The abbreviation ARVI denotes a whole group of diseases of the upper respiratory tract that have developed as a result of a viral infection entering the body. These include influenza, parainfluenza, rhinovirus infections. There are many methods for treating ARVI in modern medicine, but before using any of them, you need to consult a therapist.

How to treat SARS
To date, researchers have identified about 200 different ARVI pathogens, but this, unfortunately, is not the limit, and the list of viruses is growing. In Russia, for example, almost 50 million people infected with this infection are registered. Therefore, the question of how to treat influenza and SARS in adults and children is becoming more and more relevant every year.
Modern medicine practices an integrated approach to the treatment of these diseases. And one of its most important parts is the use of drugs that affect the cause of the disease. These include antiviral, as well as agents that enhance the patient's immune system.

Commonly used drugs
In the treatment of influenza and SARS, "Amixin" is very popular, which is one of the stimulants of the immune system. It is based on the active substance tilorone, which provokes the production of 4 types of interferons at once. By the way, this drug is an excellent tool for the prevention of SARS.
Contraindicated for use:
- children under 7;
- pregnant and lactating.
In medicine, this remedy is considered quite safe, with virtually no side effects. But in rare cases, the patient may experience:
- dyspepsia;
- allergic reaction;
- chill.
This tool costs about 600 rubles.
When deciding how to treat ARVI in an adult, doctors often recommend "Arbidol" - an antiviral, immunostimulating drug. Thanks to the action of umifenovir, which is its basis, the reproduction of viruses is inhibited, which allows the body to cope with the infection faster, and the severity of the manifestations of the disease is noticeably reduced.
When using Arbidol, the patient almost never has side effects. The drug is released in capsules. It is contraindicated:
- children under three;
- pregnant.
The price for it ranges from 130 to 700 rubles.
No less popular in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections "Anaferon" - a homeopathic remedy that increases the number of antibodies, as well as the activation of interferon production. With its help, it is possible to stop quickly enoughacute symptoms of SARS and reduce the risk of bacterial infection.
The product is available separately in adult and pediatric dosages. Its price is within 280 rubles.
Interferon-based drugs
Interferon-based drugs are often used in the treatment of influenza and SARS:
- "Viferon". This drug has antiviral and immunomodulatory properties, is available in different forms, but the most popular are rectal suppositories used in the treatment of newborns. Its effectiveness and safety are confirmed by clinical studies.
- "Kipferon". This drug is prescribed for the complex treatment of SARS. It has not only antiviral and immunostimulating properties, but also anti-inflammatory. There are no obvious side effects from taking this drug.
- "Cycloferon". The drug is produced both in the form of tablets for internal use, and in the form of a balm for external application. Not recommended for children under 4 years of age. Studies of the impact of this product were carried out only in Russia, and the criteria by which the assessment was carried out may not meet European standards.
- "Grippferon". This drug is available in the form of drops and is prescribed for acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis and sinusitis. It is instilled into the nose, due to which the components are easily absorbed into the blood through the mucous membrane.
Antibacterial drugs
If the results of ARVI treatment were unsatisfactory and the diseasea bacterial infection has joined (the presence of which is established using clinical blood tests), antibacterial agents are used. But only the attending physician can determine the need for antibiotics. Otherwise, the patient runs the risk not to improve, but to aggravate his condition, since these remedies do not work on viruses.
Suspicion of the need for antibiotic therapy may arise if the patient also has inflammation of the lymph nodes, mucous membranes in the throat, sinusitis develops, abscesses or phlegmon appear.
The most commonly used antibiotics are the penicillin, cephalosporin, and macrolide groups. Preparations based on penicillin have a wide spectrum of action, are easily absorbed by the gastric mucosa and effectively fight against pneumococcal, streptococcal and meningococcal infections. These are drugs:
- "Oxacillin";
- "Ampioks";
- "Augmentin";
- "Amoxiclav" dr.
Medicines based on cephalosporins are characterized by low toxicity and the ability to act even on strains of bacteria resistant to penicillin. These include:
- "Cephaloridin";
- "Cefazolin";
- "Cephalexin", etc.
Macrolide-based preparations are often used. They have a complex structure and inhibit the reproduction of bacteria by inhibiting protein synthesis in ribosomes. These drugs are considered the safest among antibacterial agents:
- "Erythromycin";
- "Clarithromycin"
- "Roxithromycin";
- "Azithromycin" etc..

Before treating influenza and SARS, the patient needs to bring down the temperature. But it should be borne in mind that it is necessary to reduce only that which exceeds 38 ° C, since fever helps the body turn on mechanisms that destroy viruses. If the temperature stays above the specified mark for a long time, this puts a great strain on the cardiovascular system and can cause negative consequences. In this case, proven effective remedies will help you bring down the temperature:
- "Paracetamol". It has an analgesic, antipyretic and weak anti-inflammatory effect. Acts directly through the thermoregulation and pain center.
- "Panadol". It helps to reduce the temperature, relieve headaches, improve the general well-being of the patient. For children, starting from 3 months, this remedy is prescribed in the form of syrup. A diagram of how to treat SARS in children with "Panadol" will be written by a doctor.
- "Ibuprofen". It is a derivative of phenylpropionic acid and has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
- "Nurofen". Helps eliminate pain, inflammation and the appearance of hyperthermia. It is an effective remedy for combating migraine and pain syndrome of various origins.
- "Aspirin". Well known to allantipyretic, which, in addition, has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is also prescribed as a blood thinner to help prevent thrombosis.

With SARS, antihistamines will not be superfluous. With their help, you can minimize swelling of the nasal mucosa and rhinitis, as well as improve the general condition of the patient.
In this case apply:
- "Brompheniramine";
- "Chloropyramine";
- "Chlorphenamine";
- will help in the fight against acute respiratory viral disease and Suprastin.
After the use of these drugs, the manifestation of symptoms of rhinitis decreases and the duration of the course of the disease is reduced. The main thing is that they do not cause complications and negative consequences.
Vasoconstrictive drops in the nose with SARS will instantly remove the swelling of the mucous membrane and make breathing easier. The most effective include the following drugs:
- "For the Nose" - a spray designed to constrict blood vessels and has an alpha-adrenergic action.
- "Nazivin" - drops prescribed for acute or allergic rhinitis. They constrict blood vessels, reduce the volume of blood in them and relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa. In addition, the drug reduces the amount of mucus secreted from the nose.
- "Tizin" - a spray that contains tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride, which makes it effective for rhinitisany etiology.
- "Oxymetazoline" is a drug that has a local vasoconstrictor effect, which helps to ease nasal breathing and get rid of a runny nose.

Cough medicines
When an acute respiratory viral disease appears, two types of cough are distinguished:
- Productive. With its help, the respiratory tract is cleansed of accumulated mucus. Such a cough cannot be suppressed.
- Unproductive. As a rule, it is a dry barking cough. The airways are not cleared. Therefore, the main task is to take drugs that help the discharge of mucus and make it softer.
Doctors say that cough should not be treated immediately and not always, but only when it interferes with sleep and is very dry. How to treat SARS in an adult if a cough occurs:
- "Glaucin";
- "Libeksin";
- "Lazolvan";
- "Tusuprex".
Very effective cough suppressants:
- "Bromhexine";
- "Sinecode";
- "Muk altin";
- "Halixol".

Principles of SARS treatment
Influenza treatment at home, as well as in a hospital, is always characterized by an integrated approach. To reduce the severity of symptoms and alleviate the patient's condition, immunomodulatory drugs, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs are used, as well as, withnecessary, antibiotics.
How to treat an adult with SARS - at home or in a hospital - depends on his condition. So, adult patients with a strong immune system can quickly cope with the disease at home. And small children, with a fragile body, most often require constant supervision of a specialist, and, therefore, it is better for them to be in a hospital for the duration of their illness. After all, as you know, the flu itself is more dangerous, and its complications, which can only be avoided with proper treatment.
Drug-Free Therapy
Adults with a mild form of SARS can be treated at home. There are many ways to treat SARS at home. But a positive effect will be observed only if certain rules are observed:
- It is necessary to adhere to the drinking regime so that the toxins formed during the division of the virus are easily removed from the body.
- Stay in bed, as leaving your home will further spread the virus and increase your chances of complications.

When an acute respiratory viral infection occurs in a pregnant woman, there is a sudden reduction in blood flow in the order of mother-placenta-fetus. In this case, the minimum amount of oxygen enters the fumes. Timely therapy can help prevent the occurrence of fetal hypoxia. In addition, it has been precisely established that with the complication of pregnancy, the developed ARVI slightly increases the frequency of prematurity of the baby.
Proper treatment can helpcope with the disease in a timely manner, prevent the occurrence of complications, as well as the likely pathologies of the course of pregnancy.
Respiratory infections with the further formation of bronchitis and pneumonia are considered more serious for the condition of the pregnant woman and the formation of the fetus. Therefore, before treating SARS during pregnancy, it is necessary to consult a therapist and a gynecologist.
SARS viruses are the most dangerous pathogens. This type of disease is common in children under 4 years of age and adults over 60, as well as in people with pathologies of the heart, respiratory organs, or metabolic disorders.
Vaccination for the prevention of SARS is necessary for those who, when infected with SARS, can develop a complication, for example, for pregnant women. According to statistics, vaccination reduces the number of cases and complications. In vaccinated people, the chance of developing SARS is reduced by three times. Since the immunity formed during vaccination can only last a year, it must be repeated regularly. This is due to the fact that the viruses that cause SARS are constantly changing.
Modern vaccines against acute respiratory viral disease are safe. Side effects appear only within a couple of hours, for example, fever. Vaccines can be used for children from 6 months, pregnant women and the elderly.