Many are concerned about problems: atrophic colpitis - what is it and how to treat this problem. Drug treatment for colpitis is carried out strictly in accordance with the prescriptions of the attending physician, who is based on the results of the tests performed, as well as the characteristics of the patient's body condition. Treatment of colpitis includes the use of drugs of various directions of action - oral administration and intravaginal administration.

As a rule, this disease is classified into the following categories, based on the nature of their occurrence:
- infectious colpitis;
- non-infectious colpitis.
Obviously, infectious colpitis is provoked by microorganisms introduced into a woman's body sexually. The most common bacteria are Escherichia coli and streptococci. It should be borne in mind that the disease can develop against the background of other viruses - herpes, papilloma.
However, there is also non-infectious colpitis. Favorable conditions for the successful development of the disease are:
- Physical damage to the vaginal mucosa.
- Long-term use of antibiotics.
- Allergic reaction.
- Poor genital hygiene.
- Impaired functioning of the endocrine system.

The presence of the disease should be assumed if a woman has:
- Intolerable itching in the groin.
- Pain in the lower abdomen.
- Blood-purulent discharge from the vagina.
It is necessary to analyze each of the symptoms in more detail.
The acute course of the disease is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen, as well as imperative urges, in other words, a constant desire to urinate. In addition, a woman should consult a gynecologist if she is concerned about severe discomfort during intercourse, as well as the subsequent release of a foamy mass from the vagina. Roughly speaking, the "dried" state of the vaginal mucosa will be another fairly weighty argument. To the above symptoms, it must be added that the disease is accompanied by severe / minor inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.
The degree of intensity of inflammation directly depends on the nature of the course of the disease - in chronic colpitis, inflammation will be rather mild, but in the acute form of the disease, it will definitely make itself felt.
In conclusion, it should be said that if any of the described symptoms occur, the most correct solution would be to check with a gynecologist, since it would be extremely reckless to letcolpitis on its own.

Infectious colpitis
Favorable ground for the development of infectious colpitis are infections introduced into the patient's body through sexual contact without the use of contraception.
Non-infectious colpitis
Non-infectious colpitis is formed due to the following factors:
- Injuries to the vaginal mucosa.
- Allergic reaction.
- Long-term use of antibiotics.
In turn, the above categories are divided into subsections such as:
- specific colpitis;
- nonspecific colpitis.
Specific colpitis is provoked by bacteria that are related only to the organs of the urinary system.
Unlike specific colpitis, nonspecific colpitis can be caused by bacteria that have affinity for other organs as well.
Also, some gynecologists highlight:
- senile colpitis;
- atrophic colpitis.
senile colpitis
Infection damages the lining of the vagina. As a result, the body loses its efficiency. The level of vaginal acidity is significantly reduced. The ovaries stop functioning. In general, the disease proceeds quite noticeably, without tormenting the patient. The only thing that can bother the patient is a slight itching or burning sensation.
Atrophic colpitis
According to the nature of the course, atrophic colpitis refers to acute colpitis. It is diagnosed bythe following symptoms:
- Watery vaginal discharge. May contain trace amounts of blood.
- Painful itching of the vagina.
- Discomfort during intercourse.
- Vaginal dryness.
- Noticeable redness of the vaginal mucosa.
According to the nature of the course of the disease, gynecologists prefer to differentiate colpitis in this way:
- acute colpitis;
- chronic colpitis.
Acute colpitis
Acute colpitis is characterized by vivid manifestations of symptoms. As a rule, its duration takes no more than a year.
Chronic colpitis
The only difference between chronic and acute colpitis is the intensity of the symptoms. Chronic colpitis manifests itself much weaker.

Risk factors for colpitis
The following factors can serve as grounds for the development of the disease:
- One of the causes of colpitis can be the ingress of E. coli into the vagina. This can happen with the wrong way of washing. For example, if washing occurs according to the "back and forth" scheme, then in this way the wand is able to enter the vagina.
- Sexual contact without the use of contraceptives. It is worth mentioning that colpitis is classified into infectious and non-infectious. If the disease is non-infectious in nature, then it most likely developed as a result of damage to the vaginal mucosa or an allergic reaction. However, at the firstvariant infection occurs due to unprotected sex. Therefore, in order to avoid colpitis, it is recommended to use a condom.
- Bad intimate hygiene. Some women prefer ordinary bath soap to specialized hygiene products and are sure that their intimate hygiene is at the proper level, but they are deeply mistaken. The use of soap leads to a violation of the acid balance in the microflora, which creates a good breeding ground for bacteria.

Medicated treatment
The vaginal area should be treated daily with drugs such as:
- "Miramistin" is an antiseptic of domestic production, also has immunomodulatory properties. It is sold through pharmacy chains without a prescription. The mechanism of action is based on the violation of the walls of lipid cells, while the drug is not toxic to the body. It is recommended to apply 2 times a day.
- "Chlorhexidine" - a single treatment with this drug contributes to the bactericidal action.
- "Instillagel" - has a double effect, local anesthetic and antifungal. It is advised to those who do not know how to treat trichomonas colpitis. Requires daily processing for a week.
- "Vokadin" - in the form of a solution, three times a day.
The following preparations are used for insertion into the vagina (using tampons or in the form of suppositories). List of medicines than to treat colpitis in women:
- "Klion-D100" - helps to eliminate itching without disturbing the pH balance of the vagina and the composition of the microflora. The course of treatment should be continued for 10 days, 1 suppository at night.
- "Ginalgin" - the active substance of the drug can affect the DNA cells of microorganisms, leading to their death. 1 suppository before going to bed, apply for 10 days.
- "Pimafucort" - is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that solves the problem of inflammation and itching. Available as a cream to be applied twice daily for up to two weeks.
- "Meratin-combi" - the effect is achieved by disrupting the structure of microorganisms. 1 candle at bedtime for 10 days.
- "Clotrimazole" - violates the structure of the cell membranes of microorganisms with their subsequent destruction. 1 vaginal tablet per day, apply for 6 days.
- "Acyclovir" is a widely used drug that prevents the emergence and development of viruses. One of the forms of release is a cream. Apply to affected area up to 4 times daily.
To maintain the natural microflora of the vagina, the use of any of the following products is recommended:
- "Vagilak" - 1 capsule in the vagina twice a day;
- "Acilact" - 1 candle in the vagina;
- "Bifidumbacterin" - 1 vaginal suppository twice a day.
Use should continue for up to 10 days.
Treatment with folk remedies
Of course, the most correct solution for colpitis would be to use the servicesa qualified specialist, however, it should be borne in mind that there are situations in which it is not possible to resort to the help of a gynecologist.
It is in such cases that it will not be superfluous to use recipes from a fairly extensive "arsenal" of traditional medicine.
The list of ways to treat colpitis at home is given below.
Camomile bath. An extremely effective remedy is a chamomile bath prepared according to the following scheme:
- Two tablespoons of dried chamomile must be poured with a liter of boiled water.
- Bring to a boil.
- Keep on low heat for five minutes.
- Infuse for one hour.
- Strain, add to bath.
The benefit of chamomile bath is its anti-inflammatory properties, characteristic of colpitis. It is also known for its sedative and analgesic properties.
How to treat atrophic colpitis in women so that it is not expensive, but the effect is quick:
- Bee honey. Natural bee honey is no less effective. To use this method, generously smear a swab with a little warm honey.
- Onion juice. You can also use onion juice. For this method, you should mix freshly squeezed onion juice with glycerin in similar proportions. After soaking the tampon in the resulting mass, it is necessary to insert it into the vagina and keep it for up to four hours. The course of treatment lasts twenty days.
- Decoction of calendula. Calendula is widely known as an excellent antiseptic. Therefore, it is not surprising that she isa wonderful tool for those who are looking for a recipe than to treat colpitis in men. In order to eliminate colpitis, use a decoction of calendula, for the preparation of which it is necessary to pour boiled water over the plant in a ratio of one to three.
- Baths with soda and iodine. Also a good way with "sitting" baths of soda and iodine. To prepare this solution, mix one teaspoon of baking soda with 3-4 drops of iodine and pour into a liter of water. Sit in the resulting solution for twenty to thirty minutes. As a rule, about twelve to thirteen procedures are enough to cure the disease. The effect is that the solution destroys the introduced bacteria.
- Infusion of celandine. Despite the fact that celandine is a poisonous plant, it can be successfully used against colpitis. To prepare the infusion of celandine, grind the plant, and then take one tablespoon of this mass and pour a glass of boiling water over it. It is recommended to insist for twenty minutes. Then strain the decoction and use as a douche.
Also, these treatment options are suitable for those who do not know how to treat colpitis during pregnancy.

Colpitis prevention
Under the prevention of colpitis, it is customary to mean a set of measures to prevent the occurrence of this disease.
In order for it to be really effective, you need:
- Use quality hygiene products.
- Create the right diet.
- Avoid messysex.
- Reduce stress to a minimum.
Proper toilet
Quality hygiene products should not overdry the vaginal mucosa and cause an allergic reaction. The most popular are listed below:
- Nivea Gel. The price of the product is one hundred and ninety rubles. The composition contains chamomile extract, which is required to eliminate possible inflammation.
- Lactacyd Femina Gel. This tool costs two hundred and ten rubles. To maintain a he althy microflora, the gel contains lactic acid and whey.
- SebaMed gel. The price of the gel is 350 rubles. The natural ingredients of SebaMed (panthenol, virginia nut extract and betaine) will reduce the risk of inflammation to a minimum.
Proper nutrition
A good diet saturates the body with vitamins, which in turn improves immunity.
It is necessary to diversify your menu, be sure to include in it such components as:
- fish;
- fruit;
- vegetables;
- meat.
In addition, fast food, fatty and s alty foods should be excluded from the diet.

Since one of the ways of infection with colpitis is sexual contact, it is required to approach the choice of a partner consciously, and also not to forget about contraceptives. And then there will be no need to wonder how to treat colpitis in women.