Despite the fact that modern medicine knows the causes of thousands of diseases, doctors cannot yet say anything specific about what provokes lipoma. This is one of the understudied pathologies. At the same time, almost every one of us understands what a lipoma is. People call her a wen. In fact, this is the definition of pathology.
Short description
Lipoma in ICD-10 has a separate code D17 "Benign neoplasm of adipose tissue". By itself, it is a benign formation resembling an elastic solid knot. Lipoma does not cause significant discomfort, despite the likelihood of a rapid increase in size. At the same time, it is impossible not to note cases when complex pathological processes begin to occur inside the wen, leading to irreversible complications and terrible consequences. This is the main argument in favor of immediate medical attention, diagnosis and treatment.
When asked what a lipoma is, many consider it harmlessbody defect. Fatty subcutaneous formation really has an unaesthetic appearance and, if localized in a conspicuous place, spoils the appearance of the patient. Such a wen can occur almost everywhere: on the back, shoulders, chest, face. There is a lipoma on the neck, mammary gland, in the groin.

Unlike other benign tumors, this one has clear boundaries, its shape does not change when pressed. Zhirovik sometimes appears on the tissues of the internal organs, but in this case, its presence can adversely affect their work. Such lipomas are more dangerous than skin lipomas.
Classification of formations
According to the internal composition, wen are divided into:
- Myolipomas are half muscle fibers.
- Angiolipomas - the formation of a tumor occurs from pathologically altered blood vessels, cells of fat, muscle and connective tissue.
- Fibrolipomas - arise from subcutaneous fat and fibrous tissue.
- Myxolipoma is a formation that produces mucus.
Only a qualified specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and establish the cause of the disease, therefore, if a specific formation appears on the body, regardless of its location, it is impossible to postpone a visit to the doctor. Remember: even a seemingly harmless seal can turn out to be a cancerous tumor.
What provokes
As already mentioned, doctors are not yet ready to name the exact causes of lipoma. It is assumed that this is a benign formationof unknown etiology occurs against the background of failures in metabolic processes. Wen appear as a result of the accumulation of fat cells and their further growth. Ignoring the signs of the disease, a benign tumor can grow to a huge size. Then it will no longer be just a harmless cosmetic defect.
It is possible to understand what a lipoma is without much difficulty, but it is still impossible to find out the etiology of the disease. However, researchers agree on the most likely causes of it. In their opinion, provoking factors can be:
- hormonal disorders in the body;
- metabolic disorders;
- unbalanced diet and bad habits;
- diseases of the liver, kidneys;
- hereditary predisposition;
- functional disorders in the work of the pancreas, thyroid gland;
- chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis;
- diabetes.

A favorable background for the development of education can be considered an inactive lifestyle, lack of movement, physical activity. Wen are found with the same frequency in both adults and children. In order to prevent any complications, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and undergo the necessary examination.
Symptoms of disease
As a rule, wen occur in places where there is an accumulation of adipose tissue. At first, they seem like a small, soft lump that you can feel for yourself. Education increases in size slowly, but if not on timetake no action, it can reach gigantic proportions and even surpass the size of an apple.
Each type of tumor, depending on its location, corresponds to a separate marking in the ICD-10. Lipomas can form under the skin:
- D17.0 - heads, faces, necks;
- D17.1 - torso;
- D17.2 – limbs.
Wen on the internal organs are classified as formations:
- D17.4 - chest organs;
- D17.5 - abdominal and retroperitoneal space;
- D17.6 - spermatic cord;
- D17.7–D17.9 – other and unspecified localizations.
Most often, the places where a wen appears are the arms and legs, back (in this case, the formation can significantly interfere with movement and create discomfort). A common occurrence is a lipoma on the head: a tumor can occur both under the hair and on the face. A wen formed on the head usually has a spherical shape, its contents resemble subcutaneous tissue. Such a tumor is mobile. Lipoma on the neck and head is often differentiated from sebaceous duct cysts, since both pathologies have similar external manifestations. In this case, the cyst occurs in the tissues of the output of the sebaceous ducts, and the lipoma - under the skin.
Lipoma of internal organs
There are cases when such a benign tumor developed in the brain. At the same time, the main symptom for patients was the background headache, nausea, and other manifestations associated with an increase in intracranial pressure. After hearing the diagnosis, many patientsfearfully ask the doctor: "What is it and how to treat it?". Lipoma of the internal organs is removed only by surgery.
Often in medical practice there is lipomatosis of the pancreas. The cause of the disease is often chronic alcoholism, diabetes mellitus, chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Wen of this variety tend to grow faster than those that form on the skin. It is the large size of the formation that causes discomfort.
Breast lipoma in women is triggered by wearing too tight underwear. Fibrolipoma is formed in the breast against the background of hormonal failure, frequent pregnancies or prolonged continuous use of contraceptives. In isolated cases, a lipoma can become malignant, moving from a benign to a malignant form. To prevent the development of breast cancer, all women over the age of 40 should have an annual consultation with a mammologist.
There is one significant difference between a fat seal that has appeared on the skin (for example, on the back) and a lipoma of the internal organs. The external wen does not hurt, it is purely aesthetic in nature, and the internal tumor brings a lot of discomfort. If a lipoma appears on the internal organs, it significantly interferes with their full-fledged work, which leads to a deterioration in general well-being, loss of efficiency. The patient may experience:
- nausea;
- vomit;
- headaches;
- loss of appetite;
- high blood pressure;
- discomfort when probing the seal.

The symptoms of a lipoma that affects the body from the inside will directly depend on the functions and purpose of a particular internal organ. Thus, in order to avoid the development of cancerous processes, a person must instantly respond to the appearance of any seal on his body, even if it turns out to be a harmless wen.
How to identify a lipoma
Taking into account all of the above symptoms, the conclusion suggests itself that there are no difficulties in diagnosing fatty formation. If a formation with felt boundaries is felt under the skin, there is practically no doubt - this is a wen. In any case, it is better to show the tumor to the doctor. Such neoplasms may indicate inflammation of the lymph nodes, as well as be of a malignant nature.
For advice, you should contact the surgeon. The doctor, in addition to a visual examination, will refer the patient to undergo instrumental examinations:
- ultrasound;
- CT;
- MRI;
- radiography.
What is a lipoma? This is a benign tumor, and to make sure it is safe, a biopsy is done. Wen samples are sent for cytological examination.
If a lipoma appears in the breast, the woman will be scheduled for a mammogram. By the way, the mammary glands are organs that are most susceptible to the formation of non-malignant and cancerous tumors.
Despite the multiple causes of lipoma formation, there is only one way to treat this disease - surgery. Zhiroviki, although they do not pose a threat to life, require urgentremoval, especially when it comes to internal formations.
Treatment methods
There are several ways to get rid of a lipoma. Surgery is traditional. The lipoma is removed by a radical "classical" method: an incision is made above the place where the wen has formed and the tumor is removed. The advantages of a surgical operation are a guarantee of a complete cure and the absence of relapses in the future. The disadvantages of the intervention, many include a scar on the skin after removal of the lipoma. Modern medicine has ways and tools to avoid this. For the treatment of lipomas on the head, neck and face, the surgical method is not used today. It was replaced with a cosmetic procedure.
Lipoma laser removal is performed under local anesthesia. This method of treating benign tumors is non-invasive, as it does not injure the skin and is considered the safest, not requiring long-term tissue healing. The only disadvantage of laser lipoma removal is the cost of such a procedure. In Moscow, the removal of a wen will cost the patient between 3,000 and 11,000 rubles.

Laparotomy is the third way to get rid of a neoplasm of a lipoma of an internal organ, similar to surgery. However, unlike conventional intervention, this one is less invasive. To remove the lipoma, small tissue incisions are made. There are no scars and scars after laparotomy.
Liposuction is another lipoma treatment option. The price of such a procedure is cheaper than the cost of laser removal (average isabout 3-5 thousand rubles). The essence of liposuction is the softening and suction of the wen using a special device. Penetration is carried out with a thin needle, so there are no traces of intervention in patients. However, this method cannot be called perfect: the chances of re-formation of the tumor remain.
Folk ways
Removal of a wen is the only effective treatment for lipomatosis. However, most patients use additional folk remedies. They will not help remove the lipoma. Meanwhile, alternative therapy can stop the growth of a benign tumor. Further details of the most common and effective folk recipes for the treatment of lipoma at home.
Tincture of lemon with garlic
This remedy has proven itself in the treatment of skin and subcutaneous formations. To prepare the balm, you will need two lemons and 4-5 cloves of garlic, 0.5 liters of vodka. The raw materials are crushed, cut into thin plates and poured with alcohol, after which they are sent to a dark place for a week.
Ready balm is used externally as compresses, applied to the seal. Keep on the skin for no more than 15 minutes. You can take the balm inside. It is said to cleanse clogged glands and blood vessels.
Outwardly, this product resembles a jellyfish, so at first glance it may seem disgusting. However, kombucha has a beneficial effect on the body, lowering cholesterol levels and removing toxins, toxins, and harmful substances. It is necessary to tear off a small piece from it andapply to the tumor. It is important to do the procedure several times. If you believe the reviews, a small lipoma passes very quickly. Many say that not even a trace remains.

Honey compress
With a large lipoma, folk remedies will be ineffective, but if the wen is small and has arisen recently, and its probable cause is hidden in the blockage of the sebaceous glands, this simple remedy will do. A compress of honey and medical alcohol is prepared in a ratio of 2: 1, i.e. for 100 g of natural bee product, 50 ml of alcohol will be needed. Everything is thoroughly mixed and rubbed into the place of compaction throughout the day.
Recipes for lipomatosis of internal organs
To prepare a collection of calendula, valerian, St. John's wort and nettle, you need to mix all the components in equal proportions, after which one tablespoon of the resulting mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and left under the lid overnight. In the morning, the finished product is filtered and taken 2 tbsp. l. every two hours. The duration of the course of therapy is 1-2 months. To prevent the recurrence of lipoma, it is recommended to undergo treatment twice a year.
Good results in the treatment of wen are given by the herb volodushka. To prepare the infusion, use its dry root (10 g). Raw materials are poured with cold water and put on fire, brought to a boil. As soon as the product has cooled, it must be filtered. You need to take the medicine on an empty stomach three times a day. The course of treatment is 2 months.

Usealso an infusion of birch buds and bean leaves. The crushed ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. The ratio of water and therapeutic mixture is the same as in the previous recipe: 1 tbsp. l. 250 ml of boiling water. Half an hour is enough to infuse the drink, after which the agent is filtered and drunk three times a day, 70 ml before meals. According to user reviews, the first positive changes occur after 2 weeks of use.
Folk remedies in the treatment of lipomas are used as additional. Often with their help, they prevent the occurrence of recurrent formations. At the same time, in order to prevent wen, it is important to follow the main recommendation - to lead a he althy lifestyle.
Could there be complications
Lipoma is an accumulation of fatty deposits under the skin or on the internal organs, which does not threaten the life of the patient. It is important to consider that the cause of its occurrence can be various hormonal and metabolic disorders in the body. The consequences of such failures are unpredictable, so the treatment of lipoma should be considered immediately.
Sometimes a simple wen develops into cancer. Oncology develops if the lipoma is encapsulated, and irreversible cell division processes begin inside it. The longer the tumor is ignored by the patient, the higher the likelihood of developing liposarcoma, a malignant tumor. A harbinger of cancer can be prolonged inflammation, which is evidenced by:
- external hyperemia;
- pain;
- rapid tumor growth;
- filling the wen with liquid.
Whenthe appearance of one or more signs, you should immediately contact a specialist. It is important that the patient understands how dangerous the lipoma becomes in this case, what it is and how to treat it after it turns into cancer. The best prevention of liposarcoma is the timely removal of a benign neoplasm.

Lipoma in childhood
Often this disease is diagnosed in babies. If the tumor does not increase in size and does not fester, it does not pose any danger to the child. Most often, a wen occurs on the head. When a seal appears under the skin of a child, it is imperative to show a specialist and pass all the necessary tests to exclude the oncological nature of the neoplasm.
Treatment of lipoma in children is carried out in the same way as in adults - surgically. In this case, self-medication is impossible in any case. According to external manifestations, lipomatosis is similar to such complex diseases as:
- Lymphadenitis is an inflammation of the lymph nodes, in which seals appear on the body in the form of subcutaneous lumps. In most cases, they are located behind the ears. The disease develops against the background of infectious and inflammatory processes in the body.
- Mumps (mumps). The disease is characterized by an increase in body temperature, weakness, chills, the formation of characteristic bumps behind the ears caused by inflammation of the salivary glands.
- Cyst. It can manifest itself in different ways, most often occurs on the neck or head, it is formed in utero. Treatment must be carried out inurgently.
In any case, a neoplasm that has appeared on the body of a child should be evaluated by a specialist. The doctor will determine if there is any danger in it or not. If necessary, treatment will be prescribed. If you make independent attempts to get rid of the lipoma, complications and relapses are not excluded.
The etiology of the disease is not fully understood by medicine. Like any other disease, wen is better to prevent than to treat. When a lipoma occurs under the skin, the causes should be sought in the metabolism. Wen on the internal organs are most likely provoked by malnutrition, which involves the use of foods enriched with cholesterol and chemical additives.