Toenails hurt: causes and treatments. Ingrown toenail

Toenails hurt: causes and treatments. Ingrown toenail
Toenails hurt: causes and treatments. Ingrown toenail

Nails are horny protective formations on human fingers. Their main function is protective. They protect the terminal phalanges and nerve endings from damage. Sometimes, due to mechanical damage, fungal infection or inflammation, toenails hurt. What to do and how to eliminate the disease, we will talk in more detail in the article.

What should a he althy nail look like?

Nails are the calling card of our state of he alth. A he althy nail color and its shiny surface speaks of good care and excellent he alth.

sore corner of toenail
sore corner of toenail

A normal nail is determined by 3 criteria:

  • smooth surface, no seals;
  • pink;
  • no pain when pressed.

A change in at least one of these signs indicates that negative changes are taking place in the body. Pain, deformation of the nail plate are alarming signals of a serious illness. Perhaps a change in the shape and color of the nail plate is the onlysymptoms of its occurrence. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately respond to the problem in order to avoid serious complications.

Toenails hurt: what is it

Pain of the nail plates can appear both at rest and when walking. The nature of unpleasant sensations can be different: burning, numbness, tingling and aching pain. If these pains occur, immediately pay attention to the condition of the nail. Is the nail plate damaged? What color is she?

Why do my toenails hurt?

The occurrence of pain on the nails can characterize various diseases. If your toenails hurt, the reasons may be as follows:

  • mechanical damage;
  • infectious disease;
  • fungal infection;
  • diseases of a non-fungal nature.

It is necessary to consider in detail each of the causes of pain in the nails.

Mechanical damage

Toenails often hurt for reasons beyond our control. So, damage can be mechanical. They are divided into two types:

  1. Due to injury. Most often, this is the reason that causes severe pain in the nails. With each physical impact, the fingers take on the main load. As a result, the nail plate may tear, you can pinch your finger. If the damage is severe, the nail may darken or die completely.
  2. why do toenails hurt
    why do toenails hurt

    This can only happen if the bruise takes up 1/3 of the nail. A new plate grows only 3-4 months later. Moreover, the natural color of the nail also does not return immediately.

  3. Onychocryptosis - this is the name of the disease when the plate grows into the nail fold. This phenomenon often occurs on the big toe. This is an extremely unpleasant disease. The main symptom is an ingrown toenail accompanied by pain, bleeding and inflammation of the soft tissue is possible. The pain may be exacerbated by wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes while walking. Purulent discharge from damaged, inflamed tissue is not uncommon in this condition.

The nail can grow in these cases:

  • wrongly done pedicure;
  • when wearing very tight and narrow shoes;
  • due to a fungal disease;
  • congenital predisposition;
  • orthopedic foot pathology.

Onychocryptosis is dangerous for those who have diabetes and suffer from vascular disorders. As a result, stagnation of blood occurs in the lower extremities. An ingrown nail is a provocateur of gangrene development.

If the pain is on the big toes

With severe pain in the big toe in the nail area, we can safely talk about the inflammatory process. Most often this is a manifestation of panaritium or scleronychia. Perhaps the pain is caused by mechanical damage or the process of detachment of the edge of the nail plate. A change in color is evidence of a fungal infection.

If you feel a sharp pain in the joint of the big toe, then this is a specific symptom of gout, psoriatic arthritis or polyosteoarthritis.

In case of injury or mechanicalThe damage most often affects the big toe. Infection with a fungal infection is almost never observed only on one nail plate. In most cases, the fungus will spread to neighboring fingers as well. With such a pathology, not only the nail hurts, but the skin in the periungual space and between other fingers can also peel off.

Under the nail

If the nail hurts, you need to make sure that the plate does not grow into the skin. Onychocryptosis is very difficult to treat, especially in advanced cases. Therefore, it is better to stop the process in time, until the nail plate has grown completely along the entire lateral part.

ingrown toenail
ingrown toenail

If the corner of the toenail hurts, then this is the first alarm signal about an ingrown toenail. It means that you cut the nail corners incorrectly, the pedicure technique is not followed.

Fever, pulsation, purulent discharge, sharp pain under the plate - symptoms of subungual panaritium.

When pressed

Toenail hurts when pressed. Pay attention to the color of the nail plate. If deposits of white, yellow colors are noticeable, thickening is noticeable, nail tissue grows, an unpleasant smell - a fungal infection on the face.

causes sore toenails
causes sore toenails

Only a qualified doctor can determine the type of fungal pathogen.

Also, pain when pressed can occur if you regularly wear tight, uncomfortable shoes. Therefore, when you press the nail at rest, you will feel pain.

After nail polish removal

Sore nailson the legs after removing the varnish? Often such a complaint can be heard from girls. Regular nail polish removal with acetone thins the nail plate. Her condition is deteriorating markedly. The likelihood of developing a fungal infection increases. The situation is correctable if you use moisturizing oils and a complex of vitamins. Doctors recommend temporarily giving up chemical pedicures.

Infectious and fungal diseases

Inflammatory processes are accompanied by changes inside the body - all this indicates fungal diseases. The microflora is disturbed. Nail pain can be caused by these fungal diseases:

  • Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nail plate. The disease is caused by damage to dermatophytes and microspores. The color of the nail changes, the plate thickens, and may partially collapse. Stripes and spots may appear. Localization of the lesion is different: all or part of the nails may be infected.
  • Infection of the nail grooves. The reason is the splitting of the nail plate in the longitudinal and transverse directions.
  • Rubromycosis is caused by red trichophyton. The disease leads to thickening or thinning of the nail plate. The nail becomes brittle.
  • Candidiasis can appear after cuts during the pedicure procedure. As additional signs: inflammation and swelling.
  • sore toenails treatment
    sore toenails treatment
  • Panaritium - pyogenic bacteria get inside the nail through small cracks or wounds, causing inflammation.
  • Ringworm is an infectious diseasewhich extends from the edge to the end of the nail. Infected parts of the plate become colorless and thicken.
  • Addermophytosis is a disease in which the fungus affects not only the nail, but the skin around it. This changes the color and shape of the nail plate. An inflammatory process appears.

Epidemiologists have identified a way of transmission of such infections: contact-household through household items. The level of sanitary culture is determined by the person himself.

The cause of toenail pain can be hidden by skin and sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis, psoriasis, etc.).

What to treat?

When toenails hurt, the treatment should be an experienced doctor, based on the individual characteristics of the patient's body. With neglected household dermatosis with a fungal infection, the specialist prescribes potent drugs orally.

Drugs are indicated for the following conditions:

  1. With onychomycosis and fungal infections: antimycotic ointments: "Lamisil", "Exoderil", "Canison"; antifungal ointments: Fluconazole, Mycozoral.
  2. With panaritium: antibacterial local therapy: "Amoxiclav", "Tsiprolet".
  3. Treatment with corticosteroids, heparin, and antihistamines for ringworm.

It is important to start treatment on time, even if your toenails hurt. The consequences of onychocryptosis and other diseases are quite serious. The development of purulent inflammation and swelling of soft tissues is possible. Moreover, this type of inflammation can lead toloss of a finger and its motor function. With improper treatment or ignoring the problem, complications can be for the whole body. The most dangerous is sepsis (blood poisoning). This disease can be fatal. With purulent inflammation of the thumbnail in pregnant women, the risk of infecting not only your body, but also the fetus with an infection increases.


If you follow simple rules of hygiene, you can avoid the appearance of serious diseases. To prevent the integrity of the nail plate and the development of fungal diseases, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • regularly cleanse the skin of dead cells with a pumice stone;
  • use moisturizing lotions and oils after a pedicure to strengthen the nail plate;
  • do not go to unverified pedicure masters, otherwise you can get an infection when using a dirty tool;
  • sore toenails consequences
    sore toenails consequences
  • when visiting swimming pools, beaches and nail salons, observe safety measures and use antifungal agents;
  • choose comfortable shoes according to size;
  • monitor your diet (saturate your diet with fish, fruits, vegetables, pork);
  • support your immunity, especially during stress and overload of the body.

Do not use acetone to remove nail polish. Since it leads to damage and delamination of the nail plate. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

toenail hurts when pressed
toenail hurts when pressed

Letyour nails will always be he althy!
