Migraine is a disease that is one of the types of pain syndromes that develop in the head area. It has a paroxysmal nature. Discomfort when a problem occurs can be felt by a person for several hours, and sometimes drag on for a day or more. Most often, the characteristic manifestations of the disease are observed in women.
What causes migraine pain? What are the signs of a pathological condition? How to treat migraine with medicines and folk remedies? We will look for answers to these questions later in the publication.
Causes of migraines
Among the main factors provoking a pathological condition, the following can be noted:
- Bad heredity.
- Regular stress and emotional outbursts.
- Essential physical activity.
- Specific body reactions to weather changesconditions.
- Hormonal failures.
- Addiction to alcohol and tobacco products.
- Individual sensitivity to substances in foods that can cause vasoconstriction.
Types of migraine and clinical picture

Researchers of the problem distinguish several types of pathology: classic, associated and atypical migraine. In the first case, she announces herself by the appearance of conditional shiny dots and blurry lines before her eyes. The symptom interferes with concentration, clouding thinking. The phenomenon is called migraine aura. This condition can be observed for half an hour, after which there is a headache, nausea and the urge to vomit. Often, discomfort is complemented by a change in the shade of the face, profuse tearing, redness of the whites of the eyes. There is an increase in pressure in the temporal artery.
In associative migraine attacks, the above symptoms alternate with stable neurological phenomena. We are talking about partial paralysis of the muscles that are responsible for the movement of the eyes, as well as facial facial tissues. With this course of the disease, mental disorders can develop.
If we talk about atypical migraine attacks, in this case, the patient begins to fall into euphoria or be in a depressive state. Such manifestations are accompanied by the development of pain in the area around the orbits of the eyes. Gradually, discomfort flows into the frontal lobe, approaches the temples, the back of the head and neck. Nausea and vomiting with such a migraine are often supplemented by an increasebody temperature, congestion of the upper respiratory tract. A distinctive feature of the pathological condition in this form is the appearance of head pain when going to bed or immediately after waking up.
Migraine - which doctor to see?
If characteristic symptoms of pathology are noted, it is first recommended to visit a therapist. The general practitioner will listen to the main complaints and determine which doctor to go to in order to address the root cause of the discomfort.
Most often, migraine patients receive a referral to a neurologist. In some cases, it may be necessary to consult an endocrinologist, orthopedist, otolaryngologist. Sometimes specific toothaches are similar to the signs of a migraine, which forces you to seek help from a dentist. As the causes of discomfort, doctors may note a chronic runny nose, increased sugar levels, jumps in blood pressure.
Using Nurofen for migraines looks like a good option, as the drug produces a pronounced sedative, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. The effectiveness of the drug in a pathological condition is also due to the ability to eliminate the spasmodic syndrome. By blocking the sensitivity of nerve endings, the drug makes it possible to dull the sensation of pain.
How to treat migraine with a pharmacological agent? When the first signs of illness appear, take a Nurofen tablet with a small amount of water. Then they wait for the relief of the condition, whichusually occurs within the next 25 minutes. If the pain is not completely relieved, take another dose of the drug. The result is the removal of physical discomfort for up to 4-5 hours.

"Zomig" is a pharmacological composition that belongs to the category of triptans. The action of the drugs of the presented plan is to change the lumen of the cerebral vessels. The result is a change in sensitivity to pain. Taking triptans for migraine is indicated not only in the presence of severe discomfort in the head area, but also in case of accompanying phenomena in the form of nausea and vomiting, sound and photophobia.
Troubleshooting with Zomig is as follows. To suppress an attack, the medication is taken at a dosage of 2.5 mg, which corresponds to one capsule. In case of return of discomfort, they resort to repeated use of the medicine after 2 hours. In this case, it is important not to exceed the daily allowance, which is equal to the amount of 15 mg of the active substance.
"Sumamigren" is an effective triptan for migraine, which not only affects the cerebral vessels, but also stimulates the production of serotonin in the body, known as the “feel good hormone”. The medicine relieves pain, replacing unpleasant sensations with an emotional upsurge. An effective solution to the use of such a remedy for migraine looks like in the initial stages of an attack.
What aredrug dosage? If a migraine is noted in a teenager, the medication is taken in an amount of 5 mg, which allows you to feel relief for half an hour. Adults use a double rate of the substance. Re-admission is allowed. However, the daily dose should not exceed 20 mg of the drug.

How to treat a migraine? An excellent option is the use of the pharmacological agent "Relpax". The active components of the drug affect the receptors that are responsible for changing the lumen of the cerebral vessels and the production of the hormone serotonin. The medicine also has the ability to eliminate inflammatory processes of a neurogenic nature.
An anti-migraine tablet is swallowed with water. Take the medication as early as possible, when the first signs of an attack appear. If the discomfort typical of the pathological condition again makes itself felt within 24 hours, take another capsule of the drug. The maximum daily dose of the drug is no more than 160 mg, which corresponds to four tablets of the drug.
Taking the drug "Naramig" provides a narrowing of the cerebral arteries, relieves irritation of the trigeminal nerve, and also stimulates an active blood flow to the tissues of the meninges. The effect is the removal of puffiness in these areas, which makes it possible to stop the main manifestations of migraine.
When a problem occurs, doctors advise taking Naramig in an amount of 2.5 mg at a time. Wheninsufficient quality relief of manifestations of discomfort, use the second dose of the drug after 4 hours. The maximum allowable rate is 5 mg per day.

Regular visits to a professional psychotherapist will help ease migraine attacks. Experienced specialists have effective practices that make it possible to eliminate the prerequisites for the development of a pathological condition. The solution will determine the emotional factors that provoke a migraine. This approach to treatment has the right to life, since pain is often concentrated in certain areas of the cerebral cortex under the influence of strong feelings and emotional upheavals.
You can try to determine the cause of migraine development on your own, without consulting a psychotherapist. For this purpose, it is recommended to keep a diary where events that could potentially lead to a problem will be noted. You need to write down exactly when the headache starts, as well as what provokes its intensification. After analyzing the information received after a while, it is possible to determine the mental factors that lead to the onset of migraine.
Massaging for a migraine has the potential to release the "vice" that is squeezing the head. Traditional healers recommend resorting to the procedure as early as possible, which will increase the chances of quickly getting rid of an attack. How is migraine treated in this way? The secret to making yourself feel better is to act according to thissequences:
- Using two fingers to massage the area between the eyebrows.
- Stimulate points above the brow ridges.
- Working on areas near the outer corners of the eyes.
- Return to the area above the eyebrows and pass the fingers to the top of the forehead.
- From the top of the head, gradually move on to the study of the back of the head.
- Finally, lightly tap the spine in the cervical region.
Egg with milk
If migraine develops during pregnancy, what should I do? In such a situation, it is worth using one proven, absolutely safe folk method. For the preparation of medicines, raw eggs are used. The latter is broken into a glass. Milk is heated to a boil, then poured into a container with an egg. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The composition is drunk in slow sips. The procedure is repeated daily. As practice shows, taking a course of such therapy for several weeks makes it possible to forget about migraines for a long time.
Mint infusion

If a migraine develops, how to relieve pain at home? To improve well-being, it is enough to use an infusion of peppermint. The essence of the preparation is as follows. Vegetable raw materials in the amount of a tablespoon are poured with a glass of boiling water. The composition is boiled over low heat for ten minutes. After the liquid has cooled to room temperature, another 250 ml of warm boiled water is added here. In order to combat migraine, the medicine is taken according toa third of a glass two or three times a day.
Aloe decoction
A wonderful therapeutic solution for migraine is the use of a decoction prepared using aloe. For these purposes, several large leaves of the plant are taken. The raw materials are carefully crushed, after which they are poured with several liters of water. The composition is placed on a small fire. As soon as the aloe pulp is boiled well, the container is removed from the stove and the liquid is allowed to cool to room temperature. The resulting broth is slowly poured over the head 2-3 times a day, which allows you to relieve pain during migraines.
Infusion of Herbaceous Elderberry
A good folk remedy for migraine is an infusion of herbaceous elderberry. A medicine is prepared using the inflorescences of the plant. A tablespoon of dried collection is doused with boiled water in an amount of just over a glass. The container with the composition is tightly covered with a lid and allowed to brew for half an hour. The liquid is filtered, after which a teaspoon of honey is added here. The resulting composition is stirred. Use a remedy for migraine 50 ml three times a day shortly before meals.
Taking a mustard bath
Achieve rapid relief from migraine will help water procedures using mustard powder. To achieve the desired result, proceed as follows. Mustard flour is poured into half a glass of boiling water and stirred until a composition of a mushy consistency is formed. The mixture is added to a hot bath and then immersed in water. The procedure is continued for 15-20 minutes. The solution makes it possible to increase blood flow to the tissues of the membranesbrain, which has a positive effect on well-being with migraines.
Apple cider vinegar

Treatment of migraine is facilitated by the use of inhalations based on apple cider vinegar vapors. To prepare the healing composition, a glass of such raw materials is used. The base of the product is combined with the same amount of water. The mixture is poured into a wide saucepan and put on a slow fire. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, tilt your head over the container. Rising vapors of apple cider vinegar are inhaled 5-7 times, after which they take a short break. The procedure is continued until all the liquid has boiled out of the pan. As a rule, after applying such a solution, the headache noticeably decreases.
To suppress regular bouts of unbearable headaches, a remedy based on beeswax will help. Such raw materials are melted in a water bath. The substance is distributed over plastic lids from cans. After cooling, the wax circles are removed from the molds. The tool is pressed tightly to the forehead and temples. After about an hour, the discomfort subsides. Wax blanks can be reused after washing them under running water.
St. John's wort
To prepare an effective migraine remedy, use a tablespoon of the dried collection of a medicinal plant. The basis of the medicine is poured with a glass of boiled water. The container with the composition is placed on the stove and held at low heat for ten minutes. Then the infusion is cooled to room temperature. Get rid of migraine attacks allows you to usefunds for a quarter cup three times a day shortly before meals.
Infusion of lemon balm

Melissa is a well-known medicinal plant that has been successfully used in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, including migraines. To eliminate the typical symptoms of a pathological condition, the following remedy is prepared. About three tablespoons of crushed dry grass collection is poured with a glass of boiling water. The tool is allowed to brew for an hour. The composition is filtered and the resulting liquid is consumed several sips 3-4 times a day.
Clover Infusion
To prepare a remedy for migraine, collect a handful of meadow clover flowers. The plant base of the medicine is poured with a glass of boiled water and allowed to brew well. After about an hour, the liquid is filtered. Take a healing infusion after waking up and before going to bed for half a glass. This therapy option makes it possible to significantly reduce migraine attacks throughout the month.
Potato based compress
Successfully fight against protracted migraine attacks allows the use of the so-called cap of potato mass. In order to prepare the product, the vegetable is ground on a fine grater. The resulting raw material is combined with several tablespoons of milk. The remedy is applied to the areas of the head where the most pronounced pain is felt. The potato mass is covered with a tight bandage. The composition is not washed off for an hour. To relieve severe symptoms of migraine, the procedure is repeated.daily for two weeks.
Instead of a conclusion
As you can see, to combat migraine attacks, there is a wide list of fairly effective medication and folk solutions. To accelerate the effect of the use of certain therapeutic agents, it is worth using the so-called principle of three "T". We are talking about being in a quiet, dark and warm room. In the room, it is important to curtain the windows, turn off any household appliances that are capable of making sounds. Acting in this way, you can get back to normal pretty soon.