acupuncture. An important step is also the adjustment of the usual diet, a change in lifestyle. This is not only a rejection of meat, bad habits, but also learning to deeply study your inner world in order to find harmony and normalize the energy exchange of flows. Chinese diagnosis of diseases by pulse and blood circulation has gained great fame in the world.
Traditional medicine - contraindications
It is a mistake to believe that natural remedies are suitable for everyone without restrictions. Traditional medicine is a good waycope with diseases without taking chemical drugs. However, it should be understood that folk recipes are not a panacea in all situations. For example, often with the same disease in two different people, one recipe can have a beneficial effect on the first patient, and in the second case even be harmful. This indicates that all approaches to treatment should be strictly individual. In some cases, thoughtless illiterate use of home methods can be harmful. Young parents should be especially careful, as some recipes for babies carry a serious risk.

You should be careful with folk recipes:
- pregnant women;
- people prone to allergic manifestations;
- people with multiple chronic diseases.
Phytotherapy can be very active. Some herbs can be very poisonous, and an overdose is not excluded. It is unacceptable to independently use plants for the treatment of children, adolescents, as well as persons with limited capacity. There are also many absurd, ridiculous recipes that can cause serious damage to he alth. Therefore, you should carefully approach the issue, studying this or that prescription of home medicine, comparing the risks of use and taking into account contraindications.