In the article we will consider kinking - extracranial artery syndrome.
The carotid artery is a pair: the left part begins in the region of the brachial trunk, the right part in the region of the aortic arch. In this case, both vessels end in the chest. The internal carotid artery contributes to the blood supply and nutrition of all organs of the head, so any pathology can provoke serious consequences for the whole organism.
Kinking of the internal carotid artery is a phenomenon of its pathological tortuosity in the form of an inflection.

Anatomical features
The carotid arteries are not absolutely symmetrical - the left one is always larger than the right one by a few centimeters. These vessels are responsible for the blood supply to the brain, eyes, etc. At the same time, for normal functioning, the brain needs to receive blood at the rate of 3.7 grams per minute for every 100 grams of this organ.
In the area of the cartilage of the thyroid gland, thisthe vessel forms several branches, and is divided into the external carotid and internal carotid arteries.
In its normal state, it does not have constrictions that prevent blood flow to the head. However, if the lumen in one of its parts is narrowed, a violation of the blood supply to the organs of the head develops. A common cause of ischemic stroke, hypertension or nervous disorders is a violation of this physiological process due to tortuosity or kinks of the internal carotid artery.

Varieties of vascular pathologies
One of the most common causes of cerebral blood flow disorders is considered to be a tortuous structure of the carotid artery. More than 28% of patients who died from a stroke had this pathology. In almost every fourth, a comprehensive examination determines the elongation or tortuosity of this vessel.
Specialists distinguish the following types of tortuosity of the internal carotid artery:
- S-shaped crimp. In this case, the artery is somewhat larger than necessary, as a result of which the vessel has an S-shape. At the initial stages of the pathological process, this does not cause much discomfort, but over the years, the vessel gradually continues to lengthen, which significantly aggravates such a violation.
- Kinking of the internal carotid artery, which is a pathological kink of an arterial vessel at an acute angle. If the pathology is congenital, the disease is detected very quickly. In other situationsthe patient can treat hypertension for a long time without even realizing what exactly underlies the problem of high blood pressure. There is a kinking of the right internal carotid artery, as well as the left. It is not uncommon for the sufferer to experience other symptoms as well, such as migraines, unwarranted panic attacks, and nausea.
- Coiling, which is a loop-shaped tortuosity of the vessel. In this situation, the blood flow rate is significantly slowed down, the attacks of nausea and headache, characteristic of such cases, appear without the influence of any external causes.

Reasons for the development of kinking
In most cases, kinking of the internal carotid artery is a pathology of a congenital nature, however, other factors often contribute to the development of such a disease, the list of which includes:
- age-related vascular changes;
- persistent high blood pressure;
- smoking;
- diabetes mellitus;
- unhe althy diet high in fats and carbohydrates;
- overweight.
The hereditary factor also plays a huge role in the development of the disease. If relatives have been diagnosed with this pathology, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis. A sedentary lifestyle can provoke the development of kinking.
Symptoms of a pathological phenomenon
The symptoms most commonly reported by people with internal carotid kinking are:
- frequent occurrence of a headache that does not go awayafter taking pain medication;
- periodically increasing noise and sound phenomena in the ears;
- periodic fainting, which can last a couple of seconds;
- fog or goosebumps;
- discoordination of movements;
- in more complex cases - speech disorders and weakness of the upper limbs.
Thus, the symptoms of kinking of the left internal carotid artery or the right one are very similar to a number of other vascular diseases, for example, vascular atherosclerosis common among the elderly. To determine the disease, it is necessary to carry out a number of necessary diagnostic procedures.

Kinking diagnostics
To detect kinking - a pathological tortuosity of the internal carotid artery, complex diagnostic measures should be taken. To begin with, the specialist conducts a survey of the patient, defining situations and identifying moments when his he alth worsened. Auscultation (listening with a phonendoscope) of the carotid arteries is mandatory to determine the presence or absence of pathological noises and measurement of blood pressure.
In addition, one of the instrumental diagnostic methods should be used:
- Ultrasound, which helps to assess the structure of the arterial vessel and its walls, as well as to learn about the quality of blood flow. Thanks to the Doppler ultrasound method, specialists determine the risk of blockage of the carotid arteries.
- Duplexa scan that allows you to clearly assess the structure of the artery by visualizing it.
- CT and MR angiography, which allow you to see each of the layers of the carotid artery and the exact localization of the pathological deformity. To improve the quality of the picture, a special contrast agent is injected into the patient's blood.
- Selective angiography. This technique involves the use of x-ray radiation. In this case, the ICA (internal carotid artery) is punctured, into the lumen of which a contrast agent is injected. As a result, the specialist receives a detailed image of the internal parts of the vessel on the monitor. This technique is used only in extreme cases, for example, it is used to determine the appropriateness of surgical intervention.

Treatment of disease
Surgical intervention is considered the only effective method of kinking therapy. In this case, surgeons cut off the extra section of the artery, straightening the vessel. As a result of such an operation, the blood supply to the head and brain is completely restored.
Since such surgery, thanks to modern medical techniques, is the least traumatic, and its implementation rarely takes more than 20 minutes, in most cases it is performed under local anesthesia. After the operation, the patient is sent to the hospital, and his discharge for outpatient treatment in the absence of complications is made in one or two days.
The efficiency of the operation is very high. All pathological symptoms completely disappear in about 95% of patients. The probability of complications is no more than 1%.
Drug therapy in this situation is ineffective, since it only alleviates the symptoms, but does not eliminate the problem itself - the pathological bending of the vessel.

Treatment in childhood
Therapy for carotid artery kinking in childhood has some peculiarities. In general, this disease began to be detected in children relatively recently, due to the lack of the necessary diagnostic equipment in most medical institutions.
Most often, a very effective method of treating kinking in children is surgery. But, given the fact that the child is in constant development, sometimes it is possible to eliminate and cure such a pathology without surgical procedures. In some cases, the tortuosity resolves on its own as the child grows. This phenomenon is observed in almost 30% of cases. It is possible to improve the blood supply to the brain and prevent the development of ischemic disorders with the help of special exercises that a specialist shows. If such exercises do not give a positive effect, doctors resort to surgical intervention, especially in situations where the child feels very ill.

Preventive measures
To avoid the development of such a pathology, it is necessary:
- stick to the basics of a he althy diet;
- control body weight, exercise moderately;
- give up bad habits;
- eliminate heavy lifting, as a result of which the pressure on the vessels increases, and the internal carotid artery begins to gradually deform.
Kinking of the carotid artery was briefly considered in the article. What is it and how to get rid of this pathology, you now know.