The adrenal glands are one of the most important and significant organs. These are endocrine paired glands that produce the production of many hormones. It is these hormones that make it possible to regulate a huge number of metabolic processes: electrolyte and water balance, a woman's ability to conceive a child, and blood pressure indicators. Adenoma is a benign tumor that occurs mainly in the glandular tissue of the adrenal glands. The development of adenoma has a gradual nature, and with untimely treatment, it can degenerate into a more dangerous, malignant tumor. Both sexes can develop this condition, but adrenal adenomas are more common in women.
The exact reasons that provoke the occurrence of adenoma in humans, scientists have not yet been able to figure out exactly. The stimulating role is most likely played by the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the release and production of adrenocorticotropic hormone. This hormone gives an impulse to the cortex to increase the production of hormones, especially if there are other favorable factors for this.
There is an opinion that the following factors influence the development of adrenal adenoma in humans:
- burdened heredity;
- harmfulhabits;
- presence of obesity;
- increased blood cholesterol levels;
- metabolic disorders;
- impaired heart function;
- unsatisfactory condition of the vascular system;
- age over 30;
- hormonal imbalance;
- had a stroke or heart attack;
- injury to internal organs.
Women are most often diagnosed with this diagnosis, which is caused by such provocateurs as:
- pregnancy;
- polycystic ovaries;
- uncontrolled use of contraceptives or hormonal substances.
The causes of adrenal adenoma in humans are not yet fully understood. But the article shows the most common factors that can provoke the growth of a benign tumor in the adrenal glands. The main thing is not to start the disease and prevent the tumor from developing into a malignant one.

General symptoms
The adrenal glands are a very important endocrine pair organ for human he alth, which is, respectively, above the kidneys. Adrenal adenoma is usually a benign tumor that, if untimely and improperly treated, can become malignant.
At the first stage of adrenal adenoma, there are practically no symptoms. The adrenal glands produce different hormones, and when a tumor appears, they can provoke a hormonal failure. In advanced form, the patient maydangerous conditions arise: for example, Cushing's syndrome (increased production of the hormone cortisol) and Kohn's syndrome (excess aldosterone).
The most sure symptom of adenoma is an unreasonable weight gain, which can occur with hormonal disorders, and an increase in blood pressure.

Symptoms in women
Symptoms of adrenal adenoma in women are such that they may experience the appearance of a large amount of hair on the body or face, the voice becomes rough, and the menstrual cycle may be disturbed. Such failures can persist for some time even after the operation, so it is extremely necessary to consult an endocrinologist when they appear. In addition to the hormonal background, an adenoma in a woman can also manifest itself with other symptoms: shortness of breath during physical work, muscle weakness and fatigue.
Symptoms in men
When corticosteroma is usually a violation of lipid metabolism, which often leads to signs of obesity, muscle atrophy may occur. With aldosterone, the body's potassium levels drop, resulting in fluid retention and increased blood pressure.
If the adrenal adenoma is small, after removal of the neoplasm, all the symptoms of the disease disappear. But it is extremely difficult to predict the result of the presence of a malignant tumor! To avoid this problem, it is necessary to take preventive measures and visit narrow specialists in a timely manner.

Neoplasms in the cortical layer of the adrenal glands are called adenomas. The disease is characterized by the absence of early symptoms and at the initial stage of development can be detected during a routine medical examination. The adenoma of the right adrenal gland, like the left one, looks like a compacted growth enclosed in a capsule.
Tumors are classified according to the presence or absence of hormonal activity. Hormone-producing formations have a negative impact on all organ systems. With the growth of such a nodule, hormonal imbalance will increase, leading to changes in the figure of men and women, bone fragility, which can provoke the development of Cushing's and Kohn's syndromes. An increase in size over 4 cm is an urgent indication for surgical intervention. The operation can be a classic abdominal one or performed by a minimally invasive laparoscopic method. In exceptional cases, radiation or chemotherapy is used to suppress tissue growth. The choice of method is carried out by the doctor based on the conclusion about the shape, type and size of the tumor. After successful surgery, a period of rehabilitation begins. It consists in appropriate hormone replacement therapy aimed at restoring the functional state of the adrenal glands.
Adenoma of the adrenal gland in a patient is detected by chance during some routine examination. After a tumor is detected, doctors face a target task: to determine the structure of the adenoma, to identify the nature of its development (benign,malignant). Research is being done to identify the type of tumor:
- Computed tomography.
- Magnetic resonance imaging.
- Biopsy of adrenal adenoma.
- Determine the amount of cortisol in the urine.
- Take small and large dexamethasone samples.
- You also need a blood test for renin, chromogranin, aldosterone, ACTH, tests for the presence of ions in the blood, calcitonins.
Computed tomography should be performed only on a good tomograph. The optimal variant of the parameters of the apparatus with the presence of sections 64, 128. During the examination, the size of the tumor, the density of the formation are studied, and pictures of the arterial veins are taken. After the examination, a decision is made about what kind of tumor. With low density - benign, with high density - malignant.
Biopsy is performed only when there is a need to determine the infection of neighboring organs. In other cases, doctors themselves try to refuse a biopsy, as this is a very traumatic research method.
Urine cortisol is determined because its meaning can be misinterpreted through the blood.
Dexamethasone tests allow the most accurate determination of the amount of cortisol released by tissues with a tumor. To conduct a test, blood is taken from the patient for analysis in the morning, after which they give a dexamethasone tablet for provocation. The next day, a blood test is taken again and the two test results are compared. When the level of cortisol after taking the pill does not decrease at least twice, do the appropriatethe conclusion is that its excretion by infected tissues is uncontrollable.
After diagnosing, identifying symptoms and treating adrenal adenoma in women and men, therapy can begin.

After diagnosing the disease, it is necessary to start treatment of adrenal adenoma in women and men as soon as possible, since a benign tumor can develop into a malignant one. With a small tumor that is inactive, the patient is under the constant supervision of oncologists who monitor the development of the tumor and, if necessary, adjust the treatment. The patient undergoes hormonal therapy, which prevents the growth of the tumor, its entry into he althy organs and stabilizes the hormonal background, and a number of tests and examinations (CT scan and blood test for hormones). If during the observation period the adenoma does not begin to grow and show hormonal activity, treatment is not necessary. Most often, the treatment of adrenal adenoma requires surgery, in which the tumor is removed.
Types of removal
There are several types of adenoma removal:
- Minimally invasive, in which three small incisions are made, the operation is performed using a video camera with built-in diodes, which gives the surgeon an overview of the internal organs. After the operation, the patient stays in the hospital for 4-6 days, after which he can be discharged. Rehabilitation with this type of surgical intervention is faster. This method of removing adenomapossible, provided that it is benign and small in size.
- Cavity. During this operation, a large incision is made in the abdominal cavity for a better view of the internal organs. It is mainly used for bilateral localization of tumors.
- More modern and safer is the lumbar extraperitoneal type of access, in which instruments are inserted through a skin puncture, and the operation is performed without affecting the abdominal cavity. To remove the tumor, either three punctures or an incision 2-3 cm long are made. The undoubted advantage of this type of operation is the minimum possibility of injury, so that the patient can be discharged after 2 days, and the invisibility of scars from the operation.
- Robotic operation. The procedure is the same as for laparoscopy. The adrenal gland is left and right. Due to the availability, it is easier to diagnose and remove a tumor from the left adrenal gland.
After surgery, the patient needs to undergo hormonal therapy for recovery, in some cases, when there is a possibility of cell re-growth, mitotane-based chemotherapy is used. High-beam therapy is prescribed at the third stage of adrenal adenoma. If the adrenal adenoma was benign in nature, then the chance of a new formation is almost zero, but if it had malignant inclusions, the success rate of treatment is approximately 40%. Diabetes mellitus, diseases of the kidneys and the genitourinary system may be contraindications to the operation.

Folk remedies
Treatment of adrenal adenoma with folk remedies has a therapeutic effect only in two cases, namely:
- In recovery.
- At the first or second stage of adenoma development.
In order to normalize the work of the adrenal glands, to reduce and maintain the required level of hormones, various herbal preparations, infusions are used.
Decoctions for the treatment of adrenal adenoma, indications and contraindications will be discussed further.
Licorice root helps to reduce the level of hormones in the blood, reduces the risk of infection.
Cooking method. Take a fresh licorice root, rinse it thoroughly and pour boiling water over it. Dry, then grind. You can buy a ready-made collection of licorice root at a pharmacy, but it is considered less effective.
Add licorice root to boiling water, let it boil for 3 minutes, and then remove from the stove. Pour into a jar, wrap and put away for 5-6 hours.
How to use. 100-200 milliliters 3 times a day, before each meal.
- Acute stage of the disease.
- Hypertension.
- Intolerance to components of licorice root.
Among other things, when preparing a decoction, you can use various components necessary to improve the functioning of the adrenal glands. For example, carrots, parsley, dandelion and so on.
Decoction of geranium leaves improves blood circulation, has an analgesic and diuretic effect.
Cooking method. Takedried or fresh geranium leaves. Grind, measure 50 grams. Pour geranium leaves in 250 milliliters of water. Leave for 5-10 minutes.
How to use. 1 glass 10-15 minutes before meals.
- Children's age (up to 10 years).
- Chronic diseases of the stomach.
- Low blood pressure;.
- Blood clotting disorders.
Infusions of medicinal herbs used to treat adrenal adenoma in men and women. Unlike conventional decoctions, infusions take longer to prepare, are more effective, but should be used with caution. Snowdrop leaves help normalize the activity of the adrenal glands, help the body heal affected tissues and prevent the growth of neoplasms.
Cooking method. It is necessary to take 70-80 flowers or snowdrop leaves. The required amount is calculated depending on body weight. Pour 70% alcohol solution, insist in a dark place for a month.
How to use. It is necessary to take courses, starting with 1 drop, and then, within a week, bring up to 20-30 drops 2 times a day, before meals. The number of drops also depends on the age and weight of the patient.

Only compliance with preventive measures can avoid the occurrence of diseases such as adrenal adenoma. This is due to the fact that medicine has not yet developed narrowly targeted measures to prevent the appearance of neoplasms. Preventive measures:
- Complete and irrevocable rejection ofall bad habits for the rest of your life.
- Monitor body weight and keep it normal.
- Using only doctor-approved medications.
- All hormonal drugs are especially banned.
- Detection and timely treatment, until complete recovery, of any pathology that can develop an adenoma.
- Visits to specialists as often as possible with a complete preventive examination, ultrasound, CT and MRI, passing the required tests and analyzes.

The disease will have a favorable prognosis if the disease is diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. Successfully completed therapy gives a chance to avoid relapse. The main danger of adrenal adenoma is the risk that the tumor will undergo transformation and become a malignant formation. If malignancy has occurred, then the forecasts become disappointing, the mortality rate reaches 50%.